Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu


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I started an ice cream shop in a different world!

One day, the reincarnated person Alme, whose engagement was annulled after suddenly encountering her fiancé’s cheating scene.

“Let’s use our talent for ice magic to open an ice cream shop!”

From this situation, Alme makes a fresh start and uses her memory of her previous life as a hint to use her talent for ice magic to open an ice cream shop, a shop that sells desserts that have never existed in this city.

Alme, who is steadily preparing a foundation for her life, meets a mysterious young man, Falk, who later becomes a regular customer.

In fact, his true identity is that of a new priest who has become a hot topic in town. Alme, who doesn’t know that, deepens her relationship with Falk as a good friend, but…!?

The incognito priest is also a favorite!?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ice magic Ice Cream Shop is a favorite of the heat-sensitive priest.
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance
  2. Cooking/Food Novels
  3. Para leer.
  4. Wyntile's Female Isekais
  5. Novels mainly about food

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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08/07/24 Kumo Translations c5
08/02/24 Kumo Translations c4
07/31/24 Kumo Translations c3
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3 Reviews sorted by

BumBumBakudan rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: v1c10
I like how it's written, that there aren't overly long desciptions and that it's well explained how characters feel. Story wise it doesn't seem to be too original, currently it looks like classical desert shop story. MC's ex-fiance breaks up with her because she is boring and doesn't have big curves. Now that MC no longer needs to work for him she opens up first ever ice-cream shop by using her rare ice abilities. ML is a guy from north so he desperately needs something cold and so he sticks... more>> around MC. And we can all guess who will regret their break up decision. <<less
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BukuBuku rated it
April 21, 2023
Status: v3c103
I really like this one, the pacing is great with it not being too drawn out but very satisfying in length and conclusion to these mini arcs that they do. It's a nice contrast to how some authors are choosing to only do mini arcs in a few chapters or less nowadays. The characters themselves are also quite well put together instead of being a mishmash of tropes, the MC has lots of good qualities and very relatable flaws and goals, while the ML is also the same but in... more>> a different way. It also gives ample detail on the side characters as well which makes the story seem more alive rather than a retelling of a diary or a biography. It's a shame that the group/person working on translations made their site private so we can't view it anymore. I actually want to give this 5 stars but for some reason the site only let me click 4 stars weird. <<less
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LittleFox21 rated it
February 10, 2023
Status: v1c30
Cinderella MC, delusional karen antagonist, reincarnation cheat.

Well, the said cheat is as powerful as to make blocks of ice to be shaved.... Can't really justify it as a "cheat" without the otherworldly knowledge of cold desserts. Ice cream and shaved ice.

Story wise just your standard "glow up after getting dumped by typical karen noble ex fiancee" thingy but very, very mild. No violence, no excessive bullying, no over the top misunderstanding epic nor any combat in sight. It's just... Uh, really just about starting a one of a kind cold... more>> treats shop in a hot climate city with a bit of romance sprinkled.

Translation is berry gud tho so it's pretty enjoyable read so far. <<less
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