Legend of the Great Sage


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The paramount existences among daemons are known as ‘Great Sages’.

A young man leaves the mountain village and wanders the world, entering the legends step by step, becoming a part of mythology itself.

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The Legend of the Great Saint
Related Series
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Death Sutra (1)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (1)
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  5. Peak Cultivation Xianxia / Xuanhuan

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155 Reviews sorted by

darthpsykoz rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: v2c69
What a gem! Realistic characters and interactions, along with a unique writing style, makes this one of the best novels I have read on this site. The unique cultivation style is the icing on the cake.
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MoTheGreat rated it
June 8, 2017
Status: c102
A unique perspective plus interesting approach to writing plus a solid translation is a formula to success. This is one of the better novels I have read, and I really expect some great results from it.
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MaliMi rated it
June 7, 2017
Status: c106
Update: Chapter 106...

This chapter for me was honestly a bit let down...

... more>>

He started human cultivation and it will be possible. I personally wished to see a full monster route for once, but alas it seems to have failed. We will see how it goes in the future.


For those, who did not read spoiler, it was a let down about his cultivation... Though it is not enough to decrease my rating. We will seehow it goes...


So, this story might seem as your usual xianxia at first sight, but it is quite different. Speaking of the first 102 chapters.

Firstly, let's talk about cultivation. The MC focuses on body refining as usual. BUT! Normally, you have a technique which makes MC stronger and gives him abilities similar to some demonic beast. IN THIS story, the MC is turning into an ACTUAL demonic beast (notice the Race Change tag)


In chapter 102 he gets a monster core. He is more of an actual monster than human and so is his cultivation.


Secondly, I will mention arrogant young master. I think that there was just one true arrogant young master so far.


If I remember right, he appeared just thrice and the third time he died. Furthermore they were only chance encounters and the young master did not use his spare time trying to kill the protagonist.


Most of the enemies are actually THINKING whether it is worth it to offend MC or not.


For example, there was this guy Dragon Li. The MC offended his grandpa (village chief) and you could say he humiliated his family (not intentionally, was just defending himself. But you know how it goes in xianxias). Also there was a short fight, it was not to the death and Dragon Li was able to swallow his pride and get on the MCs better side.


Thirdly, MCs personality. You know that in some stories, the reincarnation is there only to pose as a click bait, right? (At least that's how I see it). Then it will usually make the protagonist's soul powerful, etc. However, in the end, the hero of the story will just be a jerk.

IN THIS STORY, the reincarnation actually matters. In the first about 70 chapters you can see how his personality is slowly changing and how the cultivation influences him. Albeit, it's nothing amazing, it IS there.


Examples: Wondering about why he feels so much bloodthirst. curious about how come that he is more bold. Awareness that he is slowly becoming a monster in both body and soul. Puking after his first massacre. Not killing everyone just because he is MC.


Lastly, romance. Cannot talk about it much since it is not developed yet. For now there has been just one mesmerizing beauty. Pro is that in their first encounter, the MC was able not to think with his dick. Then there is a demonic cat, which in my opinion is a pretty solid love interest. But, we will see. <<less
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HoloH rated it
May 19, 2017
Status: c87
A good story. A good translation. I've only gotten more invested & interested as I've read on. It's basically just a really good xianxia, to put it bluntly. Whether it's the great translation or story, I would give this a novel a 5/5.
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freezray rated it
May 5, 2017
Status: v1c84
It's far too early to make a score but I can comment on the potential of the story and so far it's looking really good. I really recommend adding this to your reading list. Although there have been plenty of stories with great beginnings only to disappoint later on so take this with a grain of salt.


Definitely Five Stars
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TheRockcanada rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: c1500
It has been a bit of time since I've binged webnovels, and this one doesn't disappoint.

First few chapters gave me chills

Character's morals and principles are explored in-depth and are very very strong

Unlike the last webnovel with a evil/selfish MC, this one actually affected me positively irl, allow me to be just a bit kinder than before. The different elements in the story have actual meaning, although not lotm level this is a solid read.
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MangoGuy rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: c1280
This series is Mango approved.

Many CN series start with a bang, and then struggle to maintain the initial action and unpredictability. Some of them instead decide to go slow at the beginning, setting in stone the foundational aspects regarding the character of the protagonist, the world, and the motivations surrounding the tale to be told. However, such series often struggle with the double-edged sword: A seemingly boring start often throws many people off, while those who stick through may actually be thrown off by an exponential increase in the... more>> pacing, feeling like the series has essentially taken the same fast-paced route as many others.

LoGS is seemingly perfection in plane sight. It starts slow, building very firmly the foundation of who our MC is, why our MC is thrown into the world of cultivation, and what drives his ambition for power and growth. More importantly, the beginning also sets a power ceiling: Its a power-level which is seemingly so great, that anyone else in the story cannot ever beat the level of power. So far in the series, the power ceiling is still existing. This is a fantastic attribute of the series, because what this means is that while the scale of martial arts increases from bone-breaking to mountain breaking, the highest level of power imaginable has already been told to us. So this seemingly lower display of power seems more real to us. Thus, even the absurdly fantastic action and adventure manage to connect with us.

The principal female lead is a surprise. She may seem like the typical kuudere, which she probably is, but the fact that we have seen her grow right from a (spoiler) dead corpse to a beauty who only cares about the relationship she has with main lead, and then goes beyond... Oh the character development! It is natural and not abrupt, and it is little things which exist one after another.

The side characters are thoroughly interesting for how long they last, which can be surprisingly long. The author has done a good job in keeping them relevant for as long as possible, with actual plot value. The relations seem real at the least and very emotional at best. However, for a series of this scale, they do eventually get thrown to the backburner. However, this is where things get interesting. The series actually acknowledges this!!

Just as how a real cultivator who is seeking immortality might feel, a very progressive and deeply philosophical conversation is always going on, trying to understand some of the key elements of humans and immortality. The actual cultivation method used by the MC is very convenient, but instead of initially focusing on external elements, the comprehension is more about different emotions, be it stubbornness, wrath, playfulness and what not. A very interesting philosophical picture is being built up, trying to tackle the question of what makes human a human, and what does being an immortal actually mean. Most importantly, through an almost unique cultivation approach of writing novels, questions about what drives hope and imagination are put forward.

The general tone of the series is funny, or at least an attempt at being funny. naturally, this slowly wears off as you keep reading. However, this really helps early on. Now, on to the negatives of the series. Firstly, the harem.

Do I dislike the harem? Definitely not. Actually, every woman is surprisingly fleshed out, and the relationships are not fairytales. This series is probably the closest to a real legend or a myth that I can think of. However, as the story progresses, this aspect of harem seems problematic due to the emergence of the main girl. Or maybe, its just that we need to wait long enough for the author to tell us about human lust and romance through them. Eitherway, for now, the way the harem has been handled especially in the post-900ish chapters has been disappointing. In addition, the stage is set such that even before ascending out of the home world, MC already has timebound promises/feuds with external entities who are immensely powerful. This sets a beautiful foundation for the future after ascension instead of breaking the story abruptly, but it is left to be seen how the author actually handles it. So 4-stars till then.

This series is not perfect but by God is it un-put-downable. I seriously believe that if this quality is maintained even for another 1k chapters, then irrespective of what happens afterwards, it will be a certified classic.

This is Mango approved.

PS: As you keep reading the series, you will start to question if the MC is getting too much plot armour. Trust me, keep reading. As you do, you begin to question... Is the hero just the one who gets the plot armour? Isn't luck what makes someone a hero, and someone else just another failed ambitious person? <<less
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foojin rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: c1278
I really like this novel so far.

The structure of the MC's cultivation journey is varied and so far does not feel repetitive. It is not like many other novels where 'arrogant young masters' show up just to get face-slapped so the MC can offend their background and get into high-jinks. (There is only a single AYM I remember, and it is in a understandable context and the consequences it has for the MC are also reasonable and woven into the story in a way that makes it actually interesting rather... more>> than just annoying.)

The main cultivation techniques cultivated by the MC and his main companion are also very original, I don't think I've seen any similar in other novels in the way they function and the techniques they contain. Similarly, the world-building in this novel is also quite solid and consistent, with good explanations why cultivators ascend from their birth-world when they do, what relations there are between worlds of different levels and such. The MC has yet to ascend from the initial world, so we have yet to see the full details of ascension, but we already have quite some context on the cosmology of the novel.

Any female characters the MC gets romantically involved with (yes, there are multiple) retain their own independence, they don't just turn into a doll that does nothing but attract flies for the MC to swat. Similarly, the MC does not turn into an unthinking simp whenever women are involved, and balances his own romantic interests with his long-term cultivation goals reasonably. His main cultivation technique also has interesting influences on the way he balances these factors.

On his relationships and ascending:

There is a single character that is basically the MC's cultivation partner in that they both strive for the same goal, and her cultivation technique is also the only one currently introduced that comes close to keeping up with that of the MC. As such, I assume that she will be the only character to ascend with the MC, and thus it is still up in the air how the romantic interests on the initial world are going to be treated when the MC eventually ascends.


Overall it has a solid non-repetitive story, reasonable motivations for the MC to act the way he does, some solid romance, good world-building, and a very high-quality translation (e.g. Swear words and such are translated into English as well when appropriate). <<less
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asianMekai rated it
December 16, 2021
Status: c1184
Really great novel to read with good character development and story with excellent translation quality.

It has a nice slow start to develop his character to become a merciless cultivator.

... more>>

MC is a person transmigrated from Earth to a Martial World. The first time the MC killed someone, the author did a really good job in expressing how a normal person would feel in that scenario. I like how it feels more realistic unlike some MC where they can just kill without remorse or hesitation.


I'm reading to the latest chapter and still finding myself wanting more. <<less
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Valtex rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: c1179
Amazing novel and top tier translation quality. It started off strong and has kept me captivated ever since! The MC isn't overly arrogant and does whatever he feels is right. The world building, side characters, and fight scenes are all amazing and are very well done. Overall a great novel and everybody should give it a try.
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YoungArrogantMaster rated it
January 20, 2021
Status: c131
Interesting start. MC is portrayed as a ruthless demonic cultivator but literally acts like a simp later on

for example seeing the cat girl, I qoute "love at first sight once again" (2nd women he drools over in like 20 chapters) and is getting commanded by her, what would not be a problem if it was not so contradictory to the "i will use any means necessary" ruthless personalty the MC is portrayed, rip immersion


... so much for ruthless demonic cultivation.
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Tenku_kun rated it
March 3, 2019
Status: c144
It's a hidden gem if you ask me.

It's got a rare yet kinda generic start to it, but it builds up over time. Romance is... weird, to say the least, but nothing like Oh I'm a princess from birth nobody has dared to say no to me, so why does he, and why do I feel weird when he does, fortunately. There's a few generic stuff included here and there but most of it seems new to me even after all the time this novel's been out. Overall, I'd... more>> say give it a read and check Mr Tao's review for the link of the first 160 chapters. <<less
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Raubtier rated it
April 8, 2018
Status: c130
The story is great. Discusses certain philosophical views on things, makes the story really interesting read. I'm of the opinion that this story might turn out differently from other CN novels but the last few chapters are dissuading me of that notion.

Hope I'm wrong though cause I am enjoying reading this. The only downside is the update speed.
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Verycoolname rated it
September 17, 2017
Status: c121
Overall the book feels like a better version of the run-of-the-mill chinese xian xia novel that this site is full of. The plot, MC, characters and setting seem a little more thought out than the standard novel of this type and it makes it really shine.

The plot has a surprising amount of polish and logic compared to other novels of this type. The characters feel real and the enemies don't feel like they were forced into being the enemies and don't feel like they were behaving s*upidly for the sake... more>> of making the MC look good.

The main character feels special and powerful without being unrealistically lucky or a complete Mary Sue, which is super rare for a novel like this and really refreshing. The other characters feel more like people going about their business rather than 'generic thug type a' or 'arrogant old man type c' so even the cliches of running into them don't feel as painfully cliche'd as they do in other books.

Normally I would get a lot less enthusiastic about this type of novel when I'm forced to wait for the next chapters this long, but I actually want to reread the story so far as well as read more. <<less
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Tarlos rated it
July 21, 2017
Status: c100
One of the best xianxias I've had the pleasure of reading, and I'm damn hard to please. It blows the mainstream stuff like CD out of the water in almost every aspect. The MC is very human and believable, and his character developments are very satisfying to read about and don't feel forced.

LotGS is very grand and filled with depth, and the pacing is moderate. Important side characters are fleshed-out, with their own goals and personalities, and make the reader genuinely curious about them. There's only 100~ chapters translated so... more>> we're still in the prologue-ish phase, and the main arcs have yet to start. <<less
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Zack1808 rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: c1556
This is a pretty good novel with a good plot. The power structures make sense and different realms don’t completely become useless after he moves up. There’s also a bit of a mystery and we are still not sure what happened to the Ox or the war. I would give this novel a chance.
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WintMoon rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: c1547
Very good.

I like it that the author actually uses the MC's reincarnation for something and not just for plot convenience.

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lu dongbin
lu dongbin
June 14, 2022
Status: --
This is one of the better novels written to date. I have been following it from day one. A good plot and well developed sub-arcs. Most important, no fillers and unnecessary side comments. And so well translated! But I paricularly like this current arc, especially chapter 1512, and the discourse on the odds of gambling, chance and probabilty. Nice twist there!
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gingingin1605 rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: v1c1
the plot is well-written. The characters are interesting. it is entertaining.

earlier I thought so and I planned to criticized the story on a few points and be done with it. but around 1000 or so chapters the author starts making nonsensical tragic romantic moments. the reason for separation has a simple solution and the distance couldn't be closer. li qingshan we can't stay together because two plus two is not equal to 5. everything becomes melancholic and our protagonist starts recalling about his promise to reach beyond the... more>> nine heavens. since when did not taking responsibility become a heroic thing?

i don't like the protagonist at all. his personality seems to belong to the modern world carrying the influences of some beasts (ox, tiger, turtle). But when you remove the description of how his personality belongs to a beast, you might be able to connect his thoughts somewhat to a modern person but even that would sound off. his gallant bearing is a sham. he doesn't feel real at all. he always has a absurd reason to make a decision for example he was fighting so tiger was roused and he said so-so dialogue, if the author wanted him to say something else then the turtle would choose a cowardly mindset otherwise maybe the pheonix spirit would emerge with nobility. someone might think that this is adding to dimension of the MC's character but he can say or choose anything at any time and on the surface level it all sounds justified but except that he is just like a blank screen which is changed by the author all the time. a character should be like clay which may stay in its shape or change in shape with time and events

the author is not bad at story telling but my level of immersion the story is not intense enough to make my blood boil when the protagonist says something heroic or philosophical. It feels cringe instead. more so because the protagonist shares the identity of a transmigrator (isekai). when the protagonist says something heroic I should feel deep emotions but my reaction on the other hand is: what big words, stop overacting and keep fighting kid...

MC's first crush is really not to my taste. All the other waifus are fine but I don't like her at all. if the wooing process had been something like MC saw her praised her and some events happened and now she became a girlfriend. I wouldn't mind even if I disliked her I would just think that he is adding variety to the harem but the thing is that she is not interested in the MC and the MC keeps praising her for the qualities I do not like so it irritates me even more <<less
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Raptor_Jesus rated it
December 30, 2021
Status: c1209
One of my favorite parts about this novel is how the author is trying to subvert generic practices when writing xianxia. While not always succeeding with some arcs falling incredibly short of expectations overall a solid read and one I check on daily for new chapters.
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