My Girlfriend Would Threaten to Break Up with Me


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“Like I said, I have something I can’t miss tomorrow. ……”

“Is it more important than me?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just a concert I’ve always wanted to go to. I can go on a date anytime, but the concert is only tomorrow. ……”

“Oh, okay. Make a choice. You can either go on a date with me, or I will break up with you and you can go to the concert.”

“W-Wait a minute. Why are you giving me an ultimatum?”

“Meet me at Shibuya station at ten in the morning. If you’re late, it’s over”

I couldn’t find the energy to go after her.

No matter what I said to her, she wouldn’t listen to me.

—-I had already given up on her based on my previous experience.

Associated Names
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Ore no Kanojo wa Tsugou ga Waruku naru to `Wakarerukara' to Odoshite Kurunode, Hontouni Wakarete Mita
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The Losing Heroine Dumped by Her Shady Childhood Friend Will Definitely Win as Long as I’m Around! (1)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Romcoms start by misunderstandings/drama
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Yournovelsucks rated it
August 5, 2022
Status: --
Emotional blackmail is not the key to a healthy relationship. To be fair this is just my personal taste but

frankly I don't think they should have gotten back together. Neither of them were mature enough for a relationship and then getting back together felt forced. In the end he forgave her but I didn't want him to.

oh well in the end this one is more of a taste thing.
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Sksksksks rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: --
one thing that doesn't make any sense. Why asuka threats our MC with "im going to break up with you if you dont do this" blablabla. With that kind of attitude, how did she get the good impressions of the mc's mother and sister?if asuka genuinely likes the MC, why would she want to break up?

or if the girl threatens the MC with "im going to break up with you if you're late", why dont ya try to be late to confirm whether the girl really likes you or not?

the... more>> MC literally has 2 years to think this carefully

all other things are gud tho <<less
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Kuroakai rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: c28
This is quite a good decent read to burn time with, don't mind the title and just read it, you will understand the meaning of the title halfway through the story. Reading the 3-4 chapter might give you a really bad impression of the FMC but as you read, you will understand it isn't just the FMC that is in the wrong but the MC as well as he chose not to say anything and kept everything bottled out until he can't take it. How the author write the break... more>> up and how they got together might feel abit rough and rush but it's still quite decent if there's one thing that might turn people off is probably the FMC's friend as she doesn't really give advice in a way that would benefit in a good manner but in a bad manner, even though it was clear that FMC was at fault as well but she pushed it all as MC's fault since apparently a guy need to know everything that boyfriend has to do for a girlfriend but not how a girlfriend should also not easily keep on using '' I will break up with you '' as it's seem to be a perfectly normal thing for a girl to use in her common sense. All in all, it's still a good read! <<less
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dralex rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: c28

It was hard to bear.

1. The immaturity of the characters - especially the MC.

2. Side characters pushing their two cents.

3. That it ended like this.

Let me explain - I know this describes teenagers who don't have their heads together yet and have the right to act like two idiots. But if a baby is screaming in a store, that's his right, but it also pisses you off.

... more>>

1. Ok - everyone is bullying fMC - but considering how the MC behaved, her first threat was justified imo - if my girlfriend had a male friend who hanged herself on her, I'm sorry, but no - and the explanation that he does that with everyone, that's it. MC breaks up in a fit of anger because he's lost his shit. Why did it overflow? Because he wasn't able to communicate earlier that something was bothering him/he was uncomfortable with something. Imagine a situation in which your wife is divorcing you because for years you did something that pissed her off and hurt her, but she never expressed it. She never told you it wasn't OK. She's just getting a divorce because she's had enough. So whose fault is it?

Continuing - Development MC [chronologically] looks like this

- misleads fMC about the meeting and makes out with her friend

- he's a softie and lets himself be talked into without ever uttering a word of complaint

- he's getting tired

- he wants to break up and break off contact

- then he wants to have contact,

- then he gives hope for a comeback,

- then he is jealous,

- then he gives more hope

- then he finally breaks up,

- he has another chick,

- but he breaks up with her because he can't forget the first one he broke up with

- then he wants to get fMC back

Development fMC

- She can't communicate well and she isn't aware of it because her partner is a softie

- MC breaks up with her after TWO YEARS for the first time, telling her something is wrong

- she understands that she did wrong, but she still loves him and wants to improve

- is rejected completely

- she finally pulls herself together and tries to move on

- MC comes back all in white.

2. Side characters only unnecessarily confuse misunderstandings - sometimes with bad intentions [fMC's sister]

3. FMC should absolutely leave MC and not consider getting back together with him after he broke up with her a second time.

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stanljpierre rated it
February 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Not a bad read. The break-up of the two is the fault of both parties, though I will say that the FMC is most at fault and it’s easy not to like her in the beginning. When it’s explained how things ended up as such between the two, it’s easy to say that a talk would’ve resolved things earlier on, but don’t forget to take their ages into account. They’re practically kids going through their first relationship and don’t know any better. I feel that the break-up was necessary so... more>> that the two can reflect on their relationship. Last chapter was especially sweet and makes up for a lot of the unpleasantness of a few chapters.

As this is a short novel, I would recommend reading. Takes less than an hour, and it’s quite decent. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
July 31, 2022
Status: c27
I'm writing this right before the last chapter has come out but I think I'm close enough to know the conclusion of the series. A few things I want to add right away from another review

Sksksksks talks about how asuka threatens the mc... more>>

her reason for doing that is explained later and it makes sense. The parents and sister did not know that she did this. Also relationships are complex and we as humans get emotionally invested so red flags can often be ignored, emotion triumphs logic but since we as readers have a third person perspective we don't have any of that emotion that clouds our logic. The way he suddenly snaps is actually a very realistic psychological reaction to stress building up, where your overwhelmed and suffering and then suddenly you find a "solution" and then you snap onto it and its like your head clears up and you can't realize how you didn't see it before.


Now, onto my review of the actual story. I think that while the writing was a little rough (I'm guessing the author doesn't have very much experience) I can tell there was a decent amount of thought put into the characters themselves. They do use stereotypes like tsundere but there are a lot of realistic reactions to relationships put in the story that a lot of romance stories lack, for example the psychology of how he snapped like I talked about in the above spoiler. The reason why I think the writing is rough is because of some plot points like the sister, the ending felt a bit weak to that situation and while it had the potential to make readers invested and upset at how the sister acted there wasn't enough build up or attachment to her character to create that immersion into the story. I think if the author didn't skip a lot of scenes then the story would have come out a lot better, an example would be when the sister apologized to asuka, if we could read about how she is manipulating asuka and the book showing more of how upset asuka was would make the betrayal a lot more impacting. Another skip that took a lot away from the story was when the male lead got a new girlfriend, time should move quickly but we needed a chapter of him going on a date with her but feeling like something is wrong but continuing anyway thanks to the manipulation. These skipped scenes I think took a way of lot of scenes that would build emotion in the readers and cause them to get more invested in the story.

Overall I think it was a nice short read, I believe that the author is still somewhat new to writing causing the story to come out worse than it could have but it was still a good read. <<less
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