I’ve Been Reincarnated as Son of a Villain, so in Order to Avoid Condemnation, I’ve Unleashed the Power of the Magical Eye From the Start, and by Being Nice to People, They Start to Approach Me


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Kirt Alkrai. That’s my name in my second life.

A villain hated by players of the game Gears of Destiny, a man who from an early age devoted his life to sabotaging the main characters by working as a pawn of the Demon Lord.

But I’m different. I love this game and I love the main characters. So I’ll never kill them, and I’ll try to fight off any monster and demon tribe that comes to invite me to join them while building up a relationship with others.

It’s good that I’m gradually getting to know people, but why is it that just by being nice to people, all sorts of characters, not just main characters, are coming to me? I’m only being nice to everyone so I don’t get rejected.

And I somehow I feel like I’m getting favourable treatment from the girls. ……

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Chris_wilver rated it
October 27, 2023
Status: --
It's another very very generic reincarnate fantasy story. 5yo kids doing sword training, fighting monsters is very disgusting cringe, extremely cringe. 5yo kids talking about romance, marriage, engagement, is extremely cringe. Should had just started the story when he's 15yo at least. Shota, kids MC in fantasy stories always extremely cringe. Kids below 14yo should just picking herbs not fighting, killing demon lords, celestial beings.
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