Making Her Wet


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After Luo Xin discovered that her boyfriend had cheated on her, she drank and, on an impulse, she slept with her boss. Her boss didn’t accept her apology; he would only accept her body as compensation.

“We’ll either be friends with benefits or you can get a new boyfriend: you choose.”

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Recommendation Lists
  1. My Novel Haven (4)
  2. Smvts
  3. Steamy Read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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07/30/23 Foxaholic 18 c39
07/24/23 Foxaholic 18 c38
07/23/23 Foxaholic 18 c37
07/18/23 Foxaholic 18 c36
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3 Reviews

Nov 14, 2023
Status: Completed
This was a pure smut one.

All chapters consist of them doing xoxo.

MC is the secretary of the Ceo ML. While attending a company event, she got a call from her bf's phone hearing him having xoxo with a friend. She got drunk after a glass of wine or something and asked the president to have xoxo with her in the restroom giving her 1st time to him.

From there, they started their daily papapa being boyfriend girlfriend in the villa, office and etc. Meeting the family and all no major setback,... more>> not much plot, just daily smut. <<less
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Oct 08, 2024
Status: Completed
Cute and sweet Story

Both FL and ML where nice,

Though the ending is good (HE) but in my opinion it would have been better if there where few more chapters for more detailed ending.
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May 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Never thought the day would come where I find a novel too smutty to the point I kinda wish there was a plot to follow instead. This one is a “turn your brain off” kind of story so you’re definitely not gonna get much out of it other than fluff and seggs. It got exhaustingly repetitive by the end.

Also no idea the timeline for their romance. One chapter he’s asking her to choose between being FWB or bf/gf, then the next they’re meeting the parents and they’re head over heels... more>> for each other. There is no semblance of time. Literally alllll seggs. If thats your thing then this is the story for you. <<less
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