Lord of the Oasis


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Bags of salt, spices and sugar stacked from inside the shop all the way out into the streets. Merchants loaded with goods going flooded the streets with their carriages.
The air was filled with fragrances emanating from all manner of spices. It was a prosperous, lively city at the side of the oasis. Sounds of metals being hammered and threads being woven were heard all over the place, as smiths and craftsmen were busy at work in their respective workshops.
The banner of the successor of the Kingdom of Swadia—Baron Kant—was hanging on the city gates. The citizens lived peaceful, happy lives, revering their lord from the bottom of their hearts.
Soldiers on the city walls armed with crossbows stood guard over the city, and footmen wearing mail armor patrolled the streets. The place was one of peace and security.

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5 Reviews sorted by

Mkaywest rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: c638
Don't bother reading, it will just make you upset.

After chapter 629 the story completely changes.

All previous references to a 'system' or previous plot points are gone. New characters are suddenly named without being introduced. The only things that are the same are the MC's name and one of the side characters. This is a monumental pile shight. I checked the chapters ahead wondering if it was just a mistake in release order, nope. The braindead author decided to just write another story with the same MC midway through.

Please don't waste... more>> your time with this novel. I wasted about a week of my life on this. <<less
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Epythymy rated it
January 21, 2022
Status: c50
Much worse than I've expected even though my hopes weren't high in the first place.

It's lacking in common sense. People don't question things like why some buildings appeared out of nowhere or where MC got his troops from. His soldiers basically shout 'For The Kingdom of Demacia!' during battles but protagonist's allies who came from the same native dukedom as MC act like everything is fine and they didn't notice anything. Such moments ruin the mood a lot.

Then items appear out of nowhere in moments of crisis with poor excuses... more>> like 'he got it before' 'it was a reward for last week's side-quests' or 'was rewarded but not mentioned' etc.

And the worst of all is characters' idioticy. Although it's a kingdom building novel with huge battles happening all the time, there are close to no tactics used or they are extremely basic like a simple ambush.

MC knowing nothing about warfare is fine at start, but even his subjects and experienced generals can't suggest anything else other than another ambush and fighting head on with 10x times the numbers of enemies when MC's side has range and mobility advantage.

You will be more impressed by YT videos of monkeys hitting each other with sticks than this novel's fighting scenes. <<less
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kazesh rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: c636

Up to around chapter 630 this novel was pretty fine and I liked the setting but than suddenly it feels like the translator translated a completely different story and merge them badly.

It feels like somebody replaced the author and the New one never read more than the synopsis.

Like mkaywest said it really makes you upset I did not read reviews first because they usually are not helpfull for me and spoil a lot but this one is a first for me I am used to authors quitting or going... more>> into hiatus and it is usually annoying but thats it but this one makes you angry bacause it ruins everything you had an OK story and the world building was also OK why destroy it in the end even if it was perhaps not commercially successfull the author has apparently enough talent for 600+ chapters why not just finish it. If there is an inside story to all this it would be interesting because if it is not a contract Problem this author must have lost his system or good sick in the head.

Its confusing usually you feel it earlier if the author is done but Here it is completely Broken in the next chapter. <<less
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Adcurry30 rated it
February 8, 2022
Status: c85
I feel like this novel deserves more credit than it's been given. Bunch of tags like army building and action definitely need to be added (since this is how this gem of a work has evaded me for so long lol). There is also a decent pace with an interesting world building that is slowly revealed to the readers.

I can understand the confusion and some logical holes that happen at a glance, and there is a reason to it. From what I understood, this novel is a homage to "mount... more>> and blade" (a popular strategy game from what I gathered, think Rome Total War type of game). However, the world of the novel is unique, and what author does is to bring in game world elements into the world of the MC through the power of the cheat system. Whenever a fantasy world is involved, some logical fallacies are bound to exist, and more so when u add an established game world into the mix.


With that in mind, id like to address the comment by the user Epythymy. I dont think the problems are that glaring.

1st, "things out of thin air" are not questioned because people of the original world (scholar and his entourage) have never seen MC materialise things out of thin air and they saw his village and the oasis for the first time. The jackalans dont need explanation as they are low iq creatures. The only one, who might have had questions is the guide/captain who escorted him to the oasis before, but that dude is a minor character who we will probably never hear from again, unless the author would like to revisit him and address this "glaring" logical hole.

2nd is the "For Swardia" (a kindom faction within mount&blade) shout. They are mc's private forces who are foreign to the dukedom, even if they actually shouted "For Demacia" or even something in Turkish, why would natives care.

3rd, "the perks appear during crisis", that's what novels with cheat codes are about lol, plus they all have a cause and effect, the fact that readers may forget about something is not really a logical fallacy, but rather a sad testament to our generation's fish-like attention span. And I would further argue that the items appear before a crisis or when there is a specific need for plot development. All I can say is that this system is really user friendly lol. However, these perks dont make the novel boring due to the fact of how overwhelming the odds are against mc: in the dessert, outnumbered, sandwiched between 2 hostile kingdoms, etc.

4th, "character idiocity and boring action sequences with nothing but simple ambush". Well, mc's first fight of taking the oasis did include some decent tactics in my opinion, considering it was the beginning of the novel. The scheme to get the unwilling knights to fight the battle, the use of setting sun for vision control, and an ambush before the dusk are all what I consider to be an interesting strategic fight. The dumb general and dumber MC did come up with a battle plan for 300 vs 2000+, that included a fire attack, a night raid, a decapitation strike, a plalanx charge, etc. The mobility and range advantage mentioned consisted of less than 20 cavalry and 3 volleys of 500 arrows (cursed system perks lol). Maybe mortals like me just cant see the grand opportunities that brilliant strategists can, not sure, though I have to admit that regretably, I couldnt find the yt videos of monkeys fighting with sticks, but it does sound impressive.


On a serious note, this novel does deserve better than 2 out of 5. Try not to be pedantic about things, reading becomes more enjoyable. <<less
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Kassandra rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: --
It's actually good if you ask me. It flowed and developed well. It's almost like a gem to me. But I've found minor problems that turned into major problems.

My issues are kinda minor but if these minor issues are numerous it's already a major issue, not minor.

One of them is actually mentioned by the other review, how the people didn't react to the sudden buildings. No reaction or so whatever. When I actually noticed this, I just ignored because I want to enjoy the novel. That didn't do well though... more>> because they just keep piling up.

The next one is how the novel lifts up the MC, either by backhanded compliments or by comparing. Ex: the people from the system (caravan leader, heroes, construction team) lifts up MC by saying he's not like other lords. If it's the other lords from here and here, they would be angry, unlike MC who smiles, etc. The problem is this didn't happen just once, and they just lifts him up from every minor thing.

Next is along the lines in the novel there's something like: "he studied this when he's still in the dukedom of Leo", "he's been a noble since a child", "he grew up surrounded by schemes", etc. Like, can't you just compliment him straight? And this kind of scenes has been repeated many times that I'm full of it.

I would probably stop at this point because I know that I'll just get irritated if I continue, knowing those major probs. If you're good at ignoring things though, I recommend. <<less
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