Meow! A Kitten Stumbles into a CEO Novel!


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Little Kitten is taken on a transmigration journey by the system that has possessed the mother cat.

Meow meow meow?

Turn into a human, complete mission, obtain credit points, maintain social stability…

Little kitten should just focus on studying instead.

He’s just a small fluffball who would fall over with just a poke of the CEO’s finger.

Ouyang Feng grabbed the kitten’s tail: How could I have the heart to poke him? Meow again for me~

Lin Jiabao: Meow?!

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Recommendation Lists
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  4. ANIMALSSssss, non-humans, and their meng pt.1
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Latest Release

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10 Reviews sorted by

YoriMei rated it
April 24, 2021
Status: c22
Very, very cute but just not quite to my tastes. MC is very innocent and sweet and it's cute to watch him bumble his way into ML's heart. It's nothing too exciting plotwise, just MC trying to do what system told him to do but alas he catches the eye of the ML by accident instead. It's all very lighthearted and the relationship between MC and the system is really sweet too. The FL and the ML's little brother also both mother hen MC and it's really cute. While it's... more>> nothing original or exciting, it's still pretty good and a relaxing read.

it's really fluffy, but the problem for me is that it just gets on my nerves a bit when MC meows randomly when their uncomfortable as a human. It makes sense to a certain point, because MC is legitimately a kitten turn human but personally I just don't like how frequently MC meows or how nonchalant everyone is about it. The meowing won't bother everyone, but for whatever reason it gets to me.

While I won't read anymore of it and MC's meowing annoys me at times, it's a top notch fluffy story. MC's very cute and if you just want some sweetness to heal your soul, this one is a good one. <<less
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memeos rated it
November 25, 2020
Status: Completed
BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH this novel is so sweet and while rather fast paced, had few misunderstandings and mostly just fluff with not much progress in the plot, the ending did rather confuse me since it leaves such a big cliffhanger that I cant judge if its a BE or a HE though I lean more for the latter
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Trapped2Moons rated it
May 17, 2021
Status: c24
I have to say that this brings up so many of my favorite things. Cats? Check. Handsome ML? Check. Adorable MC? Check.

I'm only 24 chapters in and will come back to update this once the translation is complete.

As of now, I am really enjoying this and the translation is great!
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bingpupschewtoy rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: c16
MC is so adorable, as long as you like the MC this story will be enjoyable to read. Doesn’t seem to have much going on in terms of plot, just a very light and fluffy read.
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Maiasia rated it
September 23, 2022
Status: c42
Not quite sure the age but MC is 16 and ML is in college, so ML "hunting" a naive and und unsuspecting MC makes it almost pe*ophilia. If MC was little more wise in the ways of sexuality, I wouldn't be feeling so icky about ML wanting to eat him up but MC has the mentality of a child who seeks peace amongst playmates and approvals from adults. So this novel may be "fluffy", I just can't approve ML perving on MC. Then again I am down with the flu... more>> while reading this so maybe my tolerance for BS has dropped. 🤷🏻‍♀️ <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm just... So fcking glad Everything Cleared in the end. All things is Revealed... All Problem Solved. So no worries! With that, this Novel is Perfect!!! And Satisfying!

It's truly Cute and Fluffy. Beside MC and ML, even the Side Characters get so much screen times! They are MC's friends who feels like MC's older siblings. They're very good to him!

What make this novel also different from other is, the System act like MC's mother. Probably because like the summary said, the System possessed the Mother Cat's body. So the System... more>> was a Full Guardian.

MC is a weak human/cat. Not sickly, but was weak compared to other human. And also shorter than everyone around his human age. But it's okay, his physical health problem is solved in the end. THANK GOD

Anyway while 3/4 part was FLUFF, because the Villain existence, we won't feel fully comfortable because they are troublemaker for the 1/4 part of the story. Thankfully it was short and solved in the end. I almost afraid it won't get solved because they still appear in very near the end of the story.

This novel was like a Slice of Life novel without being a Slice of Life one. Very Nice and Cute and Lovely. I'm Absolutely Adore, Enjoy, and Truly Loving it!!! (❁´‿`❁) <<less
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Eirine rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It fluffy ahahaha yup your typical fluffy to the bone novel. But too bad I like dogs ahahahahahaahahahahah

If you want to reae about fluuf then its for you
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SuouNono rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: c24
Cute and sweet. Meng and all that. Overall an enjoyable read
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Freyalily rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: Completed
the story are quite short for me

there are lots of question unresolved in the end, how about the ML brother, how about the fl, where did she go

... more>>

for me, it is a HE, because the author did said the mom cat will come back again later after change his body

MC and ML also together


this novel should be in shounen ai category, not yaoi, because MC and ML didn't do anything besides kissing or holding hands, a very pure relationship, since the MC still underage, the kissing also only cheek kiss, hair kiss, not lips kiss <<less
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December 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Actually, this novem is a not bad one. Its sweet, the conflic is not that complicated nor to long. But the ending is too rushed 😭😭 if you just need a novel for passing time to read, then just read this fluff. Its a good one.
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