Kiss Addiction


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Waiting for the blind president, naturally there is no secretive thing, bathing, changing clothes, happily living in the same room, looking in the mirror when there is likely a grimace. Anyway, there is impossible this man can do that kind of thing, but……

“Cen Yu Hao, you even blindfolded my eyes!” She was so shivering.

“I gave you a lot of hints, blame yourself for being s*upid!”

God! She changed clothes in front of him more than once! How long had he seen her changing?

“Cen Yu Hao, you rogue!”

He showed an evil charming smile: “Now I will really show you what is rogue!”

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Related Series
I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Long, longer, the longest?
  2. Wealthy characters
  3. Modern Chinese novels
  4. CN novels
  5. Fluffy Straight Romances Part 3

Latest Release

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03/29/22 a little fun c168
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8 Reviews sorted by

Aruthea rated it
October 11, 2018
Status: Completed
I love this novel. It's filled with fluffy moments and actually has a plot going on. The best part is... there is no r*pe. No forcing on each other whatsoever, which is really common in those Cinderella novels I've been reading lately. Although most of their moments are played for laughs, it isn't as bad as most novels where the male lead is really awful to the female lead.

In terms of plot, you will eventually find out why the male lead has to act blind, and it appears that there... more>> is a strong internal conspiracy going on. Their marriage will soon grow from a loveless one to one filled with loads of love along the way. The main couple's misunderstandings never ever get dragged out and they communicate with each other as a real actual damn couple would. Although I have to admit, I'm not sure of the conspiracy pays off for most readers, but at least there are fluffy moments to look forward to.

I'll keep this review mostly spoiler-free, but I can only say that I pity male lead's brother. I really do. Not just because in the second male lead syndrome, but because of how deep the conspiracy is.


In regards to MC's heritage, surprisingly enough, it doesn't really matter because apparently, the reason she is orphaned was because something had happened to her parents. Her mother was unlucky to witness some crime which is related to the conspiracy. So we don't have some epic enemies on her side of the family. It's rather, the ML's side of the family that is deeply seated in this conspiracy...


I will likely be picking this up as a project if there is still no more updates from the TLer, and will definitely TL from scratch. <<less
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BobChan rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: c31
Initially seeing a couple 5 stars, I thought this novel would be a wonderful read, however, it was the exact opposite. I don't find the novel to be fluffy at all--in fact--it was horribly forced.

... more>>

To get back at her ex-boyfriend, the MC goes and kisses the first guy she saw. Coincidentally, it was the ML and his family, who came to visit him, saw this happen. What happened after this was, in my opinion, ridiculous and absurd: the ML lied to his family that the MC was his girlfriend and after they leave; he threatened her. She either had to get married to him or she had to leave the city. Like, excuse me? How is that funny or romantic at all?

And worst of all, his domineering attitude was just so douchy; it was aggravating. He acted as if he was a blind person when he wasn't--it was a ploy to trap some 'rats'--and he continuously brought up that the MC was making fun of him, a blind person. The cherry on top though was the fact that all the MC could say was: "Hey, listen to me--" "You--" and never got to her goddamn point. Subsequently, even when the MC could have, she didn't. There's a part at the beginning where the MC met the ML's mom (before the wedding), and instead of the MC trying to clear up the misunderstanding, she would rather act like an 'obedient' girl and save her face (not wanting the ML's mom or his family to know that she took 'advantage' of their 'disabled' son),

Sure, I understand that their wedding was inevitable and crucial for their development, but it was so forced--it's basically bride-napping.


Granted that I'm only in the early 1/8th of the novel and there are still 230+ chapters to go, I probably won't continue to read it. I don't like the ML and his tyrannical attitude (when it's done right, it's hot--however, it was done horribly). The other issue was the MC and her incapability to speak up for herself. It's not like she's mute, but the author put way too much emphasis that the ML was just too smart with his superb poisonous tongue; therefore, the MC wouldn't be able to even fight back or that she wasn't able to find a 'time' to insert herself and say something. I find her to be like the villains/ villainous who can only point their finger and say 'you' on a loop. <<less
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Dizaster rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c91
I love fluffy novels and I love them so much that I have compiled an entire list of them as I read them and the number count has reached 81.

Proof: https://www. novelupdates. com/viewlist/9629/

However, this novel just didn't give me that fluffy and sweet feeling that I relish. I don't know about others but I found the m.c EXTREMELY s*upid and beyond redemption. She was brought up in an orphanage but still failed to develop the basic common sense that we all have. I don't know why people try to project... more>> clumsy, air-headed and big breasted women as cute.

Their relationship was nothing but a complete mess created by (random & spontaneous decision to get married) + (an overbearing ML pretending to be blind and ordering her about and when she's not listening, blackmail her saying she's doing so because he's blind). Like bruh 🙄 that's idiotic but guess what, it works!!

Their silly pranks that were "fluffy" interactions felt rather... Annoying? She's a complete whacko and her habit of streaking is rather bizarre.

I don't want to bulldoze this novels by posting a hate review but this novel just sit well with me. There's not the least bit of respect she gains as an official wife recognised by elders in front of ML. He acts like an S and low key ab*ses her with satire and pranks. And seriously WTH does "my eyes are blind, not my heart" even mean? His rather half hearted justifications can only be accepted by this nutjob MC.

WHAT'S worse is that she's the least interested in improving her lifestyle, she says she's not after his wealth but when he's super stingy, she still accepts whatever he leaves her as last resort and ab*ses herself with it. Did she forget she had a life before meeting him?

And if you're pissed off by how many times I've insulted MCs IQ, please tell me what do you call a person who gives out her name, address's and location of residential book to a complete stranger witha little stimulation. It even felt like she'd give out her bank card and passcode too had they asked for it. And she was so easily stimulated into marriage that you just wanna go and whack her head a couple of times. <<less
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fanneeywp rated it
July 8, 2019
Status: Completed
Really my cup of taste. Cute, fluffy, funny and innocent. Besides already have a lover before, MC and ML were each other’s firsts time hahaha. No irrational misunderstanding or too heavy conflicts. Chapter length is okay, everything's okay.
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sofea A.C
sofea A.C rated it
October 16, 2019
Status: Completed
I spend a day MTL this story and tbh I will not recommend this. Truthfully speaking, MC is very interesting person but the biggest problem in this story is you can feel the lack of chemistry between MC and ML. And ML also not a very likeable character in this. But rest assured not r*pe scene in this. But personally I found this story quit boring and author keep creating the misunderstanding after misunderstanding with no after effect. Usually, the relationship will take changes after certain tragedy, but the relationship... more>> between this two are really dull. <<less
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Kim97 rated it
February 19, 2018
Status: c13
I love it so far and the translator is doing a good job in getting the meaning across. So far, there has been some major events but I look forward to see how the relationships between the leads proceed and if the FL will be able to deal with the black belly ML. I really want to see the ML reaction on seeing the FL


so far he has been playing blind with a bandage on his injured eyes

3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 18, 2018
Status: c13
The story has been really interesting so far, but the translation quality could do some work.

plot so far ... more>>

The MC initially has a boyfriend, but he go into an 'accident' that left him 'crippled'. He took the chance to break up with the MC (because she was traditional and they hadn't even kissed after dating for three years which wow girl I understand traditional but that's a bit?) Ofc the FL didn't know and subconsciously agreed and left but felt bad about it so she was going to go back to him (the hospital ward) where she finds that she was betrayed. So they fight, and in a fit of rage to prove she wasn't a prude she kissed this 'blind' man walking by and things just went on from there


It's really cute, but I can't seem to find the raws because 一吻成瘾 has a few stories in that series so i'd be happy if the TLer gave the link to the raws and the full title too <<less
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bythos rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: c80
The storyline is a bit too monotonous and the ML abusing the MC is really s*upid.

Giving her a bicycle to ride when the 200+iq ML should already know that the bus stop is half an hour away. He can remember everything about a new company he took over but not take care of his wife.

Overall a great translation brought down by the story where ML is just a bully and MC his "always happy" punching bag.
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