Martial World


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In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle, it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wuji Tianxia
Related Series
True Martial World (Sequel)
True Martial World (28)
Against the Gods (14)
The Desolate Era (10)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (5)
Lord Xue Ying (5)
Cheeky Sword God (5)
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197 Reviews sorted by

contently rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: c550
Just another generic cultivation novel with dense MC that ends up with everything whether deserved or not. The most frustrating part are the enemies who can only say the same few lines as if they were clones. Every enemy is a serial rapist that only grows a few brain cells in the seconds before their death. The author likes to create major conflict by having those serial rapists target women that can be seen as possible harem members for the MC.

Women are not people here, they are items (which was... more>> to be expected with the 'harem' tag).

MC has a flat personality and spends all his time cultivating. Social interactions are shallow and personal connections almost non-existent. The author loves reiterating boring and unnecessary sh*t about cultivation.

I see now where ATG plagiarized most of it's bullsh*t from. To be fair MW is not as edgy as ATG but they are almost the same novel. If your goal is to shed a few brain cells then I suggest binge reading this novel.

As for my personal experience it was extremely jarring to read this tr*sh after spending so long reading Er Gen's novels (which I believe to be in the top tier among the novels on this site). <<less
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Bull3thole rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: c1349
I dropped this novel because the story is really generic. I started this novel because of the high ratings, they lied! I dislike dropping novels too. If you are new to Chinese novels I can understand why they would rate the novel high. This novel has all the generic tropes so you aren't missing anything, even if the plot seems interesting from the synopsis. The novel is like ATG but worse. If you are a veteran like me, skip this headache.

Heres the negatives:

  1. Fillers like most Chinese novels. Repeating the same thing and useless information. The novel could literally be cut in half. You need to skim to keep your sanity.
  2. Harem. Enough said.
  3. The always generic going to upper realms plot. Goes to one place, weakest-strongest, then going to another kingdom. Rinse and repeat even in the God Realm.
  4. The Cube isn't really amazing so far in 1300 chapters. It doesn't really help the MC except for giving him cultivation manuals to study. No significant background information about the Cube and then you realize the person inside the Cube is insignificant compared to other people in the God Realm.
I'm not going to waste my time anymore when it's not fun reading this novel. There were some interesting things in this novel but I forgot what they were after dropping this months before. I'm... more>> finally making a review to warn readers to skip this generic novel. <<less
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GrumpyNPC rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: all of it
Not done reading yet, but im kind of just reading for the sake of completing it and not cause I enjoy it.

It isn't terrible, but is not particularly good either. The story is super generic and has all the expected tropes.

One thing I find frustrating is that about 80% of the novel so far takes place in some sort of trial space, an array, a separate dimension, an inheritance world, or some other similar mechanism. It's like MC goes into trial, he chooses a fake name, x number of years... more>> pass, he comes out of trial, he spends a few days moving the main plot forward, then goes back into another trial for x^2 number of years. Sometimes you get a bit of trialception and the MC goes into a trial area inside of a trial area so that he can get strong enough to pass the first trial area. I find myself skipping more than I read.

Many people recommend this novel, but I find it overrated.

PS. Don't get attached to any character that does not end up being the MC's lover because they will be forgotten by the author at some point and you will never see them again. Even his lovers only barely get the occasional mention, his friends might as well never have existed.

Edit: Finished the novel, tho I did skim a lot of chapters. Some forgotten character do get revisited briefly, but still don't get attached, most characters are left behind by MC and author. I found the last few arks to be particularly uninteresting. I get that this next opinion is kind of contradictory to the premise of cultivation novel, but I don't enjoy huge time skips, as the MCs start becoming thousands of years old it becomes less and less interesting to me, so in most novels I enjoy the start, a talented youth going against the heavens, but in the later arcs when it becomes a talented old dude against even older dudes it loses some of the appeal. Some novels can keep my interest despite that if other aspects are good, but this novel did not. <<less
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama rated it
August 5, 2018
Status: c1791
Over all a good story so far. Only problem I have with the story is the fact that ML is a gigolo. Every ark he meets a new female harem member or just a random female. If they are not apart of his harem, He basicaly is an ass hole who demands that they give him all of their treasure and he will help them out once. As for those who are apart of his harem they f*cking wipe his ass for them, gives him money, gives him resources he... more>> needs, and teaches him skills and techniques.

Romance is good when he first meets his harem members because it's a good steady pace as he interacts with them and their feelings for each other grows. However interactions with his harem is practically nothing after they get married. Story starts a new ark then focuses on new harem member, rinse, wash, and repeat. <<less
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kuroAnsatsu rated it
August 4, 2018
Status: c1787
I have been reading this novel for quite a long time, and I will give my thought about this now. It would be a bit different with TheDarkness review.

Here I'm about to explain about the MC, Lin Ming. He's a straightforward person who seek the peak of Martial Art. He rarely laugh, because he's always serious in every situation and have no reason to, at most he would smile, especially when he's interacting with his wives. Because of a certain incident, he swore that he will make sure to eliminate... more>> all of his enemies, whether weak or strong, as quickly as possible to the root (only a matter of time), to make sure no one could hurt everyone that close to him. He despise those peoples who use their power for evil deeds, but he's not blindly justice to the point of rescuing a stranger while putting his life at a great danger. He have a deep insight, he could discern peoples personality at a quick glance, and notice any bad intentions, which he will make a plan to solve the incoming problems, playing their games and beat them thoroughly which is humiliating them even more.

The author's explanation is "too much detailed", which is wasting too much space in one chapter, but it's quite clear to explain what's going on at the time. He even explaining why sometimes Lin Ming got plot armor, because he got a great destiny which make all peoples who have a bad intention that know about this to think twice to mess with him.

Overall I really love it, because the MC is quite a bit rare. He's not thinking with his dick, not rash, and handle everything calmly.

*reminder: don't mind to much about what peoples said on the reviews, including mine. It's a matter of opinion, it could be different. It would be the best if you check it out by yourself, whether you like it or not. <<less
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terraheart rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: Completed
The first half of this book is great Wuxia novel fun but second half starts to deteriorate before we get a rushed ending so author can lead audience into the sequel novel True Martial World.

It's still a good read with solid world building, well developed characters and a decent plot. Ending is satisfactory but typical of Chinese novels a lot is left to readers imagination.

Translations are excellent and in about 8 months whole novel should be translated which will make the read more enjoyable.

Biggest gripe is the change in personality... more>> of MC from being ruthless for first 80% of novel to really timid and not punishing his enemies.

The romance is a bit hit and miss and many times feels contrived. Relationships aren't developed after MC hooks up with the girl and it feels like the author does not understand how to develop them.

Not a fan of the "space battles" near end of novel.

The other issue I have is the author's battle description, beyond the ridiculous Chinese distances often seen in these novels e.g. Enemy is knock backed 100 miles or Dragon is 50 miles long, is the descriptions make it impossible to visualise the battles sometimes. What I mean by this is MC might be attacking with his spear but before he hits the enemy's weapon enemy uses a power up which is followed by MC's power up and then weapons collide. The issue I have is the power ups should be done at the start or before the thrust or you are losing momentum but most of the times the author tries to use this one up man ship (there could be multiple "power ups" on both sides before the collision) without considering if what the two fighters are doing actually makes sense - either that or the Author has an atypical sense of describing moves.

There are also many loose ends by end of novel but these may be explored in TMW.

Overall, if you like Wuxia novels then this is a decent read and gets a solid 4/5 from me. <<less
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cmcross rated it
November 8, 2017
Status: c1272
I've read more than 1200 chapters so far and I'll probably finish the whole book. Admittedly, it has most of the usual suspects when it comes to cliches but most of them don't bother me too much (honestly, if you don't like OP/lucky MCs then what the hell are you doing here. That's essentially what these escapist books are about). In particular, this story has had some extremely cool arcs and there have been dozens of memorable things that have happened. At times, I couldn't get enough of this story,... more>> especially in the first 600 hundred chapters. With all that said, this book still has a couple serious issues (also, I need to vent a bit for my sanity. Sorry).

The first issue is that it is stuffed full of filler (countless peanut gallery conversations, excessive hero worship, statements/concepts repeated 100s of times, & the most obvious things stated in great detail. It almost felt like the writer decided to make important moments a specific number of chapters before writing them and then filled in with BS as needed to meet those goals). It's so bad, this book would be much better if 1/4th of the overall content was just cut out entirely (typically just a good amount should be cut from every chapter but during key moments more than 50% should go).

The other issue is the MC. At this point in the story, he couldn't be more of a robot if the writer had someone replace his brain with a CPU. After the first several hundred chapters in particular, I honestly don't think the MC's responses could be any more boring if they actively tried. After 1000 chapters he barely says anything to anyone at all (just the bare minimum whether it's to his loved ones, friends, enemies, a weak person, or a insanely powerful person). He meets interesting people and develops relationships but they don't take up hardly any of the actual time shown in the book. When he actually does have a nice interaction with a person he cares about (which happens about once every 300 chapters or so), it's nearly entirely glossed over or explained away. Personally, those are the moments I look forward to the most. They're supposed to show why he is the way he is and why he's pushing so hard for strength in the first place. Unfortunately, those moments rarely take up more than a few paragraphs after each 300 to 400 chapter long wait. His actions are guided by his relationships but he still seems very detached from everyone (the writer could have played with this detachment idea if there was a decent amount of time progressed between interactions but everything happens over a very short amount of time so it makes no sense). I appreciate that he's a 'good guy' in general but he's still a painfully boring character for anyone that enjoys reading about character development and/or interactions.

This book is still a decent escape from the world overall. I'd rate it 3.2/5 <<less
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Queen of Sheba
Queen of Sheba rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: --
A story for generic consumption. There's nothing truly unique about this story, it's Just the standard path of glory paved by several Deux Ex Machina mechanisms. Little to no suspense, or surprise at all, everything is extremely predictable, and coordinated. Character interaction is a well copy and pasted machine, with little to no true conflict.

Yet, why still read? The only reason one should even entertain the idea of reading this story is because this story isn't excessively s*upid as most others are. In comparison to the true rubbish out there,... more>> this story almost seems good. Albeit marginally. Plus, the world building could be said to be have been done moderately well.

Recommended to read only in times of dire boredom. <<less
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Tarroyn rated it
September 1, 2016
Status: c465
Martial World is one of the most average of average for the Xuanhuan/Xianxia novel genre. There's nothing exceptionally controversial about it a la ATG, nor does it deviate significantly from the classic YY novel model. That is both a good and a bad thing. The good aspect is that it doesn't have the sort of infamy generated by stepping over classical boundaries of good taste within the reading community culture, but the bad news is that it loses a flair that could separate it from the masses, which is a... more>> major problem because THERE IS NOTHING ESPECIALLY INTERESTING ABOUT IT. Lin Ming is the staplest of staple main characters, his harem is one-dimensional at best, and not even the fights can be considered superior within the genre.

The world building is staple for the genre, with some realm of the heavens and a world so narrowly described it can be used to retcon in more strong enemies for the MC meat grinder.

World building 2/5 Its run of the mill, and run of the mill is frankly not worth a three.

Characterization 1/5 The characters are exposed to too narrow of situations to really get a grasp for a full and complex character, a natural short falling of the YY novel. Beyond that, Lin Ming is a very simple character, accentuating that idea. Though it appears like the author tries to introduce character foils to flesh out the MC, like Lei Mubai, they end up being either sidelined friend characters or caricature enemy characters, instead highlighting the main character's shallow character design.

Story Progression 1/5 The story is split into arcs like most Xianxia, but beyond that there is no realy development from arc to arc. This makes the story have no progression.

Enjoyment 5/5 Honestly, YY novels are fun to read. That's just a fact. Whether or not you judge novels based on their literary quality, its still enjoyable to read shallow novels once in a while, like watching a Bourne movie.

I'd recommend you read Martial World. It's fun to read, and that's most of the value of a book. That being said, there are better options out there. If you're picky, pass it up. <<less
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stealthguy rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c545
Okay a MC can be strong, he can be really strong even but come on author atleast give the powerups a break and actually give the MC a challenge. I really think that the MC should've stuck to lightning and left fire alone for his girl. And what the hell is the author thinking putting one of his girls in the same sect with the other and having them cultivate the same technique. On another note the MC weapon of choice and weapon is excellent, it fits his personality. Back... more>> to the bad now in the beginning with the faction that likes to r*pe girls I wanted to go bit*h slap the author, come on think of something better and then he did and it went great and the MC got power ups, had an exciting adventure and all but the power ups never ended. I will continue to read this novel as far as the translations goes and I will recommend this for you to read because it is a good novel with SOME good ideas and most importantly a handsome MC. <<less
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July 29, 2016
Status: c370
Start up slow and boring with your typical "MC with bad history and such". But after finish building up the world of the novel and structure, you get some good azz plots. And MC is not monkey in heat or ball-less, just perfect and know how to deal with chicks.
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July 24, 2016
Status: c378
Going down from 5 to 3 after c378, when I realize that half of the chapters are about dueling in tournaments or meaningless competitions. Storyline is too shallow and short after too many chapters.
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Dragon rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: c277
Cocooned Cow is in my top 3 favorite authors, and having read TMW before this, I was really looking forward to read Martial World and compare how it stacks up to TMW.

I enjoyed the story, and I believe that the starting pace of the story was much better than TMW's long, drawn out arc. However, Cocooned Cow still has pacing problems. One of the tournament arcs in this story is way too long, and highlights how Cocooned Cow can sometimes get too caught up in descriptions and banter and does... more>> not progress the story effectively.

Nonetheless, I would still recommend the story for its great descriptions, the world building, and the characters. <<less
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Maleandar rated it
June 7, 2016
Status: c260
It is ok, not great, but a decent read. The first 150 chapters hurt my heart with the constant NTR feels. I was sick to my stomach at times just thinking of what was going to happen, but thankfully never happened. The author did a good job stringing us along here.

I only question this: Heaving a heart of Martial Arts is to give up everything but the path to martial arts, including giving up the desire for companionship. This makes no sense as, if all true martial artists were to... more>> do this the human race would die out...... does this even make sense?

I can only hope as the MC grows up, this changes over the story line. Having no wife or descendants to pass on your knowledge and strength basically means at some point when you die, all the was gained will be lost forever, and that is not the true path of the martial artist. This is so far my complaint to this novel. I am not saying the MC should be a a lustful h**ny guy, but there is a middle road here the author can take, instead of just presenting the 2 extreme of lust and celibacy.

There are several love interests, but so far they have not been explored deeply or even really taken root and are mostly one sided (females side). Sadly so far it is the martial way, but keep in mind he is still only 16 years old as of chapter 260.

The story is ok, a decent read and look forward to see if the romance tag will actually come about. As to the rest, all there, action some comedy, etc.... nothing outstanding compared to some others (see my other reviews for list) but I will faithfully follow this story as it is still fun to read. 4/5 <<less
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wizrp rated it
April 29, 2016
Status: --
After reading over 150 chapters I can honestly say that MC is one of the most sensible ones out there. He knows when to fight and when to retreat. The writing style is quite easy to follow, and the story is intriguing enough (in a classic xianxia/xuanhuan manner) that I wanted to. Best part is that the almost never goes off road (with arcs of filler characters unrelated to the main story).
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silman rated it
April 29, 2016
Status: --
I’m keeping up with the translations so getting close to 200 chapters and so far it’s a good story. Not incredibly original but the main character’s personality is what makes the whole thing stand out. The author seems to like reasonable main characters, they’re determined but not as willful or bold when they are facing ridiculous odds. It’s refreshing to see MCs that get by on intelligence and strength who are less arrogant than your usual MC and you still feel like they are good people. Maybe my morals align... more>> better with this author though so take it with a grain of salt. The writing is straightforward and the translations are intelligent.

There is some merit to the fact that the antagonists are kind of weak characters but at least they are not all the same infinitely arrogant generic dude. I do hope some of the bad guys and plots get a little more involved but he's still pretty weak so I don't mind keeping it simple for a while longer. Not I don't think there needs to be 5 incredibly powerful bad guys lurking in every city that he doesn't get to handle until 300 chapters later. <<less
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justien01 rated it
March 24, 2016
Status: --
Well I like TMW and this is quite likable too, the story and the MC progress is quite fast, and the MC doesnt feel like bothered when the chic dump him..

this translator though is "badass" I mean look at how fast he/she releases chapters only a month and a half past since he/she pick this novel up and already at chapter 87 thats FAST... keep it up
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Slimikyi rated it
January 5, 2016
Status: --
I’m too lazy to write a long review. To put it bluntly, the protagonist only has one goal and it is to be the strongest. Yup, it is as boring as a hero summoned to kill a demon king without any twists. And this novel is exactly that. It is very linear, typical, and out of a manual. There is absolutely nothing spectacular about it. But it is not bad if you are simply looking for Classical Xianxia-like Xuanhuan. I can finally use the term Xuanhuan!! Author listed it as... more>> Xuanhuan but it follows a Xianxia-like format. The worst part for me is that either write a story with romance or don’t. And if you don’t, it’ll suck. So, there should always be some romance. Anyways, this author included a ton female characters with intimacy with the protagonist but nothing happens. They just disappears. I guess you can pick your poison. Have a novel where female characters are used a plot devices and added into a harem, or have a novel where female characters are used as plot devices and then simply abandoned once their use is done. Personally, I don’t see a huge difference, neither is giving female characters any justice. Because this is your very typical Chinese influenced weak to strong story, you can in fact skim a lot of it and not miss anything. There’s also none of those Omgz moments. So yeah, I skimmed 300 chapters within a few days easily without spending a lot of time on it. To be honest, I suggest to stay away from this novel and try this authors second novel if you really want to read a weak to strong story. The author did nothing new or innovative but I feel that it is written slightly better. (Both aren’t great.) <<less
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blank1134 rated it
August 26, 2023
Status: Completed
Slow paced novel with a detailed information when giving context when it comes to the MC. I like how it started and I hope I can read more of this kind of novels. I guess it's because I've been reading reincarnation from another world every time in their beginning entry on their novel. I still believe that it's a waste of good novel to add it.

One thing I notice is that the MC is a bit robotic or just a straight forward fellow. It would've been more better if the... more>> author has given a bit of a struggle when it comes to moral crisis.

It's just that characters in the story should act on their age also in some cases. Even though they look young or something like that. It felt like their too mature compared to their age. Like when the early start of the novel, the resolution of the MC is already like a 30 year old, he should be struggling in some sort.

I like how the author painted the other characters like the supporting characters, it's quite realistic to real life. The struggle, the greed, the morality in some parts. But as it goes longer killing someone is just a second in the end. Morality in this novel is broken then again, what is morality? As long as you are strong you are the right one. The rule of the strong.

Great novel and I enjoyed reading it. Especially at the beginning. <<less
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cashfile rated it
July 10, 2023
Status: c2255
Thoroughly enjoyed this novel (Completed). This is the first novel, I have actually read to completion. In the past, I have read ~1.2k chapters of Against the Gods, ~800 chapters of Martial God Asura, ~500 chapters of Martial Peak, and ~200 chapters of Regende Immortal. While I have enjoyed all the above novels, due to time constraints and things coming up in life I have never been able to finish a novel before. However, this novel was the first that made me want to spend all my free time to... more>> ensure I finished it in a timely manner rather than reading it off and on over the course of a year+ before slowly forgetting the plot due to the large time gaps and just moving onto a new novel.

This novel is by no means perfect, and there are a handful of sections throughout the novel that are sluggish to get through and you will just have to bear through it for an hour or two a few times throughout the novel. This is mostly in the latter half of the novel due to some slight repetition, but it always picks up again, and typically all the "slow parts" were necessary to set up the plot for the future. The author does a great job of bringing in aspects of the story that you almost forgot about hundreds of chapters ago but turns out to play an actual role in the main story. Overall this has been the most enjoyable and consistent novel I have thus far. It's been the only novel that has actually elicited an emotional response (tears) on more than one occasion.

Throughout this novel, you can see the main character Lin Ming, actually change and develop as a human and by the end, the scale (of both the world and power scaling) and the world-building are so massive that is hard to imagine how that story even started off. Even if you enjoy a story in which the character actually grows, this is the story for you! (Even the villains have really good character development). I have heard some people don't enjoy the slow start to this novel, but personally, the beginning of the novel is some of the parts I fondly reminisce the most about. The ending was slightly underwhelming, however, I don't think it is possible to fully wrap up a story of this scale (2k+ chapters). Overall, I still thoroughly enjoyed the ending, and it has an obvious setup for the sequel, True Martial World, which I haven't read yet.

Overall I would recommend giving it a try, if you don't like the novel by ~150-300 chapters I would say it probably isn't for you! I was personally hooked within the first 20-30 chapters. <<less
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