Level 4 Human in a Ruined World


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One day, the majority of humanity had a collective thought.

‘I wish the world would just collapse.’

And then, that wish came true.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A 4th Class Human From A Destroyed World
멸망한 세계의 4급 인간
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Overlooked Jewels
  2. Monsters/ Dungeons into our lives
  3. Hunter/Gate/Tower/Etc. Series - Not Read Pt.2
  4. Yapping About Novels I Love
  5. My List of GOATS

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7 Reviews sorted by

cowboy man
cowboy man rated it
May 23, 2024
Status: --
i swear I wont judge a book by its rating again. This one is good. I red up to chapter 163 and its never been boring I have been binge reading. I dont know where the development is really heading which adds to the charm, at least for me. Depending on how it ends up my opinion may change so look forward to future updates I suppose. For now it gets a 4.5 stars
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Nebuans rated it
June 25, 2024
Status: c247
I've liked this one quite a bit so far. Feels a bit different from others I've read.

Main character is certainly not incredibly likeable and feels quite uncaring about others

The world the story crafts is interesting and the constant loot upgrading the main character feels fun to me. Haven't ran into any times when I felt bored reading this so if you're hesitating give it a try I think you'll like it.

Excited to see where the novel goes.
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ZeroKishi rated it
April 10, 2024
Status: --
Translation is okay.

Plot isn't your typical Dark Fantasy in a modern world death game cause it has a mix of sci-fi elements.

The MC is likeable at first but gradually you'll get irritated by his actions like he has some sort of psychological problem also the story is more on fighting and collecting loots and achievements.

The only comedic part is him advertising for an intergalactic weapon company.
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gary0044187 rated it
December 22, 2023
Status: c11
Kind of a blend between hunter end of the world stuff and death game. Perhaps the blend is unique. Don't know, maybe you've read something like this. Death game aspects though so I mean if you like that you might like this. I didn't hate it outright, which is rare for the death game genre, but the more I read the less interesting it is and the more evident the death game elements are the less compelling it is. If you like those things though, you might enjoy it.
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Sareza rated it
December 11, 2024
Status: c288
Bad title, Good writing, it should be "Rank 4 Human in a Ruined World, " not Level, there's no leveling concept in this. Just stats and items

This is easily one of the best novels I've read about a post-apocalyptic world with a system, quests, and monsters that gradually grow stronger. The way it portrays society's downfall and adaptation is spot on, and I really appreciate how it includes perspectives from countries other than Korea.

The concepts of dungeons, monsters, mutants, weather changes, events, and even life outside the world, and different... more>> species from beyond are executed brilliantly. It's surprising how underrated this novel is, considering how well it handles these elements. The protagonist isn't ridiculously OP either, he constantly faces real threats and challenges. He's also morally grey, neither a saint nor a villain, and his "Stubborn" achievement fits his personality well. Despite that, he's refreshingly humble compared to the typical KR protagonists you see in this genre. Plus, the women he meets don't just magically fall in love with him, which is a nice change.

The relationships and character dynamics are another strong point. The people he encounters have diverse, realistic personalities, and even antagonists are written as reasonable, grounded individuals instead of cartoonish, mindless villains. It adds a lot of depth and makes the world feel alive.

On top of all that, the action scenes are consistently great. The pacing and execution are solid, and they keep you hooked without feeling repetitive. Overall, this novel deserves way more attention than it gets. <<less
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Shihtzu rated it
July 12, 2024
Status: c256
Copy and pasted from my recommendation list.

Has some really funny moments because of the mc’s crazy shenanigans! Guaranteed to make you chuckle at least once if not every chapter!

Excellent pacing and world building! The apocalyptic setting itself is unique but it could’ve easily been generic if it wasn’t executed so well!

Happy to say that I’m enjoying all 250+ chapters (so far) thoroughly.
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LongXi rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: --
The writing in this one is incredible, though it suffers the pitfalls of most light novels where MC gets op, the difference here are that the element of this novel are realistic, the MC is a hypocrite, he justifies his actions by blaming the world and comforts himself that at least he feels guilty killing, the world building is quite nice to with how the world got ruined, plus there are mysteries that are waiting to be solve in the background, the people he meets have their own personalities too... more>> even those that are just mere passersby.

All in all a great novel with incredibly flawed and human like characters but with some cliches holding it back. <<less
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