My Heart Beats For You


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Shi Yi’s life changed dramatically from being an untouchable beauty to being bent like a paperclip, all because of Fu Sitian. Everyone thought Fu Sitian would be a thorn in Shi Yi’s heart. Little did they know, she was the red mole on her chest.

Years later, they unexpectedly reunite. After sealing a business deal, the front desk manager asks Fu Sitian, ‘Boss, were you close with President Shi before?’ Fu Sitian, lost in thought as she watches Shi Yi leave, smiles and replies, ‘In college, we were very close. So close that I knew every mole on her body.’

In the elevator, Shi Yi is also deep in thought. A friend asks, ‘What are you thinking about?’ Shi Yi smirks coldly, ‘I’m thinking, the little white rabbit has grown into a big white rabbit. I wonder if it’s still as delicious.’

From school to society, from past to future, thank you for being the only star in my dim life. From now on, every day is filled with light.

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