Jun You Ji Fou


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“Shiyu, my heart does not lie.” With these words of deep passion, Chu Mingyun inserts his hand back into his sleeve and pinches himself.

Su Shiyu’s smile deepens all of a sudden. He squints his eyes and gently parts his mouth to say, “Are you sick?”

“Lovesickness,” Chu Mingyun answers resolutely.

“Excuse me.” Su Shiyu nods, turns his body and leaves.

The story of a person feigning a cut-sleeve who truly became a cut-sleeve and a person who didn’t want to get involved with a cut-sleeve became the cut-sleeve first.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Are you ill?
Are you sick?
How is the Gentleman Faring?
How is the Gentleman Feeling?
Is the Gentleman Feeling Alright?
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New mingmeng rated it
June 2, 2024
Status: Completed
*I'm not native English speaker, so please refer to this and read it.

This novel's playing politics of story isn't perfect, but I think It's so interesting that Chu Mingyun and Su Shiye's changes after they're falling in love.

If you want to read mystery novel, I do not recommend this novel.
But if you like romance novel, I would recommend this.

I felt the story line of this novel is like sha po lang, but with easy scheme. And the novel's metaphor is so touching for me, but I don't know how the metaphor of this novel is read to a native English speaker.

If you're interested in reading, read at least 33 chapter! This novel is especially famous for its 33 chapter.
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toleroid rated it
April 22, 2022
Status: Completed
The writing and pacing is not bad but otherwise, I would give this story a 1*.

I read the other reviews and was duped into reading the novel because I thought it would be a cute rivals to lovers story, similar to Golden Stage. However, it is not cute at all, because the MC (gong) is a rapist and a manipulative man child, and the ML (shou) is like a Ken doll with no inner world.

  1. The MC (gong) constantly gropes the ML (shou) and if the ML (shou) refuses, he just harasses him more.
  2. If the ML (shou) tries to resist, the MC (gong) threatens to humiliate him in public. They also happen to be colleagues, so this is essentially workplace harassment.
  3. The MC (gong) spreads a rumour that he is in love with ML (shou) in order to stalk him.
  4. The MC (gong) repeatedly sabotages ML (shou) at work in order to discredit him in front of his boss (the Emperor). Although at the beginning, this is because they're rival statesmen leading two separate political camps, later on in the story, it takes a s*xual turn.
  5. At one point, the ML (shou) is drugged by a third party and tries to resist but MC (gong) takes advantage of him anyway. ML clearly says no when this happens.
  6. The MC (gong) tampers with ML's (shou) communication with his subordinates in order to control him. When ML (shou) does the same thing he gets all triggered and physical about it because it's not out of "true love" *eye roll*
  7. Every time MC (gong) harasses ML (shou) and ML (shou) resists, MC (gong) says "I know you're just embarrassed / shy and you actually like it".
  8. He does an extremely f*cked up thing near the end because he wants to force ML (shou) to stay with him.

    He drugs him. Also, if you drug someone because you want to lock them up and r*pe them, and then you change your mind afterward, that does not make you a decent person!

  9. Right before ML and MC finally get together

    and after ML becomes Emperor, ML threatens to commit su*cide by letting the Xiongnu and Li Chenghua (Prince of Xiling) kill 7000 of his elite troops and overrun the capital. The reasoning for this is because he's pissed about ML ignoring him.

    Throughout the entire story, he is borderline suicidal, so it's fairly in character.
In essence, ML falls for someone who not only is a s*x offender, but also doesn't share any of his values. He just deludes himself into thinking that they are similar and later convinces himself that he's even doing the right thing politically, when he has no other choice. Pretty much every "upright" thing MC says at some point is proven to be a lie through his actions in the story.

On top of that, the author, through ML and other side characters, constantly go on and on about how ML is cold-hearted because


he doesn't side with his relatives when they commit treason, an act which results in the death of suffering of tens of thousands of commoners, as well as innocent officials in the court, and a side character who ML sees as a younger sister.


Although it's still understandable to say that he's cold-hearted here, MC (gong) also criticizes his lack of sympathy for a woman who begs for her husband's life despite


her husband participating in the slaughtering / mass exodus of an entire city.


The author makes it clear that it's not "true love" unless you side with your partner even if your partner is a literal mu*derer.

It would be one thing if only MC (gong), a guy who in canon has some serious issues and probably has PTSD from his early life experiences believed this. However, the entire plot revolves around this take, and apparently only ML (shou) is abnormal for not believing in this twisted version of "true love".

I guess it's not surprising from someone who thinks constant s*xual harassment is "romantic" and that MC (gong) is a good guy who loves ML (shou) despite doing all these f*cked up things to him.

By the way, if you read to the end, it turns out that MC (gong) is actually just an ambitious prick who manipulates and constantly guilts ML (shou) because ML is politically aligned with the Emperor (Li Yanzhen).


He blames ML for leading him on even though ML is perfectly clear that he doesn't approve of MC rebelling. He acts as if ML is the unreasonable one for having different political beliefs, a fact which he knew from the start!

And yes, MC leads a military coup and almost kills the Emperor, who ML treats like a younger brother. He also uses the exact same excuse as their "enemy", prince of Xiling, that Li Yanzhen is incompetent, a de jure Emperor who doesn't have real authority, and the court is held up by MC and ML.

Worth noting is the fact that MC would attempt to kill ML and there would be a civil war if they weren't "in love". Also worth noting is that MC almost allowed the Xiongnu to overrun the capital because ML refused to acknowledge him. This is despite his tirades about how much he hates cowardly / irresponsible civil officials who don't defend Daxia against the Xiongnu.

He basically threatened mass mu*der - su*cide (which is emotional abuse!) to get with ML, and he's clearly even less responsible than Li Yanzhen. This makes ML's so-called principled behaviour extremely dubious.


The author explains in the author's notes at the end that ML (shou) kept to his principles. If you actually use your brain when you read this novel, it's clear that he didn't. The fact that the author needed to jump out and explain it at the end already shows just how doubtful it is.

None of the paired-up characters in this story have any self-respect or rationality. The entire moral of the story is that you shouldn't care about the well-being of yourself or anyone else you have responsibility toward, if you're in true love, because apparently true love is the most important thing in the world.


The princess of Loulan dies because she trusts a Han merchant she fell in love with. Though this is not her fault, it seriously damages the political relationship between Loulan and Daxia.

The woman who asks Su Shiyu (ML) to spare her husband who committed treason ends up dying with her son. This is because, even though she doesn't agree with his actions (participating in the slaughter and mass exodus of an entire city and rebelling against the Emperor), he loves her and wants to sacrifice herself with him. By the way, she claims that he loves her and has always treated her well, but he has no respect for her opinion to the end. Then she refuses to escape the city without him, which is fine, except this also results in her son dying as well. She doesn't even make a cursory attempt to protect him, because apparently he (along with all the previous residents of the city) are just that unimportant compared to her husband. And this is the "warm-hearted" model of love MC wants ML to be.

After Jingshu hears that Li Che is dead, she immediately commits su*cide. Li Che isn't actually dead and is heartbroken when he finds out. How dogblood.

MC kills innocent courtiers, breaks laws as an official, and deposes and almost kills the Emperor, who ML grew up beside and swore to protect. Despite this, all ML does is kneel in the ancestral hall, feel bad for a bit, and then get together with the MC.

As for the side pairing, Du Yue has an IQ that is low enough that he's probably unfit for military service. Qin Zhao doesn't do anything particularly bad, and he's one of the few reasonable characters in the story, but the side pair barely shows up anyway.

Li Yanzhen and Li Qinghe (Emperor and Lu Shi's daughter) are fairly likeable, but Li Qinghe also attempts to "sacrifice her life for love" during the coup. Li Yanzhen also was plotted by one of his concubines, and then later almost poisoned to death by her, and despite this, chose to forgive her when she died.


In the notes, the author also claimed that MC (gong) respected ML's (shou) opinions, which clearly wasn't the case. The only reason MC (gong) didn't just force ML (shou) to do whatever he wanted was because he couldn't (and he says this himself at some point), and he thought it was hot that ML (shou) was so feisty. These are all paraphrasing words MC said, not just my interpretation.

There's this pervasive idea here that as long as the pursuer "sacrifices" themselves for you (takes an arrow to the chest or whatever) or gives you attention (buys you gifts), then they must be a good person who loves you. And of course, since MC and ML are the main pair in this story, ML secretly likes it. But in reality, this is how people become abuse victims -- they're guilt-tripped and manipulated into it.

I have nothing against r*pe fantasies -- they're one of the most common types of s*xual fantasies and plenty of people enjoy them. There are also some very famous yandere characters (eg in Priest's The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha)) that I think are fairly well-written.

What I really despise is the author who bills clearly abusive behaviours, s*xual harassment, and r*pe as "normal" or "romantic".

From the way the author constantly tried to justify ML's (gong) behaviours within the story and even in their author's notes, and how some reviewers think ML's personality is "cute", it's clear that this story is reflective a real-life worldview that there's nothing wrong with forcing someone to have s*x with you, and no means yes.

Also, let's not forget to mention, there's the typical casual historical racism toward the Xiongnu (extremely pejorative but historically accurate term for the nomads of the steppes originating from Central Asia, meaning "barbaric s*aves"), who are real people who exist today.

There's something I think non-Chinese readers (and even many Chinese readers) may not be aware of. The whole extreme antipathy against "allying with foreign nations" (which was very common historically in European countries) and also happened many times in China, probably stems from xenophobia, racism toward Central Asia/Mongolia, and the fall of the Qing dynasty.

Manchurians ruled China for two dynasties (Later Jin, Qing) and Mongolians ruled for one (Yuan) and both resulted in significant territorial expansion. China was far, far smaller before these dynasties. On top of that, ethnic Manchurians and Mongolians live in China today, in great number, and are officially considered to be Chinese minority groups.

So not only is this whole thing casual racism toward people in the author's own country, it's also not even historically accurate. Many elites rejected foreign rule, but enough accepted it that it happened more than once. Not through direct conquest but through some internal faction allying with an external faction and inviting them in.

To protest now, after the fact, is really just stroking the modern nationalist ego.
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Suigintoh rated it
May 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Everyone judges for themselves, but I loved this novel for many years, and, frankly, I am shocked it can be interpreted in the way it was done in one of the 2-star reviews below.

I think it is not right to oversimplify or change the meaning of certain scenes.

Let me tell you at first - this is not light reading. This novel can be quite dark, especially when it comes to side characters' outcome.
Main characters, Su Shiyu and Chu Mingyun, have that as well, but mostly in their past.

Now let us go through main concerns:
- There is no r*pe between main pair;


There is a threat to sell Su Shiyu to enemy army to "play with" from the traitor who is later killed tho.


- Su Shiyu and Chu Mingyun do flirt with each other, a lot of times and in many occasions, sometimes for business too;


Underground casino part, for example.


- It is not exactly correct to compare modern office to ancient court: in this case, we have one high official take another high official out of comfort zone all the time to distract him, as they are in opposition;

And Su Shiyu knows that, and uses it sometimes himself.

- I didn't see much of racism here, more like external tribes/foreigh nations trying to get more land from the country main characters are part of.

Territorial conflicts in ancient times were common, and were more about resources, not racism.


We are explicitly shown that, for example, older brother of the envoy prince was a great brother. But at the same time he killed Chu Mingyun's sister when he attacked the border town she was protecting.


- Further adressing "groping": Chu Mingyun was only distracting Su Shiyu at the time


to get hands on the book that was on Su Shiyu, and could potentially reveal proof of Chu Mingyun planning a rebellion.


Prior and after that they were mostly flirting with each other.

- They do make questionable choices sometimes.


Su Shiyu after falling in love never tells the emperor about the planned rebellion even when he has concrete proof.

He is silent even after emperor was almost assassinated, only trying to convince Chu Mingyun.

Chu Mingyun does drug Su Shiyu once with sleeping medicine, but not to r*pe or torture - to stop him from getting in way of a rebellion.


Now, after main concerns' discussion, let us talk about this book as a story.

This book has one of my favourite "first s*x" scenes, cause:

- it is consensual (explicitly stated) ;
- they use lubricant;
- no one is dying from pain in the morning;
- they do discuss who will be topping (briefly, but it is there) ;


But the thing with their encounter is - Chu Mingyun was sincere, but Su Shiyu thought he isn't, and basically seduced Chu Mingyun to get access to his secret correspondence.

Yes, Su Shiyu was already in love with him at the time. Yes, he did it both cause of feelings and politics. Yes, human beings are messy and complicated like that.


The main idea of this novel, in my opinion, is survival and cost of it.


Su Shiyu has survivor guilt due to being the only one alive from the army he was leading that was ambushed and slaughered cause of Su Shiyu's closest confidant betrayal.

Chu Mingyun too, cause he was saved from the attacked city on the border by his sister who was cruelly killed at the time of attack with her corpse desecrated (her body was hanged).

Su Shiyu's and Chu Mingyun's survivor guilt is crucial to the story, as it defines their actions and plans.


At the same time, it is a novel about love.

Keep in mind that Su Shiyu and Chu Mingyun are equals at the start of a story.
In social standing, physical strength, or their political fractions influence.

At the beginning we are shown this delicate political balance broken, with Chu Migyun having doubts if it is Su Shiyu's doing or not.
So he needs to spy on him, and do it quickly and effectively.
Therefore, he makes a plan of getting close to Su Shiyu in the name of "love".

Su Shiyu KNOWS what is going on.
At first he shows to Chu Mingyun that he figured everything out.
But Chu Mingyun continues his play.
After some time, Su Shiyu decides to go along to see what Chu Mingyun will do.

Those two weren't close at first.
They started as political rivals, and this is explicitly stated and shown several times.
But actually they are very alike in the core aspects of their personalities.


Both of them have survivor's guilt.
And both of them had experience with being used for gains.

So both of them have a view of how people should be governed and what is the best for the country.
Cause Su Shiyu and Chu Mingyun genuinely care about the country, and are ruthless to themselves.
So both of them want to see the other's actions and understand the opponent better.


So they go along with each other's schemes.
And then they both fall in love.

And if Chu Mingyun is quick to catch on and accept his feelings, Su Shiyu does not believe that his love is reciprocated.
(Due to some of the reckless phrases said by Chu Mingyun that were caught and reported by Su Shiyu's spies, and Su Shiyu himself).


Also due the fact that Su Shiyu's survival guilt is tightly connected with him trusting a traitor which caused him army wiped out and him almost sold off as a toy.


I don't think that trying to judge them as modern-day regular workers is correct.

They are extremely influencial officials who have direct contact with the emperor, control armies and can decide the country's future.

For Chu Mingyun, who lost his only relative to war, and spent most of his life guarding the territory and protecting the border, current system is not enough.


He needs to be sure that his sister's sacrifice was not in vain.


Any time the emperor could give the land he and his people risked their lives for in the name of pacifying and diplomacy.

Which is not wrong per say, but NG for Chu Mingyun. He needs to control it all himself to be sure.

For Su Shiyu, he is always doubting his personal feelings and is afraid of making a mistake that would cause people's suffering. That is why he is going by law and order - those are the things he can be sure of. Even if emperor is not as knowledgeable or decisive, he can live with that.

So their political beliefs contradict.

But they cannot help but be attracted to each other.

The relationship development in this story is just believable.
They stay true to themselves in terms of established characters, but at the same time, they do make compromises to each other.


Chu Mingyun let go of some of his control by not killing the emperor, potetially leaving a threat to his throne, and Su Shiyu accepted the changes by helping Chu Mingyun clean all political mess that was left after dynasty has changed, and was his loyal official his whole life.


I also loved the realistic approach to the aftermath of their relationship.


They never married, as it would not be accepted, but lived in love and harmony for many years, with Chu Mingyun adopting a son from side branch of Su Shiyu's family to have a successor for the throne.


All in all, I would say it is a good book worth giving a chance to.
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joytothewild rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: Completed
5/5 I cried. It was a roller coaster of emotions. The synopsis may look cute, and indeed there are some very fluffy and sweet moments, but as the two main leads are enemies, things get very bittersweet later on. Don't worry it's HE, and worthy of your time, I recommend it.

As a huge sucker for the 'enemies to lovers' trope, I delved into this story with great expectation, and it did not disappoint. The translator does such a meticulous job of capturing the style of the author, whose writing involves... more>> some very aesthetic descriptions that paint the world in such vivid colors and I have to say, very poetic. And if you are not someone who's concerned about the language, the plot is solid too. The mysteries that pile up one by one draw you in, inviting you to speculate along with the leads' investigations. However, these are still just the icing on top, the real gem lies in the characterization of the two main characters.

Chu Mingyun is introduced as this cruel and ambitious almost-villainous character, but as the story progresses, you come to learn the reason for his ruthlessness and for me, I rooted for him to succeed with all my heart. Don't let that fool you though; he might be a vicious schemer, but in front of Su Shiyu he turns into a spoiled puppy. No wonder Shiyu can't help but let him do what he wants in a subtle way. One of the reasons I love him so much is because he's so honest with himself. When you see someone who tries their best to get what they want and is never shy to admit their own feelings, it's hard not to like them isn't it. I don't want to spoil too much but since the very first chapter, their interactions are definitely a highlight of this story, so I'm just putting it in the spoiler box just because some might want to experience it on their own but


Chu Mingyun is so damn cute. At first I thought the coquettish act was in order to pretend to be a cut-sleeve but when he discovers his feelings for Shiyu, the coquettish act actually intensifies lol. And when I see him through Shiyu's filter, there's just this big petulant child who likes snacking on sweets and wants you to spoil him and pay attention to him only, I just can't help but file the adoption documents.


The other main lead, Su Shiyu, also has his own reasons for being this way. His personality is confirmed by many in the story to be righteous and restrained, the opposite of how people view Mingyun. And if you're like me and completely agree with Mingyun's views on the story's political affairs, you might be quite frustrated at him for some time. But later you'll learn that it's Shiyu that had to struggle with his past and internal conflict--the worldview that shaped him since since childhood--the most when it comes to his feelings for MingYun. And when I realized how much he has to sacrifice, I was so touched, it felt like my heartstrings were being wrenched.

I'll have to admit that since the story revolves around the two leads, other supporting characters don't get developed as much. They get a few paragraphs of backstory, but I only care about them as far as they're concerned in the main leads' affairs. I mean, there are side couples but I only feel lukewarm towards them, but it might be because I'm too invested in the two protagonists and the plot intrigue to care, so that's not such a bad thing, right?

TL;DR: The two main leads' relationship, conflicting political views and their internal and external struggles in order to come to terms with themselves and find a middle-ground amidst the backdrop of real scheming villains make for a very addicting and breathtakingly beautiful story of love, ambition and sacrifice. <<less
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Cocole rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c2
I’m reading this because this translator is awesome (other work - Peerless / Wushuang). Check it out. The first two chapters of this novel is also beautifully written and I hope to follow this till the end. Thank you Dust Bunny for your kindness and truly amazing dedication in bring these stories to us. All the best.
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April 14, 2021
Status: Completed
i finished this novel in chinese omg what can I say.....


mingyun: oh dumbass boy, had to fight his way into his position and would do anything to move up and not lose it, as to why he approached his “enemy” shiyu to kill him, by being dumb and pretending to be gay, letting the whole world know that he was gay for shiyu onlycontinues to annoy and disturb shiyu and got used to being by his side and is shown one or two acts of kindness and completely forgets his motives to kill him, he puts off killing him bc he genuinely enjoys his company and would miss him as quoted🙄 like c’mon dude mingyun: ends up wanting to kiss shiyu and has mixed and complicated feelings about him, isolated himself to figure out his feelings, gets drunk, realizes his feelings and confesses to shiyu who just happened to be in front of him like his obvious feelings, becomes obsessed loves him so much and flirts with him every chance he gets, even sacrifices himself for him and fought by his side, honestly was a chad, was a huge baby and was betrayed, yet still loved him and wanted him and missed him sm it was unbearable for him, he then decides to rise up to power by any means, he is cold, ruthless and evil after all but he knew he changed, bc he knew he had a sweetheart that would be sad by the decisions he had made so he didn’t end up doing them, he knew he had to protect him he thought he was protecting him, and that it was the best decision and knew he was wrong when he woke up and was mad @ him so he stabbed himself with his knife, which scared shiyu away... from then he decides to let him be, give him space and worries abt him from afar during their break, he realized he loved him too much and would chase after him no matter what after he was motivated by qinghe and he made only one mf wish and was so antsy abt what shiyu wished... he was desperate and clinging to the last string of hope anyway my went by his side during the last battle in the last few ch after being away from each other for so long and held him by the waist and was scared to lose him n confessed that he kept the jade sy gave him the whole time and it was fixed :) n they back 2gether

mingyun characterization conclusion:
- had a hard and traumatizing childhood
- is cold, ruthless and evil (bc ppl see him that way duh but he just gets what he whats u go king)
- is actually rlly lonely bc he doesn’t know what love is and is haunted by his past
- soft as hell

- cares abt like 3 ppl in total
- would not hesitate to fight and sacrifice himself for his love ones
- had like a character redemption in the middle then became evil again then redemption arc again🙄 he was like shiyu here i’m happy shiyu not hete i’m unhappy🙄WAIT LETS NOT FORGET HE’S A BAD DRUNK AND HE GETS VERY JEALOUS SO EASILY 😭 he so much more annoying when drunk but can’t remember anything the next day n they never never talked abt the 2nd time he was drunk.... only sy knows n the shadow guards TT anyway great guy 10/10🙏🏻


shiyu: started off as a cool government official who wanted nothing to do w MY tactics and basically knew it was an act, but as they spent more time together he realized too that he enjoyed his company and even decided to stay w him on nye and played around w him... he then stands up for him and defends him in meetings, and slowly starts to feel smt n then realized he had feelings for him, n his maid told him what sy and n he was like :/ he gave him his jade tyat his mom gave him, then stays w him and decides to use him basically had his own motives n even lied to my n said he faked it all when he knew he didn’t, he longed for him and never expressed his feelings towards him after, but he thought abt him so much that he is sad, his childhood comes back to him to haunt him grew up w a family that was tuff on him n he always thought that he was to blame when smt bad happens such as how MY tries to take over the throne, he barely had any friends at all and was lonely, he didn’t know what emotions were until he fell in love bc he was raised to always put his work above other things he convinces himself that a relationship is just a trivial thing, he longs for MY and even writes about him in his latern, he isolated himself for a while to think and decides to give up his position he decides he might as well defend him bc he trusts him, and is surprised to see MY by his side when he fights against the enemies, he realizes then that he wants to be with this man forever, and he decides marriage isn’t it bc of MY’s position and they agree he tells MY abt the jade and its meaning, he realizes when he’s with him, they’re happy and he hated to see each MY sad or in any other form, he would purposely tease him to make him jealous knowing his temper, he kisses him like 3-4 times

sy: characterization conclusion:
- isolated childhood (nothing but doing his job he was forced into)
- mourns in silent after showing no expression after finding out ppl he knew/loved died
- thinks abt others feelings way too much
- honestly as MY said he is a hard person

- does his job in a civil matter and takes things way too srsly
- always blames himself n is guilty
- gets embarrassed way too easily
- deserves the world

overall I enjoyed it.., it was angsty and everyone was grey, and the second (side couple) was great I love them so much
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Ahghase rated it
December 2, 2023
Status: Completed
ML: Su Shiyu
MC: Chu Mingyun

Absolutely a master piece. This Novel is everything I love! Angst, powercouple, smart protagonist, balanced dynamic, historical genre, the romance is amazing, it's like coffee sweet yet bitter but addictive. The user who rated 2 stars because the user seem to have a couple of misunderstanding about the story and reasons behind ML or MC's certain actions. Some things claimed by the user I dare say is completely false however I do not blame them because MTL is super hard to understand and can be easily misinterpreted. If you can read Chinese please read the raw, or wait for a translator to translate it. It is a really good book, MTL will really ruin the journey.
Somethings I wanna make it clear from my understanding of the book, the MC and ML both are both ruthless, physically strong, and have really strong moral ground. Author does justice to enemies to lover trope. ML has his own reason for letting MC slide with some of his actions, he can easily beat the life out of MC if he wants which is proved at the end of the story. MC and ML both try to manipulate each other to come to their side sometimes even take advantages of each other. However they're both strong headed and neither of them truly succeeds. Even when they fall in love with each other it doesn't affect them to change their beliefs. Every choice they make is because they truly believe that is the right path. They are not your typical perfect too goodies characters neither they are blackened type. The author makes the characters in the story very 3D, the pace of the plot and romance story is top notch.

One of the beautiful thing about their relationship is, everything is consensual (from holding hand to bed scene) even who will top is briefly discussed. (Ok except for one scene that one scene in the beginning where MC touch ML's waist, it is note worthy that the intention wasn't to take advantage of ML)
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 23, 2023
Status: --
I have something to say about the other reviewer,

the author is from china, this is a fictional story I think they really should calm down the author likely doesnt even know what youre talking about in your political rant what I can get however is that the author probably just based this story off of what they know/are taught and have seen in novels, maybe the author doesnt know as much as you do and in that case we can say its just ignorance maybe the author hasnt spent... more>> all their time on the segment of racism to make this story 100% accurate, or maybe they were just given the same information from everybody else

Most chinese stories arent/dont care about potraying politics properly in their story its just the way with east asian novels/manga, and when they do its mostly there just to add a little touch of element if you get easily offended its not considered the authors issue but your own, the logic applied here is ”if youre offended, go soft” which means if you find it too bad go read a story where its mostly fluff

So the author probably doesnt intend to offend you and I dont either youre free to leave a review about what you think but I think its important to provide perspective from the authors side instead of immediately assuming theyre a racist and putting such a bold allegation on their head

they just wanted to make their novel seem a little refined and polished by sprinkling a little political drama inside, I just dont think that it was the authors intention to racist at all I mean think about it you want to write about something but everywhere you go the same thing is said/written in books and media

of course youll begin to think its right/the truth regardless of wether that is really the truth or not so you write it the way people have told you it is,

For the r*pe side of things I have very short things to say

the first is that media in east asia is different than we view it here, in east asia the authors are free to write almost anything, Eggs sperm spanking beastility, r*pe, gangr*pe it doesnt matter, Children are the only things that are off limits other than that youre free

I heard from a japanese friend that its why East asian stories have problematic themes the author writes for themselves most of the time and what they enjoy not what others enjoy and want from them, Anyone who doesnt enjoy that type of story looks at the tags and leaves immediately because they know its not for them I assume its the same way in korea and china, if you go into a novel/manga and begin to write about the problematic themes saying the author is a horrible human being and blababa for doing this and that destroying your mental sanity DESPITE seeing the tags you would rarely get made fun of, or instructed to read the tags of the novel/manga and asked why you read it despite seeing those tags in the first place

or your comment would be left empty until you figured it out for yourself

Thats all <<less
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hinaitami rated it
April 6, 2023
Status: Completed
Just have to come in and write this review because this novel is everything that has been on my mind these days. I was having trouble finishing novels recently (reading blocks apparently), but the moment I finished chapter 1 of Jun You Ji Fou, I just couldn't let go. I came across it a long time ago, read the synopsis, but didn't give it a try because I wasn't invested in the enemies-to-lovers trope (but JYJF made me eat my words). I will probably need to go back and... more>> update this review later when I can do a better job at collecting my thoughts. Where do I even start... Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu love each other so much, but they remained being each other's enemy until almost the very end of the novel. The fact that each of them has had multiple opportunities to bring the other person down but never took advantage of that, knowing, sometimes denying, sometimes admitting, what this shackle of love could potentially cost them. At the same time, they love each other, but still "use" each other because their eyes have never left their end goals, and their minds were fixated on their ideals, whether it was for revenge or loyalty to the emperor. I love their calculating sides, and also love their hopelessly romantic sides. Chu Mingyun is obviously crazy in love, but Su Shiyu is far from being rigid or expressionless.

This is also one of the very rare times that I cannot decide if I like the MC or the ML more. For the first time, I couldn't bring myself to be frustrated at their misunderstandings, because that's just who they are, and their values, ideals, and ambitions really make them shine as the two main characters. I really enjoy the way the author described the characters' internal struggles and emotions. There are so memorable lines and scenes in this novel that can just casually attack my tearducts. And I just have to give a shout-out to the audio drama -- it was GOLDEN. BEAUTIFUL. It made my entire jun you ji fou completed, and I am eternally grateful for it. <<less
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Elyurias rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a masterpiece! I cried so much while reading this, it's definitely one of the best novels i've read so far. The political plot isn't boring, the war it's not without reason, and everything has its own reason to be there in the story. The characters are so well-written, and they grown throughout the story, that's why I was always changing my opinions, there's sometimes I just wanted to beat the hell out of Chu Mingyun, he's so vulgar and annoying in the beginning till chapter 40 (actually, this is... more>> one of my favourite chapter of the whole novel), and there's a scene he breaks something that is really importante and I went crazy, I was like "U GONNA PAY FOR THIS, MOTHERF*CKER! LISTEN HERE, I WON'T HOLD UR HAND ANYMORE, U R BY YOURSELF NOW, STAY AWAY FROM SHIYU!!!!" but then chapter 40 came and I was so overjoyed that I forgave him for everything (calm down, there's A LOT of thing in the near future waiting for you).

As I said, I couldn't wait for the translation, so I went to MTL, and to be honestly I don't think it's difficul to understand, of course there's some words and sentences that I know in chinese, so it helped a lot, but in any case, I think everyone, with a little bit of patience, can read this withou any problems. I've already said this, but I'll repeat: it's so well-written! There's a part about a red lotus on a pond that it's so meaningful, I just wanna cry every time I think about that red lotus...

About the misunderstandings, I don't think they're boring or anything like that, they're pretty acceptable actually, because they were the truth in a part of the story, so isn't possible to say that they're unreal, but damn, Shiyu really needs to show his emotions more often (i love him the way he is, and I understand every single one of his actions but I still wanted him to be happy earlier).

There's a cute side couple...

This is the first time that I read a novel and don't really hate the emperor, he was just incompetent and foolish, but never did anything wrong, he's cute, I like him (he's an artist, and I always support artists) ;

Be patient with both of them, in the beginning it's especially hard not to want to beat the sh*t out of Mingyun, but he's just a baby at the end of the day. And Su Shiyu is a force in himself, so intelligent, so powerful, so handsome, so patient and calm, so loyal to the people and the country, maybe at the end, you may think that he did that because of Chu Mingyun, but it wasn't because of his personal affairs, but because he believed that that was the best option at that moment;

Now about the end... it's a happy ending, but it made me cry a lot, I was choking with my own tears, it's real, as the whole novel. This is something that caught me off guard, because I didn't expect to be like that, in some points I was just thinking "please, give me some fake things or whatever, the truth is hurting, just make the pain go away, I BEG YOU." But the author looked at me and said "not today", and thanks God they didn't give anything I didn't need, because it kinda gave me a taste of what would be the end, I'm glad I was "ready" (i wasn't haha *cries*) ;

Well, in summary: I love from the very first chapter till the latter extra. Remember to check the carrd and see the audio drama and the arts, they're amazing!!! I will miss them deeply, but I'm gonna read the others works of this author, I really like their written. <<less
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ArtemisDarksmith rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: --
The best I have read so far. The grammar is well-done and the story is so compelling that it made me look up so many translating apps so I could read it all.
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Chinatsu rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: --
This novel is surprisingly good! I read it twice. The synopsis really looks cute, but the story doesn't exactly like that... I really liked Su Shiyu's character, he is really honest, well mannered and kind. MC is the opposite of him. He does anything to achieve his goals, which makes ML not trust him. In addition to all political conflicts, but what surprised me most was MC's almost obsessed and distressing love for Ml, sometimes I felt sad for him, there are so many disagreements in your relationship that I... more>> was happy reading your happy ending. I waited several chapters for ML to finally give him the answer that so much MC expected. Anyway a very good novel, with very good extras too. <<less
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Zozo7400 rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: c40

I'm leaving this review so that, some kind person who knows chinese or can translate this well without using MTl language, can pick this up! This danmei is so f*cking good, it's a crime that it's not fully translated yet (╥﹏╥)

I actually wouldn't have started it yet if I knew it's incomplete, I was deceived by someone who changed the status to completed. Tbh this story is too good to be read after a pause. Now whenever... more>> it's fully Translated (hopefully by a good Translator) I'll read it from the start. The story and characters r really interesting and I'm counting days till when I can read this again. <<less
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saphire8626 rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: c30
Picked this up on a whim. This is one of the shorter danmei web novels set in the past. It's a court intrigue novel. The standard tropes are there, the writing style is fairly easy to read. I got a bit bored at about 25% in because the story didn't really hook me and the author kind of tells rather than shows when it comes to the two main characters.
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Ras rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: c31
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drusilia rated it
February 25, 2024
Status: c89
This was indeed an amazing novel and I would not like to see readers being discouraged by some of the negative reviews. It is of course a matter of perspective for some of the points, but still some of them are clearly wrong. For example, to say that Chu MingYun is a s*x offender... I really cannot understand where this is coming from.

... more>>

He drugged him in the end to do what he wanted to do unopposed, not to have to fight him. Not to keep him imprisoned to r*ape him


This is a story in historical setting, of two people who are both intelligent, strong, scheming and vicious and also carrying a lot of baggage that dictates their actions. The romance aspect is all the more sweet as it progresses for these people. And it is clear at every point that they respect each other and also respect themselves. It is a very balanced power couple.

The author did not promise a historically accurate setting. So the novel should not be critisized as not being one.

It is an emotionally heavy story with subtle but strong feelings and characters, both main and side ones, that felt real. I really enjoyed it! <<less
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