Martial Peak


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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wu Lian Dianfeng
Wǔ Liàn Diān Fēng
Related Series
Ancient Strengthening Technique (3)
Martial World (3)
Martial God Asura (3)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
Cheeky Sword God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
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118 Reviews sorted by

General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
March 26, 2019
Status: --
Let me warn you first. If you actually though this was a interesting and good novel after reading the first few dozen chapters, then you have been greatly tricked. This one is a cancer that once latch onto you, it will never leave. Causing you misery and demoralize you constanly.

Some of the reviews weren't wrong. The novel (was) not bad in the beginning. But maybe the author just wanted to make more money and keep earning or doesn't have any other motivated to write another story, but he just keep... more>> writing a story that clearly already past it prime and will only continue to deteriorate. Freaking 4k chapters and still ongoing! This one is now just as worse as Emperor Dominion. I can stand the ridiculous amount of plot armor, but what I really can't stand is the massive amount of characters the author introduce only to forget or dump them after a few chapters. The MC is like a harem magnet and worse is the girls are always depicted as damsel in distress where the MC happen to rescue them at the right time. The amount of cannon fodders appearing before the MC to get tr*sh might even catch up to ED. Arrogant young masters appearing and girls that need saving to only boast MC ego. But at least with ED the MC has a better personality and his way of killing is more awesome and magnificent done sometimes. MP really has a lot of repeated scenario's and if you skip like several arc's you would still miss nothing. I wonder why the author even bother. Clearly he is seeing the Chinese readers as piggy banks and suckers to continue following his story.

Maybe like ED you would praise it to the heaven the first 500chapters, then you would get annoy at 1k chapters. At 2k you would start to curse author and at 3k you can probably dump the story in the tr*sh bin. If you can still follow the story after 3k, then I congratulate you. You clearly are a masochist. If you even remember the first 1k characters and even the girls names, then you either read the whole novel without stopping while making notes or just a hardcore person that like torturing yourself.

So please, anyone who thinks to write a review, at least read 2k of chapters before doing it, because you will definitely regret ever praising this novel.

Ps:there is only one novel I know of that can write thousand of chapters with massive amount of characters and still keep everything interesting without worrying them ever being forgotten. That is Revererd Insanity. In this novel author never forget any characters ever introduce and everything is connected. Best world building in all the CN novels so far. But is not for everyone, because MC is a very different being compare to Martial Peak MC. Is like comparing a mortal to a Evil God. <<less
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Betelgod rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c150
The book is very generic, no surprises here in this part, but what I would like to highlight here is the translation, or rather, the commentary. I dropped this novel at chapter 150 because I just couldn't stand the constant comments the translators and editors put after each paragraph.

I've never ever dropped a novel because of the translator before so congratulations.
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jacobpaige rated it
January 1, 2016
Status: --
Its an alright series, but it has the same problem most Xianxia have. The MC goes from weak to strong far too fast and the difference between ranks and realms, while stated to be enormous, means almost nothing to the MC, thus removing all the tension from every fight. I'll be seriously surprised if this guy ever encounters a true setback.
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bace rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: c507
The first couple hundred of Chapters are quite interesting and engaging, after a while though the story devolves into one where the MC absolutely can't do anything wrong. Even if he makes the dumbest decision, it will be justified somehow cause he's the "genius mc" and therefore can't do anything wrong.

It becomes apparent that the author got so damn lazy, that he doesn't even bother to justify the MC being a d*ck by writing some good acheme or twist, and instead just doing Deus ex machina over and over again.... more>> The characters also become inconsistent, cause the MC needs to be praised to the seventh Heaven and cause he literally can't do anything wrong.

All in all I'm thoroughly disappointed to drop this novel, since this is actually my first time reading this kind of novel (cultivation and martial art). The first few hundred chapters gripped my heart only to thoroughly disappoint it later. <<less
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ElBicho rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: c1956
This novel shows almost all the flaws of the genre, such as the luck of the protagonist who seems to have an innate talent for finding seemingly impossible treasures (to put it in context imagine winning the lottery like 12 or 13 times in 40 years)

some examples of this are


the book of great demon god
soul warming lotus
the liquid that heals wounds and purifies the body
old demon
yang tree
first star shuttle (this is because after entering the starry sky for the third time he found a fully functional one, but great demon god in all the years he traveled and after fighting the bone race he couldn't get any)


This stands out too much because all those who are granted this type of hacks are allies of the protagonist and the enemies who have hacks will die at the hands of the protagonist because his hacks are better.

old characters are also forgotten so don't get attached to anyone other than the protagonist or his love interests because it will never be relevant again.

romance is spontaneous in the sense that the relationship is never built properly and they spend more time apart knowing nothing about each other (even if they are still alive or not) than they do interacting.

the protagonist cultivates unusually quickly what for others takes thousands of years, he achieves in less than 100 regardless of whether the other person is praised by the author as an unsurpassed talent or has unlimited resources because of his sect.
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koithief rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: c1414
This is the novel that got me into the whole xianxia thing. Since I have caught up the translation I'v been in search of something capable of scratching the same itch, but nothing so far has done it for me just like Martial peak.

The world always feels fresh and interesting, we explore a myriad of fun locations, every one of them with it's engaging quirks, none of them ever feel rushed, but it also does not get to the point of overstaying it's welcome. The battles are interesting, but when... more>> they physical, but also when they are spiritual. The dialogue is fun a filled with so many idioms that even I started using some myself.

About the cultivation aspect itself, it's very well paced, and for the most part, every increase in cultivation is accompanied by a real sense of growth. Even novels that pride themselves in having "slower progression" like 'Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality', rush many things and don't actually bother to present the internal and external difficulties of cultivation. In Martial Peak, bottlenecks feel real, even for the protagonist and his allies, years of cultivation are never just a time skip, they are deliberately and carefully shown. Some characters, especially early on, are defined by the bottlenecks they spent decades stuck at. Even the main character sometimes just does not have what it takes for a breakthrough, and stays dozens of chapters having to struggle against enemies he simply cannot contend with because he has not achieved a breakthrough.

Even though the protagonist is indeed overpowered, if you compare him to cultivators of the same realm, it never feels like he can just punch his way out of anything, and he is in the losing end of many situations, having to rely in things other than strength to get ahead. He is one of the few protagonists in the genre that actually has to constantly depend on allies and build actual relationships.

As for the negative aspects of the novel. The two main ones are that the descriptions of characters are always the same (The manga helps in this aspect because it just ignores the novel's descriptions), especially female characters, they are always the same, with their jade white necks, and jade like fingers, and thin waists, and full bottoms, and enchanting fragrances. Women only have different appearances if they have particularly "astonishing mountains" and sometimes dress "provocatively". But even if they are physically similar, I have to say the female cast actually has a good amount of variety in their personalities, they feels distinct, even if they sometimes fall into tropes, they are well defined enough that when one does or says something, you could not imagine another character doing the same thing instead. The second problem is how samey some of the antagonists feel, there's only so many bratty spoiled and overconfident young lords you can put in their place before it get's boring.

If someone could just rewrite the physical descriptions of character and sprinkle a little more of flavor in some of the antagonists, the novel would be an absolute masterpiece. <<less
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xianxia_reader rated it
September 19, 2016
Status: v2c121
This is a standard xianxia affair, replete with random bullies at each turn with some or the other plot point for them to feel offended, dues ex machina type luck of the MC where he gets some awesome power. It follows up with the standard "you are courting death" and random upgrade of MCs power. The comedy tag can be justified with constant scenes of girls interacting with MC being put in awkward situation. Thats it, author doesn't seem to have any other comedic chops. So this recommended only if... more>> you are fan of xianxia in general and want to read more of the generic story. If looking for some novel with its unique flavor I'd say, Skip It. <<less
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Dixi82 rated it
March 6, 2023
Status: c3200
The novel started out very well, but gradually it fell and fell to the bottom. At first I wanted to rate it 3 points, because I still read up to 3000+ chapters, but then my opinion fell into negative, then only 2 points.
The protagonist changes his character from pleasant to absolutely arrogant. He is ready to jump into any fight, where he often has no plan and no chance of winning, but is saved by some random event.
However, this is the problem with many novels.
But what killed me and made me scream "What the f**k is going on?" this is the moment when the protagonist returns from the higher world to the lower one.


He ACCIDENTALLY returns to his lower world. ACCIDENTALLY, it is the moment when his star system is attacked by a neighboring one. ACCIDENTALLY he arrives at the moment when his main star is under attack. By the way, at this moment, the protagonist is absolutely invincible to his enemies in this world. He helps his star fend off the attack. Great! He learns that the entire star system is suffering huge losses. He knows, that his 3 wives are on other stars. He does not know what is happening with them (are they alive or maybe they are being r*ped at the moment?), with their relatives and with his friends. What to do next? Of course, you need to spend a month to improve life on your star, then celebrate meeting old friends, then have s*x with your wife. Okay, so what do you need to do after that? Exactly, you need to go to a random planet and fight the invaders there. After that, you can visit your second wife and spend a week having s*x with her. When he arrives at his 3rd wife's star, her family is destroyed. When he arrives at his 4th wife, she is on her last legs. And he, of course, like a knight saves the situation. And then another 10 years trying to cure his wife. If I were his wives, I would ask him: "Husband, when our families were dying, when we almost died, and you knew that it was extremely likely, is it normal to drink and have s*x with others?"


I'm so angry that I started reading this novel. If I had known that everything would go down to such s*upidity, I would not have started doing it.
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Poorboy rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: c2520
Boring as hell!... 2500+ chapter I read 80% is filler. Author try hard to come up with some situations and just drop MC to solve. For instance if MC is going to retrieve some token then he will get in to some family issue of some random clans, this happens every time. Anyway, the whole story is simple guessable. I don't know how the author made this novel reach 6k but I'm sure that more than half is time waste to read.

I read this only to as usual as there... more>> is none good to read. So read only if you have similar status.

I cannot read anymore so I'm dropping. For those who read 6k I really salute you for you perseverance. <<less
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UREK D. MAZINO rated it
January 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Like lot of guys I started reading this novel after reading the manhua as I was eager to know what's going to happen. But, boy I was wrong.

because, this was my first novel all these tropes were new to me. Arrogant MC, face slapping, taking extremely long time to advance a single small step.

i was curious as I had started so I had to finish. So I started reading MTL and reached 3800 something chapters.

The next arc looked as if had some potential.

... more>>

the whole open heaven thing had me excited. The method to reach open heaven by combining 7 elements to reach the new level was intresting to me at first. So I kept reading and then came the BLACK INK arc the worst arc of all time.

It was not that Arc didn't had potential. No, the black ink arc had the most potential. The whole concept of Black Ink was amazing but, the author ruined it and he ruined it very badly


This novel destroys itself once you reach Black Ink arc.

so read it but you can just easily skip 400-500 chapters because it wouldn't matter. <<less
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jon95 rated it
July 30, 2021
Status: --
first of all this only my personal thoughts of the novel and may not necessarily represent how it really is.

I read this novel long ago so it was interesting at the beginning but even the amateur me back then got bored from the repeated loop, so I dropped it. I decided to pick it again recently since I was bored and its manga has a high rating but yeah it's still the same, I couldn't even continue the manga

... more>>

"genius mc" get stronger=> beat every one and make them kneel in front of his greatness => add more harm=> go to higher realm to save his lover => get stronger=> beat every one and make them kneel in front of his greatness => add more harm=> go to higher realm to save his lover =>...

the MC isn't a genius or even smart. He isn't even remarkable or standing out in front of other MCs, he is only a guy stuffed to the max with a lot plot armor and writer being too lazy to create some other decent characters or work on the plot. The writer ended up messing up the MC settings and the plot to show how excessively great the MC more than he truly is. He wants him to look smart but he actually has a pretty low EQ and make dump decisions, he wants him to look indifferent to fame and gain but he is quite a greedy and vain character, he wants him not to look lustful.. well.. you know how he is with his never ending harem.

The family heir tournament is one of the worst arcs I ever read, the plot itself, the MC winning strategy and the way he tried to gain more allies were total nonsense. the arrogant id**t just stand there and expect others to come and kneel in front of him (who has no remarkable bg or achievements than the other candidates nor did he even try to put any effort to win over them) to accept them. he didn't even show any act of gratitude or respect to those who joined him.

Actually the whole idea and set up of the tournament is pure sh*t, even the setting of his family. I don't know how could they even survive till now.

I wanted to complain about the heroines but it's same in every harem chinese novel, just some 2d s*xdolls with no depth so lets put it aside.

In other successful novels you will find some side characters with interesting personalities, some readers may like a side character or a villain more than the MC himself but here there is no one except the MC, allied dummies and enemy sc*m dummies since the writer is too lazy to work on other characters. He just copy-paste what he made before so you will find that the characters are 'mysteriously' similar even say the same phrases or think in the same way most of the time


the plot is only interesting for newbies or readers who are really into this kind of story <<less
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Mamasere rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: c1890
Martial Peak is a bit of a mixed bag that is good for around 1000 chapters but after that noticeably drops in quality.

It's your typical "tr*sh MC finds cheat and becomes OP while face slapping idiots and collecting chicks" kinda story, but for the first 1050 chapters I loved it and read it constantly.

But once the Shadowed Star arc comes in, the story takes a deep nose down. MC acts dumb, plot becomes slow and filled with boring chapters where nothing happens, and the problems in the arc all stem... more>> from arrogant young masters and ret*rded elders with the IQ of an inbred monkey rolling in cocaine. There are no mysteries like in the first two worlds, and I found myself drifting away from the novel until one day I just couldn't find the strength to even click on the chapter. Then I searched a little on the wiki to see what will happen in the future and I was just disappointed so I dropped it with no hesitation.

First, let's cover the good parts:

- the MC: a bit more unique than others because of his unyielding character and sly, cunning nature, but his heart is in the right place, at least until the author makes him pe*verted and lustful and makes him r*pe a few girls. It was very forced, and I don't like it. I actually pity the MC because the author constantly suppresses him, changes his character and drops his IQ all to make him stay at a lower realm, and then feeding him cheats to breakthrough.

- the first two worlds were pretty good, I liked the inheritance war arc although it was sometimes boring, the characters were nice, girls had actual character, power creep wasn't too over the top...

- there are a lot of likeable characters, even those that don't get much screentime. I liked the old Alchemists especially, with their interactions with MC being the best.

- the villains in the first two worlds were satisfactory, they posed real threat to the world and weren't some over glorified young masters. The battles weren't too long nor too short, so I'm satisfied with that.

Now onto the bad parts:

- no real risks. MC is never in too much danger that makes you feel like he might die. It's a pretty easy ride for him, since he has over a thousand different cheats each more heaven-defying than the last.

- don't get attached to any side characters. No matter how good or prevalent they may be, once MC goes to a bigger area everyone is just forgotten by the author and they ain't coming back. MC later even comes back to his previous areas to pick up his closest friends and relatives but we don't get any names, any interactions or reactions about how MC is more powerful... nothing. What a shame.

- the romance is pretty bad. MC ends up with multiple wives, all of which are some superb peerless jade beauties with their own type of peerless charm; ice beauty, shy innocent beauty, charming seductress virg*n beauty, genocidal maniac beauty, annoying beauty, useless baggage beauty... You know, the usual.

The worst part is that the harem members have very little character, and it just transforms into "caring wife" character later. The women that MC rejects or makes his friends have more connection with the MC because they stay through the story, while the harem members get separated from MC for 500+ chapters at a time before MC accidentally finds them just in time for some young master to come in and try to r*pe them.


Su Yan is imo the worst offender of this. Her romance with MC is a product of a forced dual cultivation technique, not something naturally developed. Before they f*cked, the two of them barely even spoke to one another and that is only because her brother is MC's friend/helper.

The 2nd and 3rd wives at least had some romance, though not much, while she had nothing. Just f*ck MC>improve because of interc**rse>stay for two chapters>close up for 100+ chaps or get sent to a higher realm "accidentally" for 500+ chaps>repeat


- one thing you'll notice is that a vast majority of MC's friends are women, who inevitably develop a crush on him, or men whose only purpose is dumping exposition and needing saving. The only competent men are those who are already so old they have no chance to get together with MC's women, which just irks me the wrong way. Every arc, no matter small or big will have a peerless beauty sidekick, while the men are usually servants that offer no use. Also, 99% of enemies are men, old or young, while the b*tchy women (who are already rare) get off mostly scot free because they're probably connected to one of the wives in some way.


I especially despised the Ice Sect and Ice Heart Valley, both of which are connected to Su Yan. In both sects, Su Yan is a heaven sent genius that their teachers adore fanatically. And then once MC arrives, both of those teachers immediately want to kill him because he is "damaging her progress". At the same time, they lock up Su Yan away and even want her to witness MC's death because they believe that she'll eventually thank them. *Facepalm* How ret*rded can you be??? Did those idiotic women not consider that Su Yan might as well just commit su*cide on the spot? Or lose motivation to cultivate? What are you going to do then, lock up a person who has no will to live and force them to cultivate and inherit the sect? You'd be lucky is she doesn't run the sect into the ground when she gets the position...

And the worst part? MC SPARES THEIR LIVES AND SECTS. Because Su Yan asks him. Why does she even care? You'd think that she would be the first to want to destroy them, especially the second one as they even tried to marry her off to a tr*sh young master of another sect.


- luck and plot armor. There is a lot of it. MC is just like Xiao Yan from doupo canqiong, it wouldn't be surprising if he found out his sh*t is a peerless cultivation ingredient. MC has no real technique of his own, he mostly relies on OP cheats to cultivate or beat up someone multiple realms above him. He has so many cheats that a majority of them just get forgotten or nerfed because the author realized that MC was too OP

- author is obsessed at keeping the MC as low realm as possible, because MC always has to be an underdog fighting above his realm. For that reason, 90% of cheats MC gets don't increase the cultivation realm but strength, speed, regeneration, divine sense... However, at the same time, MC is also a genius that goes through realms in a mere few years while others need hundreds and thousands of years of cultivation. It gets annoying fast, especially when author finds some dumb reason to throw MC into a higher level area before reaching the level cap of the previous area so that he can keep calling MC tr*sh for his low realm.

- the women, especially the harem members, don't need to put any effort into cultivation. While MC is out there "risking his life" for cheats, the women already have some broken OP special physicue or are such geniuses that their sects just feed them sh*t and power level them to the same realm as MC, all the while calling MC tr*sh for his low realm. This is so unfair that it makes me pissed off at the author.

Overall, it's good for beginners, but if you're a veteran reader you'll probably find something better than this out there. I'm even contemplating whether I should drop this to 2 stars because of what happens later on... <<less
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pradyutvam rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: v11c2080
This starts off much better than some of those badly written novels but eventually author falls into same degenerate trap that seems to be part of their culture.

To me shadowed star arc is crap. I mean the previous part of story made sense but after we find MC going to starry sky in search of su yan. The story takes weird turns and repetitive, specially the whole event between MC and xue yue. Yang kai development slowed down, lot of unnecessary characters, side storys, same copy paste description of events... more>> in multiple chapters and predictable story twists. I mean literally now the writing has become money fodders for author.

All in all story becomes lot slow and loses its own unique points which made us like martial peak in the first place. <<less
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Ishikai rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: c1300
I started out with the manga, and begun reading around the 600-chapter mark.

From there on, this is among the best novels I've read, and the Translation is amazing as well

.... All the way until the Shadowed-star Arc. You're better of imagining the MC dies in that blood crystal and the novel ends, because what comes next is just the most pure generic filler sh*t you've ever read, repeated infinite times over.
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karikidol25 rated it
June 8, 2020
Status: c600
Average world building and story, the plots are nothing out of the ordinary. However, the side characters can be considered quite interesting with fresh characteristic (I personally found the way the react to MC actions are quite funny).

the translation of the first 1000 chaps or so is kinda below average with personal comments and spoilers, which really ruined the relaxing tone of the story.

All in all result in an inevitable result: A Mediocre novel. For those who have read other more decent pieces, I can hardly recommend this. As... more>> for people who are some what new to the wuxia, xianxia, xuanhuan genre, this might be a good start, <<less
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Fechdk rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: c628
Don't know why it has such high ratings.

Most of the content is info dump. Author can't even count. Always whriting "few", "many", "two or three kilometer's". He can't even whrite how many people survived from 8 man team....

As for fighting scenes they are dull, no skill or anything one side is always overpowered.

... more>> Cultivation setting is crappy. MC does not know any Martial Skills or anything like that. He learned ones only at the beggining. At chapeter 600+ he can't use any skills at all.

Thought it would be better. Was dissapointed with relationships. MC has so many romantic interests but does not develop ANY of them (except for the forced dual cultivation).

I don't mind plot armor or harem but <<less
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HatersDoHate rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c700+
I rated this novel 3 stars. Why?

First, the powerups in this novel was too common, an MC with Yang power and female lead with yin power. So fcking common right? The pacing was also common (having a yang attribute then find a girl with yin attribute and cultivate together common situations). The techniques and powers was also too bland. Theres nothing unique here. Second, the romance here was sht. Don't get me wrong, the way the author create the love scenes here was good. And the way the conversations of... more>> the MC and two FL here was also good. But why do I say that the romance was sht? Because of Dual Cultivation. Man, for me, this Dual Cultivation ruined the romance. Because theres no fcking way that the love between the MC and his first wife was pure. Because it was a product of a technique. The FW loves the MC because of the influence of the technique, not because she really loves the MC. The technique influenced their emotions, so how could it be pure love? In fact, Im sure that if theres no dual cultivation in both of them, the FL would not even have a slightest love for MC. Because first, the MC only have lust for her, while the FL has a frozen heart. And we could already see it after they met after some long separations, that they would have sxx first, instead of pure moments. While the woman (second FL) who loved him purely was swept aside when the first wife was there. The woman (second FL) who watch the MC grow up, who cheer him behind, who wish the best for him when the MC was still a tr*sh, was swept aside when the first wife (which was just a product of technique) was there. In fact, theres not even a pure love scene between the MC and first FL. The scene between the two was always when they dual cultivate. So wheres the pure love there?

Third, the Harem here was also tr*sh. Dont get me wrong, Im not against in harem, in fact, I like harem. But the way the author crrated the harem here was sht. Theres a blatant favoritism between the wives of the MC. The MC loves the woman who loves him because of a technique more, than the woman who purely and deeply love him even when he was still a tr*sh. Im not against in harem if the love of the MC was equally distributed between his wives. But here? The MC surely love the first wife more than the second who purely love him. The way the author created the romance here was like, a love which was a product of a circumstances (technique), was better than a pure love. Thats why I said that romance here was sht. Those who says that the love between the MC and the Su Yan was pure, are really a stupd shts. Theres not even a pure romance moments between the two, instead they always dual cultivate when they together, and when they open their hearts to each other, they just did it because of the second stage of their technique. They also did not suffer any hardships and life and death together, so wheres the heck the pure love there? What about the second FL Ning Chang? She admire the MC even when the MC was tr*sh, they suffered hardship together when they were in life and death situations, any scenes between the MC and her was a pure romance, but what happened? She was swept aside when Su Yan was there. So let me ask you if the romance was good here? No, its a tr*sh romance. Fck that!!

For me, the dual cultivation really ruined this. Man, the MC risks his life to purify and enhance his qi and spirit energy, risk his life to obtain insights in martial ways, but it would all be also obtained by his first wife by waiting on her bed and be ravaged by the MC. Wtf, whats good about that? Man, the first FL was too fcking useless. I dont even see her getting out, she just always waited to the MC and she would benefited to him immediately. I dont even saw Su Yan helped the MC a bit, she did not even help the MC carry some of his burden, so wheres the love there? While the second FL helped the MC many times when he was weak, help him when he was at inheritance war, refined pills to him too many times and loved him dearly and purely, but what did she get from MC? None. Fck this author. Man, seriously, I hoped that you would also became number two in your lovers romance heart.

Also, whats the point of cultivating to other characters in this novel if Su Yan just needs to wait in bed to be f*cked by MC and could reapt all of the benefits, insights, strength that the MC had. This stupd author, his lust ruined this novel. Its like 's*x could obtain everything'. What a great stupdty of the author. Fck you author. You are not suited in writing xianxia. Su Yan just waited in bed to be fcked, and could already obtain the strength of the MC. The MC tortured himself, destroying and repairing his soul so just he could enhance it, but Su Yan just needed to be ravaged by the MC and she could already get her soul as strong as MC. The MC risks his life fighting just so that he could better his understanding in Martial Path, but Su Yan just needed to be fcked by the MC and she could get the insights of the MC. The MC find many ways to purify his qi but Su Yan just needed to be fcked and her qi could be as pure as MC. What a great idea of this stupd author. Fck you man!! I really like to rate this novel 4 stars but the lust of this stupd author ruined it. <<less
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mrttao rated it
December 28, 2016
Status: c141
It ok. Not terrible like so many others, and I actually have not dropped it yet, but not really good either. It just mostly feels bland.

The MC is a ret*rd, the villains are even bigger ret*rds. Everyone is a bully and a robber. Literally every young master is a rapist (and I do mean literally, zero exceptions). The MC's s*upid choices arbitrarily end up being the correct ones due to plot armor levels of luck and the ridiculously OP item/mentor/technique (3 in one cheat. A magic book of holding that... more>> spews out more cheat items and cheat techniques as his cultivation progresses).

While the above sound really really bad, the devil is in the details. And the specific execution on this one is competent enough (compared to other xianxia). Most stories with such flaws would make me rage quit reading them already, but this one hasn't bothered me early on. It gets worse later on but at that point I am in too deep to quit over this. If you are hungry for another wuxia story then read this, it will hit the spot in a bland but filling manner

edit: author competence level has been dropping as it progresses so I am dropping it to 3 stars. <<less
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NomenJuice rated it
November 25, 2023
Status: c3967
Everyone can read a good novel but only real Veterans read Martial Peak for thousands of chapter.

From that point forward it does'nt matter if you like Martial Peak or not because it could be too late to drop it.

This thing is like all the other addictive things in the world, you know it's bad but it's also good too and you keep coming to it again and again and again and again... That's what happened to me.

Conclusion: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR (please help) , GO AND START READING IT... more>> NOW (no don't do it). <<less
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coisbot rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: c6009
I completed this novel via MTL.

It starts out pretty well and the main character goes through some interesting situations. I also liked the relationships with his various 'girlfriends', however they become less and less of a focus as the story trudges along.

Around chapter 3000 or so the story really starts to drag...

Honestly this novel is about twice as long as it should be. There's a point where it should have ended and it just kept going, and going, and going...

Still, what we got was pretty good.
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