Let Me Game in Peace


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1 drop of blood = 1-Up

Other people game overnight, I game overnight and bleed.

Ever since the dimensional storms descended upon Earth, numerous dimensional zones have appeared, bringing with them all kinds of dimensional creatures—Immortals, Buddhas, Devils, Angels, Elves, etc.

Yet, all these strange dimensional zones can turn into dungeon instances on my phone. Other people risk their lives adventuring, I spend all my time gaming.

Monsters drop dimensional crystals that boost stats, imbue new skills, and join me as Companion Beasts. These Companion Beasts fight alongside me or alone, augmenting me with their skills and strength. Rare monsters in real life? I’ll just restart the game with a drop of blood to grind it.

I really need a blood transfusion.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Just Want to Game In Peace
I Just Want to Play Games Quietly
Related Series
Shadow Hack (3)
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  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
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63 Reviews sorted by

IHaveForgottenManyANovel rated it
September 16, 2022
Status: c1816
Iz good, translation in the later part got worse for a small bit, then got better. Enjoyable, with a character that makes sense and a story that was planned.

It does leave you wondering about various mysteries, and I wish the power system was a little bit better, but not everything can be lord of the mysteries.
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March 30, 2022
Status: --
In general, a standout work among the many xianxia pulp fiction. Also a significant amount of detail into researching the mythology of the mobs, which adds vividness to the world.

Sadly, after the Qidian contract controversy of 2019. The author has dropped this work, even the last 200 or so chapters before the hiatus are suspected by the Chinese community of being ghost written.

Author is rumoured to either have quit writing completely or is writing under an unknown new name.
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hawlol rated it
September 27, 2021
Status: c330
A nice action story spoiled by excessive plot armor.

The amount of coincidences necessary for the MC to win are absurd. With the game cheat, you'd think it would be a rational MC making plans to win dungeons with trial and error, but not really. He has plot armor to give him ultra amazing cheat cultivation and companions that makes him 'stronk'.

Let me give some examples:

... more>>

He randomly meets an old guy who's a villain and this guy gives him the Lost Sutra 'trying to kill him' because it's cursed, but it's actually a cheat cultivation that eats all other. The MC cultivates it because 'he's focused' while all other epic rank cultivators couldn't and die from it.

This random cultivation he found then allows him to learn 5 others in dungeons despite not having the right physical body for it. He also finds each of them by chance, but 'coincidentally' they are all necessary for him to upgrade his cultivation.

It's one coincidence after the other to make sure he gets upgraded. Remove a single coincidence, like randomly finding a speed cultivation in a random box in a place that opens once a year, and he'll be forever stuck at mortal rank, because unlike everyone else he can't upgrade his last stat with regular crystals.

For epic rank, he needs to upgrade his body. Remove the coincidence of finding random seeds to upgrade his body and he'll be forever stuck in legendary. Some seeds only appears once in every 10 years, but they'll somehow find themselves into the MC's hand, and each seed he finds needs to cover the stat type he's missing. Meaning the second STR seed would be useless.

There are a lot more of these, including with his companions. But at least with the companions there is the 'farming/grinding' excuse, which is the cheat's effect.


That's why a lot of reviews complain the MC's lack of agency. His victories feel undeserved. A mere consequence of so many plot armor devices to justify him being stronger than his peers.

Replace the MC with anyone in the story and they'll have the same, if not better results.

It's a shame, because otherwise, the story is well written with little info dumps, over explaining and gossipers like most Chinese stories. It's also fast paced and there's always something happening.

Too bad our suspension of disbelief stops working with so many 'lucky encounters' and 'contrived coincidences'. <<less
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amaliajun rated it
December 22, 2020
Status: c1665
I really love the world setting! Especially about the dimensional creatures that are related to local's legends and myths stories~ The setting about the companion can turn into equipment is pretty cool too. I haven't read many novels in this genre so I'm not really sure if this kind of setting is new or not, but for me it's refreshing!

Its repeating cycles of the plot is fine for me because it's a long-running web novel to read casually. Yet, when I keep reading, some unfolded mysteries felt like already hinted... more>> at much earlier chapters. So sometimes I wonder, did the writer already have a complete concept draft and just writing around it. Usually, a long-running novel's concept keeps evolving and edited as time goes.

Except for the MC's grinding cycles, when the big arc comes the story is fun for me. My favorite probably :


When the MC 'died' by his teacher and time skip of around 5 years, the world evolved enough to surpass myth level cap. So the world feels new for our MC to explore again. Oh, and our MC became a recognized legendary hero!


Our MC is always focused and pretty cunning until the latest chapter. More good plots came out after chapter 1000+. I binge-read those good ones without break, unlike earlier stories. <<less
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ZeroLong rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: c164
Smart MC, almost no cliched tropes or repetition, characters well-written (but the main focus of the story is the MC, it'd be even better if author explore the other characters), good world-building and most importantly, fairly unique. Even the comedy is not sub-par at all.
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selweron rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c144
I'd say it is worth giving a try, but you shouldn't have big expectations or this novel will disappoint.

The plot is pretty linear and there are no surprises. It's pretty obvious that we are fed with a chill journey that doesn't requite us to use our brains, but simplicity can be a forte as well.
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novaes rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c216
A comfortable, slightly above average story that is sort of like cultivation with pokemon, and reminiscent of The Charm Of Soul Pets. If that sounds appealing, go ahead and have a read without finishing the rest of this review!

The pets, while there, are not just one-at-a-time fights, but more like summons that can fight for or with the summoner, and also be used as powerups. Imagine if one of your pokemon could into boots that let you kick with explosions.

The title, too, is a recurring theme and every time someone... more>> interrupts the MC's valuable gaming time, I chuckle. It's a bit light on the comedy, and even though women exist, there is pretty much no romance 99% of the time, so it's mostly video game grinding, action, pets and the pesky real world getting in the way of more grinding. It's not a masterpiece or an edge of your seat suspense thriller, so it's a fairly comfortable read for the most part. Sadly it loses points because a lot of the themes introduced in the story aren't fleshed out properly and hold vastly more potential than what we see. <<less
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Poireau rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c106
Up to the 100ish chapter, you can already guess what the storyline will be.

In fact the story seems to be resumed at this loop:

... more>>

Step 1) MC scans an icon with his phone and unlock a new dungeon,

Step 2) MC farms the dungeon and got a normal animal companion / a scripture / a mystical egg and Power up.

And starts again at step 1...

At chapter 106, MC is way too OP: he already has, even through still at the mortal rank, two evolvable companions (future mystical companions), two mutated companions at the legendary rank, three or four over powered scriptures, and most of his stats at 10/11 and thus, he seems only struggeling against monster at the epic rank. And knowing that there seem to be only four ranks (mortal<legendary<epic<mystic), the MC seems too OP.

When the MC is not in his two-steps loop, the storyline progress with him pissing off/being annoying at all the people he meets because he spends all his time on his phone. So, if it's funny at the beginning, it is quite boring after.

Add to that the fact that he already has a friendly relationship with two old too OP character (the An grampa and the evil pe*verted one), the story is not really interesting at this point, because you know he already has a huge background, especially when you know the political situation thanks to his step mother, you can guess how things will happen.

That the main issue: the MC seems to become too strong, too fast, and like Sircus said, the MC feels bland.

Too bad because the idea of the cheat system is really good and the novel is better and less confusing than the other novel of the author (Super Gene).

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Deathlord rated it
March 7, 2020
Status: c1278
A good novel with a mix of eastern fantasy and game elements. Doesn't follow the cliche type of the cultivation power up novels strictly. Good for Steady read.
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January 18, 2024
Status: c286
I tried really hard to read it because of its high rating but maybe it is really not the type of novels I like to read.

  • the mc's cheat is so op to the of that it became uninteresting. The can gain exp by only playing on his phone without risking his life. I feel really bad on the protagonists that always risking their life because of desperationtheir of the need of strength and lack of choice.
  • mc's personality is so boring. He don't even give a effort of figuring out why he suddenly having enemies. He don't give a effort to give a reason why he is suddenly gaining strength when the only thing he is doing is playing on his phone his only reply is "because I am gaining strength when gaming" or something like that because this is really his only reason and it's true so he is just leaving it like that.
  • it is said on the beginning that he is a "genius" and it's what I expected but I already reached ch286 I still can't see how he is a "genius" because he is becoming strong so fast but not even giving the effort of showing the others the reason how like training outside of game. His intelligence is also just so-so gaining enemies for s*upid reasons and also doing s*upid things and the only explanation the author always giving is because of his "low EQ".
  • There's still so many things I want to say for this novel but nevermind.
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NineStarVenerate rated it
July 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Good novel, different from the usual cultivation novels. Characters in this novel are not braindead! It has good writing and a good story, this novel really didn't have any downs, I'm kinda surprised I haven't seen people talk about it before. It's also a short novel at 1900 chapters and completed. It's a post apocalyptic novel that leads into another apocalypse if that makes sense, there are these dimensions that keep spawning and each one of these dimensions are based off Myths of the humans, the stronger the myth the... more>> stronger the dimension beast. The power system in this novel goes like this : Mortal, Legendary, Epic, Mythic, Terror, Calamity, Apocalypse, Cosmic. Humans limits are at Epic so it's a fight against your own fate type of novel. These beasts are born from human imaginations and the stronger the fear and legend the stronger the dimension beast. The power system is not that simple though, those are just the ranks but I won't go in depth with it just read it yourself. It's an unexpected good novel made by the author of Super Gene. <<less
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Demi-Chicken rated it
July 9, 2023
Status: Completed
One word description for this novel would be: bland. But I finished it with just cos it didn't have too much extreme terribleness. It's not bad with your brain turned off but that's not really a good compliment. There's a few bad points I remember, mainly at the end.

A lot of mysteries and events kind of got explained away in a massive info dump by the horrendous father character.

The dad character goes from barely relevant to s*upid and worst character in the novel (especially at the very end where the... more>> author reveals that

he's a superpowered freak from a higher dimension and that he had some monkey friends.


The MC doesn't really have much to be said about him. He's decent at certain times and just a block of wood at every other time. A lot of characters (especially the ones close to the MC) were flat and uninteresting with their depth stopping at a gimmick or two. The second biggest antagonist was honestly more likeable than anyone else.

The novel had an sign of developing into a harem in the middle but it somehow died off saving this novel from purgatory, pretty much.

The ending is the worst part about it.

It ends with a we're heading off into a bigger world kind of sequence where arrives at a higher dimension. He gives away a lot of sh*t to people and everyone's happy and alive.


I honestly think some of the elements here can be taken out and they'd make a good book with actual emotion and plot.

But hey, the author did follow through with the title and let the protagonist game. He just didn't give him anything else to do. <<less
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Emperor G
Emperor G
March 30, 2023
Status: c1905
The best chinese novel. The start is very funny, but as the story unfolds, the novel gets more and more mysteries, things that looked like facts turn out to be lies. You become anxious to know the truth of this world. But, even with the mysteries appearing and the novel getting more and more serious, it doesn't miss the funny parts. Another good part is that the author knows the right moment to put the funny parts. The author doesn't waste time developing characters that are unimportant or that don't... more>> need a lot of development, although he also has some important ones that aren't well developed. The MC's friend is useful, instead of being that stereotypical lusty fat guy who's only there to make serious scenes get spoiled by jokes. The scenes are very detailed and the ending is one of the very few good open endings. The best work among the more than 100 that I have read. The only defect is that it ends. <<less
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GianCarpio rated it
December 25, 2022
Status: --
It is DEVASTATING how low the ratings are compared to other tr*sh stories.

this is a well rounded story from start to finish. Barely any loose ends visible except for those who are actively trying to find one. The foreshadowings from the first chapter became more and more relevant as the story goes on and goes a complete 360 at the end.

Most people love to hate An Jing and An Tianzhuo but doesn’t know the fact that >spoiler< He stole everything from An Jing, her cheats, her Sutra, everything that Enabled... more>> him to be as powerful as that was taken away by him from An Jing. &Lt;!Spoiler>

One of the great pros of this book is the fights, every fights is original, not dragging, and creative. You will see how the MC will deal with enemies through trial and error and it will be fun to read unlike pet books like Mysterious Noble beasts. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: Completed
A surprisingly enjoyable read. Was getting bored with a different Webnovel story when I found the premise for this interesting.

The MC here is very OP, as with any story that I like. However, it still takes him a lot of grinding and hard work to slowly build up his strength. His EQ is extremely low, as is often taken to be the joke, but he's fundamentally a person who holds his friendships and relationships in high importance. One of the best parts of the novel is how human and involved... more>> many of the side characters are. Few of the key characters are one-sided, especially as you get closer to the end.

That brings me to one of my gripes though: so much of the plot in this story is so vague and mysterious. Few things are clarified even at the end, and so many major overarching plot points are twisted in surprising ways. The story ends with a whole new world and a whole new start, and I am left with even more questions than I have answers. This was close to 2k chapters and I feel like there should have been at least a thousand more. I hate open endings. <<less
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October 12, 2022
Status: c13
Because I only read up to chapter 13, I will refrain from rating this novel. However, there are a few key points that need to be made.

First, the MC is obviously the type of person who doesn't fight against his fate. He simply goes with the flow, and rarely has any emotions other than apathy.

Second, the story, from what I read so far, is going in the direction of cliché. This makes the story predictable, and uninteresting. It's like the author read novels with certain cliché plot twists and said,... more>> I'll include this in my novel. While well thought out, the setup (forgive me, my mind is running a blank while trying to remember the specific term) for the plot points are all surface level, and obvious.


For example, his mother died during child birth. I can predict that his mother is a higher dimensional being and that she isn't dead. Or, that he was challenged to a fight by a female transfer student, and lost. So the transfer student transferred out of the school. After the father announced that he was getting married, I predict that the girl was his fiancé. And after being disappointed, she left and used her family to suppress the MC to prevent him from passing the college entrance exam, thus providing a reason to break the engagement.


Overall, it would be fine to be predictable, only when the MC is the type to fight against his fate, but he's not. He just goes with the flow. <<less
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Apollo_lolo rated it
July 14, 2022
Status: c1844
I have enjoyed this novel really much that I even mtled it. The MC is a really”dgaf as long as it doesn’t consern” type of person although he kinda became a hero later. He is not hot blooded and is neither arrogant or conceited. He doesn’t care bout other that’s what makes me like him more.
you should definitely give this a try I made an account just to give a review.
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JackTheRipper rated it
June 23, 2022
Status: c1204
OK, so the novel isn't bad, it's actually quite nice I like the concepts and ideas used but I feel like the author is making things as he goes..

There is definitely some planning but there are just so many coincidences and inconsistencies

So give it a read if you like the concepts of the novel.. MC having a phone that can simulate real life so he trains and gathers Pokémon lol
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Akane_Benjiro_Chihaya rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: c1529
Let us face it: it has flaws. But what makes this story quite compelling is that it has a unique charm; it combines troupes with unorthodox twists. Ultimately, it is a story that tried to go beyond the status quo without going beyond it. Find this review confusing? Then read the story.
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RajSanthosh rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: --
Woah, I can't understand why this novel has low rating...

Concept is Good.. Mc's cheat concept is a... Playing game in mobile will make him level up in real life..

Dimensional Creatures are the another plus in this novel... Unlike other novels (where they say it is monster tamer novel but they won't even use it in a fight.) , This novel has interesting setting in using the beast companions in fight..

MC is a little dense... There is No romance... The novel is fully focused on MC, even though there... more>> are good side characters, author doesn't really care about them.. Lol..

This one is really not spoiler, I just want to use those box lol..👇👇👇👇👇👇


Its like a Korean Novel. World suddenly has dimensional strom (catalyst in korean) , the dimensional zone appears everywhere (dungeon in korean), MC level ups alone with his cheats.. Lol


MC is not lowkey, but he just want to game in peace.... <<less
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