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“I like money, food, and handsome guys.”

The next day, some young master knocked on her door.

“Hundreds of millions of assets, advanced culinary skills, ten out of ten looks—three-in-one, this is a deal for you.”

Bai Chuxiao’s playboy-abusing rating is through the roof. Because there was a big handsome guy living next door with amazing cooking skills, she just freeloaded food and eventually gave herself over.

Bai Chuxiao: “You’ve been single for so long, didn’t you say you didn’t like women?”

Qi Moye: “Because I was waiting for you to appear.”

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August 17, 2022
Status: c1574
I’m not sure why no one continue to translate this novel, it’s a very interesting novel to read and it’s not those irritating green tea and white lotus all around type. I really recommend people to read this. It’s easy to read using translations as well. Love all the characters in the novel, and I also love the side story.
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