Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou


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15 years ago the world discovered magic as well as mythical beings (basically beings from various legends) in another dimension. Humankind learned to summon these dangerous mythical beings and use their power to great effect. Seven countries formed contracts with these “mythical beings” and gained their allegiance as a result. The mythical beings will choose their summoners on their 14th birthday and give them a stigma. Schools have been set up to train summoners and magical swordsman (basically bodyguards that give the summoners time to cast their spell) as a result.

15 years later after the finding of magic Kazuki Hayashizaki is chosen as a summoner and given a stigma to indicate that. This is surprising since males aren’t chosen as summoners due to their low amount of mana compared to females. As the first male to be a summoner Kazuki is under a lot of scrutiny by almost everyone.

To complicate matters his sister (who’s a magical swordsman) is against him going into summoner school to train there as a summoner. Because summoners and magical swordsman have a cat mouse thing going on where summoners look down on magical swordsman as inferior so his sister naturally is against him going there. She’ll stop him even if it means going to war.

Kazuki however is determined to thrive in summoner school and has already determined to give it his all. Even if he’s the lowest ranked student (ranked E) and his fellow students intend to demean him he’ll prove himself as the strongest summoner.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Magical Swordsman and Summoning Demon King
Magic Swordsman and Summoner
Magika no Kenshi to Basileus
Magika no Kenshi to Vashireusu
Related Series
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Sevens (1)
Himekishi ga Classmate! ~ Isekai Cheat de Dorei ka Harem~ (1)
Asuka of the Scarlet Sky (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels with big harem
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. dropped
  4. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  5. Novels To Read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/30/15 Baka-Tsuki v5 intermission...
09/30/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c6
09/27/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c5 part3-4
09/23/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c5 part2
09/19/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c5 part1
09/16/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c4 part5-6
09/16/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c4 part3-4
09/12/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c4 part1-2
09/12/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c3 part2
09/09/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c3 part1
09/09/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c2 part3-4
09/09/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c2 part2
09/05/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c2 part1
09/04/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c1 part5
09/02/15 Baka-Tsuki v5c1 part4
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36 Reviews sorted by

GUTB rated it
October 15, 2018
Status: --
While not the most rancid of the harem genre by a long shot — it is incredibly s*upid. This genre doesn’t need intelligent plots but there is a limit to s*upidity. The s*upidity isn’t just the plot but also emotional s*upidity — the characters are human and should at least feel something like humans instead of trope characteristics. Aside from the ret*rded plot, the author traps hinself too deeply into a trope dungeon. The MC is a special existence and a male in a female setting and underpowered but overpowered... more>> in reality. Every girl has to figure out thier in*est fetish position (onii, Nii, ototo, etc). MC is in class of girls, but only two harem girls matter at all, have any ability, involved in the plot, have fights, talk to the MC or have any meaning at all. Of course the MC lives in a dorm which strangely consists solely of harem girls (no other girl from any of the other classes get in).

In short it’s magic harem tr*sh — just not the worst of it. <<less
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FishCream rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: v3c1
It feels like this novel has no driving force. The plot so far is really just "collect the girls" combined with dealing with problems that are completely illogical and/or have no reason to fall on the MC.

There is no explanation for how the power system works (except for the vague "levels" of magic) or how anyone is supposed to get strong. In every fight there is always the looming threat of "mana intoxication" which is supposed to be dangerous and scary but it happens all the time. Along the same... more>> lines the "good guys" are always "almost out of mana" while the bad guys are ridiculously strong but just can't seem to finish off anyone even if they want to.

This novel would probably be fine if it had more focus on the romcom aspect because it's just tiring to read with all these ridiculous and way to long fights that makes no sense and never lead to anything. <<less
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john9983 rated it
January 8, 2020
Status: Completed
Have you read harem novel where MC stops before sex? Do you feel satisfied?

If you feel unsatisfied, then this is for you.

But don't read for s*x scenes only, you will be disappointed.

This is a good fighting story (atleast for me) where MC gradually increase relationship with girls to the point marrying (only implied) them and making them pregnant.
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Oshibo rated it
September 12, 2019
Status: --
I enjoyed it but unless the translator censored it there was no s*x and the first time interc**rse tag is bullcrap as everything was fingers an mouth, later on it talks about how contraception works again and how Kaguya didn't get pregnant during one time on Atlantis but during that time he was using his fingers according to the translations. In volume 13 after he pleasures the girls it says that they didn't have actual s*x, decent series but unless the translator censored sh*t the author implied that Kazuki could... more>> imp**gnate a girl with his fingers. <<less
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May 25, 2019
Status: Completed
Wow, that was an unexpectedly amazing read. I did not expect those 3 Great Mythologies that were tied in the previous Raganarok to be....

... more>>

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism


Well, anyway. Now that I think about it, Characters were generic. They're predictable. Even MC is your typical Harem MC at first. If you've watched dozens of animes that has the tag "Harem" to it then its not hard to picture out their personalities. That Tsundere childhood friend, Kuudere bookgirl Elf, Onee-san type kaicho, etc. Because of that it won't get a 5 star sadly.

It still, however, has a high rating of 4 stars in my book. Here's why...

Your MC is powerful at the beginning because of his prowess with the sword but not the overpowered type. He slowly accumulates experience and diligently learns magic and his strength in each battle is justifiable at his growth. He only doesn't get stronger physically but he also matures mentally and emotionally as he encounters dillemas, contrasting opinions, and different reasonings. In short, you can see him grow.

>Villains (at least most of them) are mostly not generic "I just want to cause suffering and destruction type". From mad scientists just wanting the best for his daughter to a ruler who only wants prosperity, the antagonists usually have a motive that is reasonable depending on where you look at the situation and thus the type of villains you can't fully hate. They are also the main contributors to MC's emotional growth.

>The ecchi scenes are amazing! You can actually witness how the scenes gradually grow in intensity as chapters go by. They start of as simple fanservice where girls walk around in revealing clothing as they forget that they're already living with a boy or simply don't care. Then they sleep (just sleep, no s3x, just sleep) with MC and end up in a generic teasing of both MC and the reader. Then they start kissing. Then kissing intensely which will later be accompanied in combination with hugging intensely while kissing. Then the girls individually develop their preffered way of kissing, some prefer their lips being s**ked while others will prefer doing it while playing with their tongues with MC. Then touching over the clothes. Then touching and caressing without the clothes. Then each girl develops their own fetishes. Around the climax, MC is already sucking nips and inserting his fingers in some of the girl's privates and even a few instances where his c*ck got s**ked by the girls. ALL THESE TAKES PLACE GRADUALLY IN THE SPAN OF SEVERAL CHAPTERS. You really see the growth in intensity in fanservice. They do this without crossing the line. Which leads me to my next point...

They actually cross the line...

In Chapter 13 to be exact

This made me give it a high rating, typical Harem series usually just stop at the intense fanservice probably hoping that they will get noticed by animation studios. Long story short, imagine your typical Harem series but theyactually have s*x. Needless to say, if you're here to read this for the s*x scenes then look somewhere else. This is mostly teasing and the s*x scenes come in the climax of the stories which is already toward the end

Welp that was a long evaluation. Story was quite decent, writing and the translation are awesome and gives the reader a vivid 3rd person view of the story. 4 stars :) <<less
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Elheim rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: v5 afterword
Massive info dump on the level of, if not more than, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei. The story itself is decent and the progression of events have good execution. It could have worked if it weren't for the expositions being clumsily written and inserted arbitratily.

"Show, don't tell" as they say.
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stanljpierre rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: v13
This novel isn't exactly bad, but I just found it extremely boring. Moreover, outside of his harem, Im not too much of a fan of the MC's personality. I felt that he was much too kind and forgiving to his enemies. Countless times the MC is schemed against or there being attempts on his life, but he just accepts things as they are and never really tries to retaliate. More often than not he's actually trying to speak up for the enemy or save them. Of course, they all just... more>> happened to be women. Just real frustrating to read.

Overall, I only really liked the interactions of the harem members. It's extremely rare where we have a non-dense JP protagonist and he isn't scared to be intimate with his women. Though again, everything else was fairly mediocre. <<less
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Akikojam rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: c12
With exception of two flaws, this book is perfect. The flaws being

1) Age limitation on magic, adults lose most of their magic power, which is a fate that protagonist party will eventually face as well

2) This book should've been at least twice longer. Too many events are crammed tight, so it's a bit hard to read, and some of the girls don't have enough screentime.

That out of the way, as long as you survive the first cliche volume, you're welcomed by a wonderful world of a perfectly harmonious harem which... more>> actually crosses the line that most novels avoid, while maintaining the trust needed to keep it from turning into a boring drama. And it's not centered completely on protagonist, the girls interact and help each other out.

But, of course, that's only a part of it. The actual story is interesting, with a lot of interesting thoughts on religion, politics, history and strategy. And the combat is not your usual power level comparison. As said early on, protagonist's style is based on observing his opponents. So expect a lot of technique, mind tricks and clever tactics. <<less
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Scott5431 rated it
September 25, 2017
Status: v14 afterword
Best harem novel I've read so far. I'm not a huge fan of harem, I read them a lot (don't get me wrong), but I've always been partial to loyal love interests. This novel has made me realize that if the author puts enough time and effort into character growth and relationship building that they can be just add good, in my opinion, as loyal to love interesto, to me.
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Master10K rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
In a world eroded by magic & myths... To the point where one's suspension of disbelief is required to make sense of the world's technology, military & religious practices. One dark-haired Japanese boy, with his trusty Sword, joins a Magic Academy full of cute girls. Getting into ecchi harem hijinks with the female archetypes & faffing about, with there being a general lack of urgency from the naive youngsters.

I've experienced several other Anime, Manga, LN & VN just like this. Even the incorporation of various fairly well-known myths & legends.... more>> The only thing that sets this one apart is that it is incredibly straight forward with its harem aspect, as the Japanese MC here actually has some balls. Turning it into a bit of a Galge, with a {contains: s*xual content} tag. <<less
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captain crunch
captain crunch
June 17, 2018
Status: v1c5
I didn't vote because I only read 2/3 of the first volume before I stopped reading. But here is my rating on my scale.

Rating: 2.5-3, Translation: 3.5

[Rating/Translation scale: 5 = almost all readers may enjoy / infrequent minor errors. 4 = large majority of readers may enjoy / frequent minor errors or infrequent major errors, no difficulty to read. 3 = 50% of readers may enjoy / frequent major errors, unable to understand some sentences or a paragraph in a chapter. 2 = niche audience may enjoy / unable to... more>> understand moderate portion of a chapter. 1 = portion of niche audience may enjoy / unable to understand most of a chapter.]

Magic appears in the modern world, and the most powerful magicians are teenage summoners who contract with a demon. In Japan, they are all girls. However, the MC is a boy who receives a contract. He is also from a swordfighting dojo. He goes to the all-girls magic school with the goal of combining magic and swordfighting skills, and to create a harem. The intro of V1 implied there will be battles with magic monsters or rogue summoners, and maybe foreign countries.

The plot sounds interesting. It's not really isekai, which makes me a little biased. But I like harems, the idea that MC is trying to change the status quo, and possible world building of how magic affects the modern world. However, the delivery didn't excite me. One big problem is the writing style. During a conversation, there will be a couple lines of dialogue, then an info dump or wall of text. Sometimes, the dialogue itself is an info dump. The interactions between MC and the girls are often cringey or cheesy. On top of all that, the translation, while is understandable, has frequent awkward wording or typos that make the reading flow a little choppy (3.5 on my scale).

After reading about 200 out of 300 pages of V1, I stopped reading. Maybe I'll come back to it later. Many of the reviews are so positive, and say it gets better later on. So I will give a 2.5-3 rating on my scale. It sounds like harem and summoning magician fans would like this series, so at least a 2 rating, but add a little more to the score for the premise and the other positive reviews. <<less
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Lachiel rated it
October 23, 2015
Status: --
Ecchi Magic Simulator 2015... to a extent lmao. So we follow a guy on the path he did not want to tread.. the harem king path -shrug- What can he do.. Turns out its the only way he can use magic.. get a harem. meh.

Plot wise its pretty good, I can't complain too much about the ecchi-ness and how he obtains his harem but overall its not that bad. If you can handle the bits of ecchi and the one chapter of "Conquer the gurl!" you will enjoy this novel... more>> as the fight scenes are well written and there is slice of life bits that just make you want to laugh.
I would recommend this to others ~_~ based on their tastes.. on fan service and magic.. and harems.. <<less
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Because it works
Because it works rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Believe or not, this was the first "Harem fighting-school" I've ever read, back when I was still a kid going by the releases' dates. That was one HELL of a first choice, IYKYK.

The good parts of the story come from playing with the template. It's self-aware and knows when to go straight or take a sudden turn.

The characterization is the best part. There're all sorts of archetypes (now I know) you're expected to see, often combining many tropes in a single character; then those tropes are blatantly twisted making the... more>> characters more enjoyable or hilarious, depending on the choice.

On the other hand, the world-building is it's weakest link, sometimes failing to explain some things or hindering others on purpose —specially in detriment of the action. It's great nonetheless. <<less
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January 3, 2020
Status: v14 afterword
This story has good balance between romance and fighting. Well rough formula are fight after flirt. Rest, date, fight again. Until at certain point, imp**gnate the heroines. Not a half baked, hesitate, pu*sy MC. He goes all out with all the heroines.
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yuisdu rated it
April 1, 2016
Status: --
Nice series with a protagonist that does what most other Japanese light novel protagonists wouldn't do in his situation. Pretty good ecchi moments, but the battles seem drawn out at times. I like the series, but the translator could use an editor or two, some of scenes were just barely readable.
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khanh rated it
January 11, 2016
Status: --
well this is the same as any other japanese LN novel out there, if you into those type of novel there better find and you could do with worse. I wonder why every f*cking season there always an manga, anime, novel about a special boy that have a special power only he can wield or he is the only male that can wield that power. Also some how he alway rank lowest in the ranking chart, but his power can beat the strongest in the rank chart. Also these type... more>> of male MC always have no personality then a clueless guy that dont what what he like until someone shove it in his face. (Let not forget the colorful harem, red, blonde, blue, silver, black hair girls that always seem to fall for him for no reason because he is special or he peek on while they are in the bathroom or dressing.) <<less
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