Lord of Flames


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Traveling to the World Dominated by Gods.

Lin Yan found himself crossing into a wildfire which was about to go out in the wasteland!

He thought the Hell Mode was turned on, but the System was activated at a critical time!

As long as He burned everything, He can easily obtain energy points, evolution points, and get unlimited evolution!

Lin Yan: “What about crossing into flames? Flames can also start a prairie fire! Flames can also burn gods!”


Some people call it ” Flame of the sky,” which can burn through the sky, and even the sun, moon and stars in the sky are burned to ashes!

Some people call it “Flame of extinguishing the World”. Once it becomes powerful, the fire burns even the Gods!

Some people call it ” Lord of Flames”, repaying the most pious belief, trembling at the sight, and maintaining awe even when dreaming!

From wildfire to the Flame God who dominates the Gods, the Flame of Lin Yan, make all the Gods tremble!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evolution from the Beginning of Flames
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Non-Human Novels

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4 Reviews sorted by

Rheinstahl rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: c54
Stopped reading this selfinsertion fantasy when the author introduced electricity into his city with 300k inhabitants... Man this author knows nothing about supply chains or food/ supplement needs of the body - everyone just eats potatoes - just like the brain of the author.

Also ignoring the blatant le*ding after underage (15+) girls, there is 0 world building etc. Races just magically appear when he needs new stuff - oh yeah we probably need cavalry - so centaurs are cool. Dwarves for smiths etc and his powers are always the answer... more>> to any problem, his believers never have their own ideas - it's the omnipotent fire that knows everything.

Well he was a billionaire genius philanthropist in his former life... And he managed that all in his early 20-30s.

Self insertion circlejer... Fantasy that is extremely braindead...

0/10 <<less
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flesh000 rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: c98
Kinda cool, to be honest. The MC gets reborn as a bunch of sentient fire with a system. He gets worshipped as a god, and the kingdom building stems from his worshippers building their empire. Altogether, not bad, though I started loosing interest near the end.
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Mangikop rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: c171
MC reborn as an evolving flame with the help of a system. Becomes a god, creates his own kingdom using modern civilization as reference, basically. It's fun especially when foreigners enter the city.

Story is great overall, has stable updates, but translation needs polishing. The last chapter I read does not make sense anymore.
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Goonmeat rated it
June 20, 2022
Status: c683
Reborn as a sentient flame with a god system. Gain followers, accumulate faith, reign over everything.

Not bad at all. Common or cliché tropes aside, I like it.
The pace of the developing village, city, into country is very satisfying

At the end of season 1, I had pretty much lost interest... everything I was invested in basically gets resolved and forgotten about.

I would have done things different, but I didn't write this novel so..
Have fun with it until you don't, this is a free website.
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