Love Affair in Company


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“Why, you don’t want to kiss me?”

Eun-seo was smitten with a sweet man.

Unlike that man, Mr. Kwon always treated her coldly and cruelly, and she never realized it.

She thought he was from a different world than she was, until one day, he suddenly kissed her like a devil.

His dark eyes shone with intense emotion. The way a man looks at a woman. The way a predator looks at his prey.

From his lips, the name I’d always called him, “Ms. Yoon Eun-seo,” flowed a title I’d never heard before.

“Yoon Eun-seo,” he said, his low, resonant voice sounding like he was angry.

‘Why do you call me that?’

I wanted to lash out, but my body didn’t move, as if I were captured by the gaze.

“What, did you forget about him for a second?”

Looking at Eun-seo, who had forgotten to breathe, he smiled.

“……I don’t fight a battle I can’t win.”

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11/04/23 HaruTaka Translations c1 part1
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