My Tsundere Childhood Friend Forced Me to Pretend as Her Boyfriend, but When I Realized Her True Intentions, There Was No Way Out


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The main character, Kirishima Saito, had a childhood friend, Yakumo Marina, who had gradually distanced herself from him. Saito and Marina haven’t even had a proper conversation since they grew up to adolescence.

One day, someone called Saito to the rooftop to talk about something important, but Marina was present there. As soon as Marina saw him, she ordered him to become her fake boyfriend to avoid men.

“Can you please play the role of my boyfriend? You have two choices for the answer: ‘Yes’ or ‘YES’”

However, he didn’t yet know that her intentions were something else.

This is a story of a guy who thought he was a fake boyfriend, but before he knew it, he became her real boyfriend…

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A Story About How a Tsundere Childhood Friend Ordered Me to Be Her Fake Boyfriend, so I Had No Choice but to Pretend to Be Her Boyfriend, but in Fact It Was All a Trick, and When I Realized It, I Had No Way to Escape Completely
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Vringi rated it
August 19, 2024
Status: c7
All I have say for a moment is that I hope there will be more translations of this story.

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I expecially like that we got tsundere girl who got with boy she likes, while still being tsundere. And Marina is a real tsundere, not just s*upid girl without brain like in many more stories. She takes good advice into a heart (Saito's sister is a one who made her realise if she will just wait to be confessed, Saito can be taken away) and use "fake dating" to secure her place as Saito's girlfriend - not some unlogical b*llsh*t with dating someone else to make Saito jealous - that would only work on some obsessive chads, not a mob like Saito.


As for now I'm really satisfied but I have one complain - Saito is really boring bur maybe that because I read only 7 chapters. <<less
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