No Confession Between Friends


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In a surprising twist of emotions, Yuwon finds himself grappling with newfound feelings for his childhood companion of 18 years, Hyun Gyujin. Despite Gyujin’s consistent care for Yuwon’s fragile health, each interaction intensifies Yuwon’s emotions, leading him to make the difficult decision of distancing himself from Gyujin. However, Gyujin confronts Yuwon about his feelings, asking if he likes him, and despite initial awkwardness, Gyujin nonchalantly proposes starting a romantic relationship.

Overnight, the two transition from childhood friends to partners, but the journey proves to be more challenging than expected. Despite warnings to be cautious and avoid discovery, the complexities of navigating a romantic relationship with a longtime friend unfold. Yuwon, who initially feared jeopardizing their friendship, now faces the intricate dynamics of turning their deep connection into a romantic bond, presenting unforeseen challenges and uncertainties.

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친구 사이 고백 금지
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1 Review

Dec 17, 2024
Status: Completed
Why is there no reviews for this novel??? It's really good, feels like a fluffy warm hug for the soul.

If you're looking for a soft, not overly angsty, light novel, then this should be your next reading. Sure, it's kinda long and sometimes it kinda feels like they drag the plot for too much sometimes, but it's actually very worth the read. Especially if you're into the friends-to-lovers trope.

It was refreshing to see such healthy and communicative characters too, we can see the characters grow up a lot through the... more>> story, and altough they do have some misunderstandings, they don't let it drag for long and always talk it out.

I totally recommend it! <<less
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