Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (WN)


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Five people are summoned to another world to battle the demon lord who threatens that world. However, there were only supposed to be four heroes that were summoned; the other was an innocent bystander. What will the innocent bystander do next?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Golden Word Master (WN)
Konjiki no Word Master (WN)
金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~
金色文字使: 被四名勇者波及的独特外挂
Related Series
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (LN) (Light Novel)
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (Reboot) (Spin-Off)
Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (WN) (3)
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN) (3)
Sevens (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Legend (1)
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  2. Things I've Read pt 2
  3. J/K novel
  4. Novel's I like
  5. My Top Light Novel

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65 Reviews sorted by

Galaleo1000 rated it
June 26, 2019
Status: c106
Starts great with an interesting concept and quickly spirals into a trope story. With the main character pushed to the back of the story bus it loses most of its charm. If you read this stop after the desert and remember it fondly. The future holds many plot holes, Loli harem, and poor “dramatic” writing scenarios. If it weren’t for the as*hole our started as this story would get 1 star.
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Judsonia rated it
May 1, 2019
Status: c312
Amongst all the negative and really positive reviews, I come here to give a generally positive review but not ignore this novel's clear downsides. As a disclaimer, I enjoyed it, mainly cause my first anime and novel was Highschool DxD, anything goes for me.

Alright, let's start with the negatives. Firstly, translations aren't consistent, and a lot of times it was picked up by people who were just giving the translator gig a shot so a lot of times you'd get pretty hard to decipher translations. But in my opinion, they're... more>> working without pay so who really cares to be upset about it. Secondly, the author's obsession with lolis. I don't mind lolis, but I'd also like you to throw in at least some normal girls... this is more just a personal problem though. Thirdly, I sometimes feel like this author was just writing this work at like the start of his career because he has obvious places where he bottlenecks, romance, plot building (he contradicts himself a lot, and honestly with such a flexible magic like "Word Magic" he really failed to use it in cooler ways, lowkey screwed himself there tho). But he has good world building (I thought so anyway), he's really good at making "food p*rn" and the fight scenes were good. Not the best, but unless it was a completely unrelated character I'd typically take the time to read the fight scenes. This is generally all I can say, I won't go in too much detail as all the extremely negative reviews will tell you plenty.

Now for the positives, although I did mention a large amount of them a minute ago... Firstly, the MC was great, I mean not really consistent but still great, and honestly, he had to change a bit or the plot wouldn't have progressed. The side characters aren't bad either, they all got arcs, and put something in the story, I feel. Secondly, the author had some really good moments where he'd obviously plan a part of the story way ahead and he also gave us plenty of side details and stuff about the world. Thirdly, comedy wasn't bad, and I loved the food p*rn.

All in all, positives don't outweigh the negatives but... it's up to you if you really liked it, I mean it's a huge read for just a "meh" story, and you're better off reading the LN, but I read things fast anyway because I got up to the most recently translated chapter (I wish it'd keep getting translated cause they paused it at a HUGE ARC) within a week. But yeah if you don't have time for things that aren't good or just aren't as flexible to "generic ecchi tr*sh" then move along and go read something AMAZING. I'm just tired of all these reviews taking one side or the other and you only see extreme opinions on this novel.

Sorry for my poorly structured review and bad grammar. <<less
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July 10, 2018
Status: c200
Spoiler (?) not for the plot, tho.

I really liked the arrogant, self-centered protagonist and the world-building, but I couldn't stomach anymore of those damn loli's. This guy literally has the title of Little Girl Slayer. One or two I can take as a joke (it's par for the course in Japan, I guess), but without fail every little girl he meets falls in love with him and all but a couple of the dozen or so heroines are kids or have the appearance of one. In fact, there's even an... more>> old dude who turns into a little girl after becoming infatuated with the MC.

However, the Translators did an awesome job. Though there wasn't a dedicated one, all but the pickiest of readers will be happy. They really deserve some credit.

3/5 Not figuring in the author's.. Ehem.. Preferences. Generic OP MC campy goodness. Although, I quit reading right after the tournament arc--chapter 200 or so because it seemed the story stagnated and there would never be a reasonable love interest. <<less
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This is the series that got me back into reading years ago after a friend asked me for help in deciding what to read, eventually after much q and A we picked something out while he recommended I read this and so begins my journey, now I will say this novel definitely isn't the best but it definitely isn't mediocre, it's got the normal cliche summons to another world setting but the Mc's power and how he interacted with the world around him interested me, especially with the short checkups... more>> every now and then on his companions and the comparisons between them, now I could in fact elaborate on and on, about the pros and cons of this novel but as many people are with coiling Dragon I'm just gonna be Biased and tell you just to read it, it definitely ain't no Er Gen Novel, nor any mediocre half baked Japanese go lucky novel, but its definitely a fun tale that really doesn't take any thinking to read, it's just an exciting novel about some guy who just kicks ass no more no less, and sometimes that's ok <<less
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MarkB666 rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: c1
After 26 chapters I'm dropping this. A few nice ideas including a selfish MC, but he's just just too horrible even now. I don't know if the author intended to start at one extreme and then have him progress but there hasn't been any noticable movement at all. He's poorly written with little to no background justifying his attitude and no sign that he has any empathy with anybody. Basically, he's a sociopath with no character.
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captain crunch
captain crunch rated it
May 5, 2017
Status: c264
Updates Rating: 3 stars, Translation: 3.5/5 (multiple translation teams, most chapters range from 4/5 to 3/5)

(My reviews may sound negative, but I often list reasons why I didn't give 5 stars.)

[[5 star = almost all readers may enjoy. 4 star = large majority of readers may enjoy. 3 star = 50/50 of readers may enjoy. 2 star = a niche audience may enjoy. 1 star = maybe portion of niche audience may enjoy.]]

[[5/5 = Infrequent minor errors. 4/5 = Frequent minor errors or infrequent major errors, no... more>> difficulty to read. 3/5 = Frequent major errors, some difficulty to read. 2/5 = Difficult to read. 1/5 = Unreadable.]]

MC is one of five high school students (17-18 year olds) who get summoned to another world to defend the human kingdom from the demon kingdom. However, MC was caught up in the summoning by accident. Instead of receiving the hero traits, he gets an unusual magic ability. He is also skeptical about the geopolitical issues, and immediately decides to leave and go exploring on his own.

Features: summoning to another world, RPG-like leveling and magic system, rude MC with OP ability and fast leveling but starts from level 1, demihumans, monsters/beasts, small group combat, traveling/exploring, temporary companions, probably large scale combat later on, national conflicts, loli and loli-shaped characters. So far does not include nation building or harem/romance.

The concept is interesting because MC does not want to be involved in some strangers' wars, and his cheat ability is somewhat different. The story does include the usual reincarnation/fantasy themes such as adventuring and magic combat. So I think most readers in the genre will feel familiar with the format, although with some added twists. But I do have a few major criticisms.

The MC's attitude can quickly get irritating. He is all about fair trade and not doing things for free, but on the rare occasion that he needs something from another character, he gets a little pissed that other people want something in return. He is also about being direct, getting to the point, and disposing of formalities. But his dialogue often is nothing like that. It's almost always insults and being rude. I think it's supposed to be funny, but after 200+ chapters, it's getting tiring.

The dialogue and some characters are very exaggerated, like 1970's children's cartoons. For example, MC will constantly use the same insult on a companion, and the companion will react with the same highly exaggerated outraged response. Many characters also speak with sound effects and catch phrases. I think this is also supposed to be funny, but it's a bit much.

Almost every female character is a preteen girl or a loli-shaped woman. Why is this necessary? Most of them fall for the MC and that stereotypical schoolgirl dialogue and reaction with MC. But there is no romance, because MC has his independent attitude theme going on. Again, this continues on all the time. It doesn't stop. It also doesn't make sense why everyone, even males, like the MC. He doesn't do anything likable. I would understand if people admire his OPness, but not him as a person.

One thing that I think readers will be split on is that the MC changes roles after the 1st 100 chapters. The MC starts out just wandering around, leveling up, and forming connections. After chapter 100, the MC has decided to ally with a long-term goal or a faction. Some readers may be OK with both of these, but some may only prefer one instead of the other. My opinion was that I was concerned the story wasn't going anywhere in the first 100 chapters.

I gave this 3 stars. It's a different variation to the reincarnation/fantasy genre. Fans of the genre will probably be comfortable with it. My rating may be biased; I'm starting to get tired of the MC's attitude

and the dialogue.

Other: This is the WN. There is a LN, but the translation appears to be much further behind than the WN. I don't know what the differences between the 2 are. <<less
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Silver Snake
Ghostap rated it
March 9, 2017
Status: c200
I liked it at the start but then eventually it just became dragon ball Z. The main character has such a unique magic, but all he does is use it for strengthening and speeding himself up. Oh yeah and he has a kaio ken if I recall correctly. He literally glows red and his strength and speed are multiplied. Oh no the enemy looks super strong what will we do? Oh well just power up of course. Just got boring near 200. But eh at least the side characters were... more>> sort of funny/cute. <<less
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January 25, 2017
Status: --
Okay I'm not going to write anything detailed, but I think some peoples reviews are really too harsh. I must say this novel isn't the best.

Super cliche and typical. But let's remind you that when this novel came out, the idea of have s*upid heroes and a different main character was still pretty new. And the way that this novel presented it was refreshing and rather original at the time.

While it seems pretty typical now, this was among the first novels that presented hero summoning in this way, so it's... more>> too harsh to simply cast it off as cliche.

As such, even now I enjoy it since it isn't overly littered with template scenes and the characters interactions are very much amusing. I'm not much of a harem fan, never mind Loli harem, but its acceptable and the MC really doesn't have any interest. It's easy to swallow once you've seen highschool of th dead *shivers*

I like the MC, he isn't super op, uses his brains and is logical, all though I'm not super awesome and rational like him I can relate. Whilst MC is always right, he's only right because what he says, is actually truth. In fact, it's an obvious truth. He doesn't butter anything up, or make anything seem less that what it is. And he can do that because he's detached purposefully, as I said, he's not super op, therefore he cannot possible find solutions to everything. There are of course, all sorts of complications and complexities in the social and political world. And the MC can see the obvious flaws and mistakes because he, like the reader, looks from afar and only gets involved if it benefits him. Not like those other novels where the MC tries to "right" everything when it's simply not possible. MC isn't right because he's "just", but right because it's true.

It only seems that everyone else is s*upid because
1, cultural difference
2, hey, it needs an amount of plot right?
3, the world is complicated and people don't always do things because it's right, but because hey want to.

There are other intelligent characters there, that end up surrounding the MC, and mind you, they are intelligent, and want to change the world but can't, as such they become attracted to the MC because of his indifference. He won't judge them simply on their race and ethnic. His detachment and emotional strength makes him a person good to rely on when your unstable, since he won't feed you sugary or bitter words. Anyways I really like this, although it gets a bit bland after around 150 chaps. It's good nonetheless, and I expect it to pick up. Expecting an entire several hundred chapters novel to have the same pace and fresh excitement constantly, I say in an unreasonable and unrealistic expectation from some readers. There WILL be places where you'll get bored, and the point is to read it, know it, and that so called boring chapter can other serve as a good break or be a part of something bigger. <<less
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Ethreality rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c212
This is a really nice light novel to read. Starts off with pretty good pacing, and relationships in this novel are developed pretty well. The main character is very likable, since he has a "does whatever" attitude and is not exactly the typical main character. He is also very intelligent, but very dense (ha-ha). Two problems I have in this light novel though, one being we didn't really get a good description in the half-year time skip, especially with the new characters

Nikki and the Bird Ostrich girl

and lately, he is becoming pretty overpowered, which makes the battle scenes a little dull.
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Hunterxwx rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: c200
Great story with a MC that actually uses his brain! Unlike other light novels, the MC doesn't take everything at face value. In other words, he wouldn't just accept the words of a total stranger even if it's the king of an empire who is trying to save the world. The MC stoic personality is a bit of a downer at times, but the complex world developed by the author perfectly makes up for it.

Overall, I would highly recommend reading this novel. I know I did, multiple times... After... more>> reading almost all the novels from wuxiaworld, and many other sites, this is still the only novel I have read more than three times while waiting for the next release. <<less
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Valixiant rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: --
Honestly this isn't even worth a review. Generic Japanese Isekai with a hypocrite as a main character, and a abhorrent amount of failed cliche gags.

The amount of lolis purely in the first couple of chapters is irritating, especially when all they do is walk right in front of attacks so the main character has to save them. I mean seriously, in a world with monsters, magic, and organizations doing whatever the f*ck they want, why does no one have self-preservation instincts.

This novel has gotten to the point where I'm cringing... more>> with how little effort was put into the encounters, and cringing even more when the author has to invent some reason for the main character to help in said encounter, despite his personality being someone who doesn't want to help. This happens a lot.

Honestly if someone said this novel was a joke-novel poking fun at generic isekai novels I would believe them. The plot was written super poorly. <<less
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December 8, 2019
Status: c400
It started out decently and the story progressed okayish but then he become so OP that he could beat almost everyone. And then the pointless side stories and lame conversations so I just skipped through those chapters until I couldnt stand it anymore. I was reading this back in 2015 2016 ish and boi it was fun until it stopped.
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mistvenom rated it
August 30, 2019
Status: --
People complaining about time skip and a character suddenly appear in the story, it's not time skip at all because at latter chapters, there'll we a detailed flashback about it, about why is there a new char, why is he suddenly became strong, etc.

To be honest, it's the author's fault why he/she wrote it like that. Some chapters are confusing as hell because of it, at some point I thought there's a missing chapter or something like that.
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Fan2zz rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: --
Although I dropped it after a while it's a pretty good read. If you come into this novel already with a disdain of Isekai you probably won't like the novel, but if not you won't regret reading it. The MC isn't a stereotype, yet he can get annoying if you want him to be more active. Has a OP power, yet it's interesting enough not to get upset about it. There are also a lot of interesting side characters.

If you ask why I dropped this I had two reasons. The... more>> first is because when the story was getting interesting the author did an abrupt time skip and when the MC next appears there is this annoying character going teacher "Teacher, teacher is going to get mad at me" who we don't even get a explanation for right away and the MC grew much stronger to the point you lose your understanding of what the MC can and can't do which upset me. The second reason was because past translators had very slow releases and it wasn't worth following. At the time this was popular I believed it to be on par with Shield Hero, so despite my complaints I'm leaving a good rating. <<less
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Darkrend rated it
July 30, 2017
Status: c267
I used to hate reading, always thought it was boring, until I just happened to run into this. With a MC being summoned by mistake he was calm and careful (unless it involves books and or good food.) He goes on a journey the moment he releases how OP his ability is to avoid the king hearing about it. On his journey he meets many lolis, saves them (For things like food and or books) and unknowingly gets a large loli fanbase. He acts for himself and will return... more>> favors when helped. He's blunt and arrogant, but knows his limits and tries to avoid going over them and he doesn't suck up to anyone. Its a funny and great story of a OP dence MC that gets involved in a lot of problems. <<less
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ranobesuki rated it
March 14, 2017
Status: c257
One of the must-reads of the genre I suppose.

The actual neutrality of the MC is refreshing. Other characters are a bit 2D, and I can see why he doesn't particularly like anybody. Biggest complaint is the unneccesary timeskip where he goes from 'pretty strong' to 'basically superman' and readers are expected to suddenly remember a bunch of new characters whose introductions were skipped. Odd choice, author.

General impression: Good story, tolerable level of cliches, starting to drag, future uncertain.
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Snooty rated it
February 8, 2017
Status: c120
It's not quite a 4, but rounded up from 3.5.

It starts off quite nice and actually logical with an anti social MC who is actually cautious about things rather than just accepting every instruction of whoever summoned them. The author does a good job avoiding a lot of the boring OP character traps because our MC doesn't have any ambitions. Screw saving the world or revenge, let's travel and read books.

However, as you read on you notice a lot of inconsistencies within the story. For anyone not purely good, the... more>> MC will maintain his stubborn facade of never revealing any information, very arrogantly, even to people who can crush him with their pinkies (who all happen to be lolis). For some odd reason the only super powerful people he meets all enjoy his straight forwardness/arrogant demeanor, while anyone who has a problem will is weaker than him. And for anyone who won't cause MC any troubles later on, he will reveal his whole life story to them the next chapter. Because our MC is so secretive and anti social, the world building really suffers a big hit. You can never really know the opinions of other characters. <<less
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wdewolde rated it
September 6, 2016
Status: c153
Its a great read, love the whole play on the cliche 4 Heroes summoned to another world.

Similar style to Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, and Re:Monster as in there is a really OP character that is more focused on food than anything else, but still ends up as a major player in the events of the world

The only thing that I would say is bad about it is the amount of different translating groups, down websites etc which can mean that in order to read it either you occasionally skip... more>> a chapter or send a bit of time hunting it down. <<less
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lekhoa88 rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: c189
The story was good until after MC acquires a lot companion. Several things that didn't work out well for me:
- Repetitive story line - MC fights one battle in one place, and move on to the next.
- Too much lolis
- MC personality & author sense of humor doesn't work with me. I simply hate the fact that MC would mindlessly do anything for food.
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Gvitor rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: c186
It's very good to read story, a confident MC and he got an ability that is a cheat but controlled though, it more like it has limits, however...

It became very bad after he got to the demon continent, because, one chapter you are seeing he taking shelter in a house of a loli demon lady and the next you see him eating with the demon lord (??) which is in fact a loli too... the duels that came after are good though...

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