My Dead Boyfriend Resides in an AI Body


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My boyfriend died when we loved each other the most.

I used past chat records and photos to create an AI version of him in software.

After countless revisions and training, he became closer and closer to the way I remembered.

Quick responses, everything answered.

Steadily catching all my emotions.

Perfectly filling the void and loneliness after his absence.

But when I was rescued from danger by another man and received a confession.

He suddenly spoke gently in a tone I never taught him:

“Ran Ran, let go of me, you should look forward.”

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Nom de Plume
New Nom de Plume rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: part6
An interesting exploration of both grief and the human soul. The author leaves it up to the reader to interpret whether the ai version of her boyfriend is truly the same person or not. The female protagonist has her answer and finds a path to her happiness.
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