Manual for Using Fierce Beast


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Seo Yu Jin, who claims to be in charge of dealing with difficult customers at HN Planning, belongs to the secretarial office.

One day, she suddenly received a call from the president and heard some unexpected news.

“My younger sibling is returning to the country after a long time. Can you take care of him for three months? It’s not that hard. Just keep him from appearing in public. It’s okay, he probably won’t hit women… maybe.”

She should have run away right after hearing those words, but money-driven Seo Yu-jin eventually agreed and confronted the third child of HN Group, Jin Tae Oh, who was hidden behind a veil…

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    1 Review

    Mi mi mi
    Mi mi mi
    Mar 24, 2024
    Status: c7
    So far the writing is a bit messy, lot's of telling and very little showing, the scenes change without any warning and there some inconsistency on the main character, one moment she is described as patient and with little pride and the other she is a hot head and is very stubborn, she's good at appeasing problematic clients but then she also loses her temper with them and fights them?

    Also what's up with all the shrugging? It's like she's doing it twice or three times per chapter.

    I started this one... more>> thinking I would have a problem with the main guy and slowly grow to like him but it's the other way around, I have no problem with him, he's kind of just there, the main girl keeps going on and on in her head on how she can feel he is dangerous but she never seen him actually do anything, we as the readers get a quick recap from his sister (more telling with little showing) and have an understanding of his violent tendencies, but she doesn't, with this and the inconsistency in her characterization, she's really getting on my nerves and I don't know if I'll finish this one.

    Ps: I accidentally gave this 4 stars when I meant to give it 3. <<less
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