My Sadistic Romance


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Pure Love SM Water + Alpha Omega BL.

I, ‘Seoyoon’, am being forced into an SM relationship by exploiting my weaknesses. The other person is my best friend’s lover, a wealthy handsome man named ‘Minjoon’. I really didn’t want this kind of unhealthy relationship. However, one day onwards, I find myself becoming intoxicated with the connection. Tonight when the lights go out, I open my mouth to him, calling him ‘Master’. One day, I got to know a secret that I couldn’t tell even the Master. A secret XX play between a sadistic Dom and a masochistic Sub.

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나의 가학적 로맨스
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2 Reviews sorted by

February 29, 2024
Status: c18.2
In the spoiler below it's a very harsh and long comment towards the quality of the translation. It can be skipped. I made the review when I just finished the 18.1 chapter.

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The """TL"""" should be embarassed for the job done.

It's a MTL that is slightlyyyy edited (probably, but could as well not be) in the beginning and then all hell is let loose and the quality, that is already questionable, drops in a pit. By the time you realize it, you spend more time trying to understand what the MTL is saying than reading.

This took me WAY more to read than other novels of 90-100 chapters I finished in a day or so. Why? Because it becomes like a puzzle piece you need to do blind to kind of get the gist of what the chapter is about.

It started as questionable word choices, to "she" instead of "he" (classic), to some "you" instead of "I" and viceversa, plus some words in the wrong tense, but it was still readable. The further you read, the luckier you feel when you stumble upon lines that MAKE any sense. You have no idea who is talking, what they are talking about, what they are referring to, what's even happening (eg. out of nowhere it's said ML is making out with MC, but it can't be! MC didn't give ML permission to do that, so what is the text saying? well, it does not matter because later in the chapter it says they are kissing... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME, so what was up about the sudden make-out line earlier? who knows! BUT IT'S OKAY, because it gets worse, like when MC and ML haven't seen each other for months and ML says "we haven't seen each other in years" AND RIGHT AFTER MC laments or says it has been months/weeks since they haven't seen each other or something similar), so on so on. NOT TO MENTION THE TEXT WILL REPEAT ITSELF RANDOMLY IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAPTERS.

I can't believe this quality is behind A PAY WALL. Are you telling me some people had to pay to read this? I feel bad for them. The group should not allow such "translations", it's an embarassing thing to see.

I will probably finish it because I got too far. But I would not recommend this to anyone for reading.


Update: I could not bring myself up to finish this story. Dropped.

I read the next chapter out (18.2) and saw improvements in the way it was edited and translated. But the story itself is horrible. I can't wait to delete this from my memory forever. <<less
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AllShipper rated it
August 28, 2024
Status: Completed

Hmm. The first half of this was interesting to me but I started calling on BS when ... more>>

the MC decided to be a single dad and rejected the ML'S chances to make them better. Statements whereby he repeatedly says or tell others that the ML is terrible and I'm like how? The ML wasn't without his shortcomings but he really didn't treat the MC badly and he deserved a right to explain and to be a father. The MC wasn't without his own flaws too. Although, the MC later came around, the whole situation seem dragged.


Also, the chemistry and dialogues in the second half seem dry. It was as if the writer got tired of the story. The dialogues and actions seem monotone and robotic to me. Like auto.

I do feel like we were deprived of the ML'S POV.

Instead of his POV being on how he reacted and what he went through after the ML's disappearance, we got a not so necessary account of the former events😑


The translation also got worse over the chapters.

Anyways, a good read. <<less
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