Legend of the Great Sage


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The paramount existences among daemons are known as ‘Great Sages’.

A young man leaves the mountain village and wanders the world, entering the legends step by step, becoming a part of mythology itself.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Legend of the Great Saint
Related Series
Pivot of the Sky (3)
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Great Dao Commander (1)
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Death Sutra (1)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (1)
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  3. Light Novel list
  4. Evil Protagonist
  5. Peak Cultivation Xianxia / Xuanhuan

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08/20/21 Hosted Novel c946
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08/18/21 Hosted Novel c941
08/17/21 Hosted Novel c940
08/17/21 Hosted Novel c939
08/16/21 Hosted Novel c938
08/16/21 Hosted Novel c937
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155 Reviews sorted by

I've read about 70ish chapters. I don't see the plot is the most intricate or mind boggling, but what sets this apart from other novels is that it is a good cultivation story about a demonic method. Not a "demonic" method that is considered "really evil" by the whole world and is banned and yet the MC acts like any other person but rather a demonic story where the main components are alcohol and meat to cultivate it.

I would say I have read quite a bit of cultivation stories but... more>> whenever its about demonic method, it is either a "really evil" method but the MC acts like everyone one of us and is basically a good guy trapped in bad skin or its a MC with no empathy what so ever towards humanity and often showing extremely limited intelligence, which should not be attributed to a human being, in order to create those really cool moments like massacring a whole clan of people just because they kidnapped your girl.

Of course I don't know how this will progress however so far I like it, even if I don't think its plot is amazing, as I feel like the author has nicely shown what a demonic technique should be like and that alone makes me want to read it. <<less
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alexroussin rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: c670
Really nice concept, really fun story

It's downfall for me: im at chapter 670, the main character hasn't lost anything to anyone since the start of the story, so yeah.
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tommylam rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: c1483
Legend of the Great Sage is a great but slow novel where it take the main character Qingshan around 1300 chapters to ascend to a higher world. Following Qingshan on a cultivate journey and witness his growth as a person and a cultivator is quite entertaining. While there some bullsh*t here and there the fights are excellent and his cultivation journey is also great and new comparing to other novels with the cultivation aspect. The only criticism I have about this novel is how some characters are left forgotten until... more>> mention later when Qingshan remember them and to just mention either they are death or they have his children and they brush it off to continue on his journey. <<less
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hooplafish rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c1478
Legend of the Great Sage is one of the better cultivation novels that I've read. Although the plot is a standard cultivate and ascend to beyond the heavens story and the characters are somewhat one note, the world building is among the best I've ever seen. The author's deft usage of Buddhist and Chinese myth and philosophy to inform the way the world works is a treat.

I particularly enjoyed how Li Qingshan's invoking of Maheswara fits so well with his character.

Overall, I'd recommend this novel to anyone who loves a good philosophical anchoring to their cultivation world.
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101511518 rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: c582
definitely my favorite cultivation novel ever, and i've read a lot of them

stopped reading this a while back when 582 was the latest chapter and have been waiting since for more chapters to pile up before I reread everything from the beginning, it's that good.

those 582 chapters at the time felt like 1000+ chapters, it's rare to find something that delivers in both quality and quantity.

don't mind the misleading tags and give it a try, the first couple chapters are slow but not in any way boring.
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MrMeatball rated it
May 6, 2022
Status: c1466
Legend of the Great Sage is a great novel. It's very different from other cultivation novels. Qingshan is perhaps my favorite MC from any xianxia novel I've read. No bullsh*t and he stays true to himself while also growing as a person and a cultivator. Reading about his experiences and journey is very entertaining. The fights are excellent. Reading about his cultivation experiences is also great and unlike most other novels the cultivation aspect isn't a chore to read. All of the characters feel like genuine people. No copy/paste or... more>> generic character personalities are in the novel. To be completely honest I don't have any criticisms of the novel. I really love it and recommend it! <<less
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BulgarianWarlord rated it
April 15, 2022
Status: c1442
I've really been enjoying the novel so far. Think it has pretty good timing most of the time, most side characters have genuine uses (and are relevant more than 1 time) and often even have their characters relatively fleshed out. I've also really enjoyed the dialogue and trolling from the MC, just wish there was more characters like Ru Xin who could banter with him.

Not the biggest fan of Harems usually and think him having kids with those randoms in his small world instead of his main romance for like 1000 chapters and other people he's closest to (like Ru Xin or the Mermaid queen) is kind of wierd and threw me off a bit but I guess it was part of the whole Ape Demon character.

A lot of forced conflict but it is still tied into the story well. MC doesn't have many setbacks but with how it's set up there can't be too many. Entertaining enough to bing read in like a week and a half so I'd give it a solid 4.5/5 (rating wouldn't let me give 4.5)
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February 22, 2022
Status: c1316
I have read this novel when it was still under 50 chapters back then and translator dropped it.

It was a great cultivation novel with mature tag that really suit my pe*verted preference.

The story start great and I felt sad when no one continuing it more..

... more>> Almost a decade later, I found it again and thought it must be completed. Start reading and fck it still not.

After a decade the author still at 1000+ chapters and MC still at first world... By plot.. He need to ascend another two worlds for end game.

Now. I considered to dropped it again because cultivation novel started to get boring for me <<less
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February 19, 2022
Status: v11
The novel is very interesting and the updates are frequent too. The characters are likable and the story is getting better and better. It makes me read every newly released chapter as soon as possible.
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December 30, 2021
Status: c1210
Very interesting novel, that’s really fun to read, specially when it goes closer to the 1200 chapters.

All new arcs have some interesting plots and twists and really fun mostly)

Realy liking forward when MC wil be goin out of 9 heaves
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Kuzero rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: --

Updated to 5/5 around chapter 200. Not because this is a perfect story by any mean (what I wrote in old review is still true mostly) but this novel has something that far too few xianxia stories has: character development and side-characters that actually matter, that have their own development, and whose relationship with others is actually deep. Heck, they even have their own thoughts, aspirations, objectives, and overall their own path. Even the protagonist is fairly interesting. The cultivation system is pretty standard when you break it down to its base components, but the actual path taken by the MC is, dare I say, almost original. Worldbuilding isn't really noteworthy, but not bad by xianxia standard. Fights seems kinda bad? But somehow, despite there being a lot of fighting, the focus isn't really on the fighting, it is more a mean to an end. OLD REVIEW:

I'm a negative person so I will talk about the negatives.

Most important point is how conflict is handled. Someone else talked about it in a review, but basically more conflict (and tbh, most interaction to an extent) feel weird and forced. It's like every single character in the story is just a selfish bastard looking for any opportunity to kill someone else for the fun of it.

It's kinda ok at the very beginning. You think, oh well, they all have a hard time; of course they are cold hearted. That's how people desperately trying to survive act! But a few hundred chapters later, you wonder. Why is everyone acting like if they don't at least kill a few people daily they will die themselves? Okay, I'm exaggerating, but really. Everyone in this novel is either too busy drinking, looking down on someone, robbing someone, killing someone, or planning to do any of the previous things. In the rare case you have a character doing none of these, it's because this character is too busy becoming part of the MC's plot armor, but that's about it.

Some of the interaction are just funny.


MC : sigh, I'm lacking in ressources.

Random guy: MC, I'll kill you. I don't know why, but I'll.

MC : nice, let me kill you instead so that I take your ressources. Thanks.


Some will argue this is a pretty common cliche in Xianxia, and yeah. But this novel is taking it to another level altogether and not even trying to hide it.

Can't, hmm, have someone just living? Like not actively planning or doing evil things, but just being there? Too much to ask? Oh well.

Aside from that, there are other problems in the novel, but I'll just mention this. The trope of "once MC reaches a new level, suddenly that new level is common place and everyone reached it as if it was natural" is as old as it is s*upid.
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Ashenden rated it
November 7, 2021
Status: c1103
It's a fun and easy read with a likeable pair of main characters. The abilities are interesting, especially in the case of the aforementioned two. It also handles the how and why of encountering people with a massive disparity in power better than the book I was previously reading, Martial Peak.
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October 28, 2021
Status: c1085
Amazing series, never a dull moment. Story flows without ever having filler content. Arcs are never dragged out, action scenes are well choreographed. One of those stories where you can tell the writer has a grand vision for the novel. What xianxia novels should strive to be.

The translation is amazing, big props to the translating team.
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gwhoisj rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: c1094
I love the fights and the bond b/w the main characters. A little too much harem for my taste, but it takes a backseat to the rest so I guess it's okay considering the amazing quality of the rest of the story.
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lightningaditya rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: c1053
This is my favourite Xianxia novel. The MC whose behavior is what I would expect from someone who gets reincarnated in such a world.

The harem is also nice, there are no damsels and distresses.
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Wirat rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: c1050
It is one of the best web novel in this theme. I like the smoothness and continuing. It would be bored for a few chapters and it gets excited. Also, this is important, I have to say I had read many novels and I have left a lot of them as they are sometimes very slow (3000+ chapter and main character was still in the middle of the whole universe) or out of the world (too too too many).

But for this one, LGS, it has been going smoothly. I like... more>> when it go back to tight the knots it was left in the past. BTW, I am really enjoy it. <<less
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AbsoluteNothingness rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: c1056
Though not the best webnovel I've read, this is among the best xianxia webnovels I've read; good protagonist, side characters, plot, and world-building.

Although I normally avoid harem novels, this one does it in a non-repulsive manner, at least, it was like that for me. The protagonist is what truly makes the novel enjoyable for me, he is quite an interesting person, quite relaxed and straightforward. His goal is the promise he made to the person that is the reason he started cultivating, to reach beyond the Nine Heavens. This is... more>> established quite early and gives the novel a drive and motive, which a lot of novels fail to give early on, making the story feel aimless. The plethora of other side characters and plotlines that gets established makes it more than a monotonous power fantasy and something actually interesting.

Unlike most tr*sh cultivation novels, while the protagonist start at a very weak location, the total scale remains consistent, with each step higher cultivation becoming actually rarer and more influential than the last, giving a great image of scale and world scope.

I'll keep it short and say I'll be reading this and don't see any cause to drop this. <<less
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October 10, 2021
Status: c1048
The story so far has been awesome, enjoying the novel. The author takes his time to develop the characters in the novel and doesn't just throw away the relationships that the MC has formed with the side characters. These relationships are developed over time and play an integral part in the story.
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October 10, 2021
Status: c1048
If you are searching for a xianxia where the MC is not a complete prick, where he doesn't change wife faster than shoes and where side character have impact in more than one arc then you should try this one.

The translation is professional and on the day I wrote this review there is 2 chapter s a day wich is nice.
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October 10, 2021
Status: c1047
Author has presented the novel beautifully as the story in it keeps the readers enthusiastic to keep the novel reading.

I will nominate this novel among top 10 of all novels which I have came across since the author has presented the novel on similar topics such as reincarnation, story of a mortal village boy from weak to strong, his encounters with his enemies etc. Differently from traditional novels which we are usually coming across.

I would sincerely request other readers to read this novel at least once.
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