Interstellar’s Unmarried First Pregnancy


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Ye Shao, a First Class soldier of the Empire, escaped from the planet occupied by alien creatures. Because the energy of his spaceship was exhausted, he had to lie in the rescue capsule and fly to the nearest planet. But, even though it was such a short journey, he became inexplicably pregnant with an unknown species.

Bully gong x beauty shou plus a soft and cute steamed stuffed bun.

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An Unmarried Interstellar Person’s First Pregnancy
Interstellar’s First Out of Wedlock Pregnancy
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28 Reviews sorted by

June 10, 2023
Status: Completed
It was just right. I loved it. The smut was there. The family dynamics is tethered. And the funny thing is I was always asking why baby is always called baby and author highlighted it in the end which is funny. His parents are just irresponsible 🤣😅 well I totally enjoyed the fast read. Gotta go to the next one
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: Completed
My stars are docked for the rushed story. The ending leaves so many loose ends. The story is fun and good for a lighthearted read, but that's it.

I think one of the issues is that the characters such as the antagonists are not developed enough. Even things like why the ML is strong and has eyes that change colors and can distinguish others by their 'biological signal' are never explained, and these are details of one of the 2.5 characters given any effort in the story.

The world isn't well developed... more>> either. The high tech world doesn't seem to have anything other than human and satellite surveillance letting intruders go easily unnoticed. The author is really bad at naming planets unless there is some unknown connection between the human world of Alpha and the alien planet Beta. For example, Alpha could have been a planet abandoned by the aliens after the events revealed in the flashback extra? Let's not even get into the barely explored physiology or how the whole baby out of wedlock thing mentioned in the title doesn't phase a single character.

We don't even find out why the ML's mother was desperate for ML to get married to the point that she caused him to run away to a fugitive planet.

One early plot hole is the reaction of the Baron to the ML's identity. One plot setting mentioned multiple times is that any information on his family is top secret, even among nobles. So how did he both know about and recognize the ring? There are major punishments for such gossip per the novel.

Let me talk about the in*est driven antagonist for a moment.

Why tf is he so obsessed with getting a strong heir? It doesn't seem to have shaken his rule in the decades since his sister ran away. They don't seem to age at all. The sister had a baby just fine, so why does the mother have to die after? Tbh, the father of her son is never revealed and no other aliens are revealed to have gone to the empire with her other than MC's kind neighbor. Could the brother have succeeded at making an heir and not have realized? Or does he just not recognize his 'son' since he is just a 'birthing vessel'. We will never know.

The author had many chances to expand on their characters and world but just did not take advantage of it.

Last major plot hole during the climax of the story.

MC goes missing, but ML doesn't use his mech to scan for his life signs. Mech had previously been revealed to search up to 60000km or so. Either author had a brain fart or ML put MCs safety at risk by not trusting his mech. You might say that mech may only be able to sense its master, but you really think that possessive and intelligent ML who snuck a tracker onto MC in previous chapters wouldn't have found a way? The whole premise of the successful kidnapping was all around incompetence and bad implementation of technology.

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Nura_Blast rated it
September 9, 2022
Status: c39
First: the mechas. This novel feels like an action centered story with good steamy seggs scenes, so a lot of chapters had been focused on the fights with mechas. My issue is, I don't understand how they work from the description of the author (or maybe it's the translator idk). This shouldn't spoil sh*t because I am only reporting how they describe the way they drive their mechas but I will still use the spoiler thingy

... more>>

So! It seems that the driver of the mecha need to input commands before the mecha move. And the ml, when we see him drive for he first time, said that while other small soldiers need to input 10 commands, or do 10 things to input a command before the mecha move/do the command, he only need 3. I don't get it. I can't visualize it. It is said by the narrating/describing part of the text that the drivers "run their fingers fast" to input commands. DO THEY F-CKING USE A GOSH DARN KEYBOARD TO DRIVE THEIR MECHAS??? And it is described that there is a passager seat in the c*ckpit, BESIDE the driver! This description made me think that these mechas are different from the Japanese ones and looks more like the futuristic American tanks/armed cars or something. BUT THEY CAN USE G*NS AND LIGHTSABERS WHICH ARE ON THEIR BACKS!!! but the form of the mecha is not what bothers me. I love mechas and military cars and especially the futuristic ones so I'm good. My issue is with the command input. It just feels like it's too inconvenient and slow and... I get it, if all the mechas are slow I understand it's should not be an issue. BUT THEY SAID THE MECHAS CAN BE SUPER FAST!!!! HOW!!??!!


SECOND! : Someone PLEASE explain to me how can a seemingly weak body can be strong??? I mean, martial art apart, I know you don't need to be able to lift heavy weights to be able to overthrow someone like in Judo but you do need some muscles to hit as hard as to cause some numbness to your opponent. This is just like the Japanese BS about skinny girl being able to use a bow and shot far or run quicker just because they are lighter
I am starting to feel that I am reading this just for the seggs and the cute baby.

I am so tired of the trop of super strong skinny characters (usually the bottom, either boy or girl or anything in between and around) and the face slapping is not even satisfying so far. Is it even face slapping if the other party don't feel like they have been slapped in the face but just enlightened ?

And what about the whole plot? Meh, I could already see how it will all end before reaching this chapter like, 3 or 4 chapters ago


I just can guess they will overthrow the villain king and maybe unify the 2 empire with MC and ml's marriage and the mom will either be killed by her brother or be saved and stay by mc's side and be forgiven 'cause it wasn't her fault and blah blah blah


Big Sigh~~~

should I keep reading...? But the seggs tho

edit : I just notice I was over half of the story like wft??? And I just read somebody of the comments and spoiler so... imma just drop this and keep it at 3 stars before it collapses more, it doesn't deserve it. <<less
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fakeluff rated it
September 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Some missed chances to be a truly ripping yarn, so just a pleasant way to spend some time if you remember to switch off your critic’s voice, especially on communication between characters. Many thanks on translation work.
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exo_luxo rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c48
I hate this type of ML soo much, this novel would be better if was just a wholesome story about a soldier with mommy issues navegating his unexpected pregnancy and parenthood.


Dropped because can't stand ML acting like MC don't have his own opinion and going jealous over a baby

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Yumeru rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: Completed
finish reading this! Goods that there's character development to both couple. Well their child is the min point how they got together. There's also fate that MC got pregnant with the baby. Anyways MC is a solitary main cause of past but he overcame it and eventually love ML. ML typical overbearing of course hahah he's a noble but as they got along he shows how he cares/loves MC. Especially that main fight before the end wherin he's willing to sacrifice himself. The baby is cute and naïve well he... more>> makes the story lighter. Not much conflict with parents being against to their relationship. There's a lot of snusnu with the couple ~ happy reading! <<less
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mxdberries rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I'll be honest three stars is being very generous, the story is a 2 the translation bumps it up by one. I am not a big fan interstellar type novels, when I do read them they're usually centered in entertainment or cooking. I don't really like reading about Mecha vs alien battles because they work better with visuals than words. That's why I ended up skimming the first war with the tentacle aliens. But I'll be honest, that war felt excessive and long, there was info given that just didn't... more>> go anywhere.

I agree with another reviewer there wasn't much romance. I really can't tell where they fell for each other, it felt like they were just s*x friends using each other. Unsurprisingly the ML was the most consistent with his characterization since he was basically following the classic possessive perfect ML blueprint. MC's characterization was not consistent, his actions went against his thoughts/morals. Like he's a good soldier does what expected of him but also he lets a random alien baby use him as host and planned on sleeping around to provide for this parasite child. His affection for the baby fluctuated, like I couldn't always tell if he liked it or not. If I had to choose a favorite character it'd be the baby, he's simple and cute, his back story was a little sad. The dog mecha was annoying though maybe it was his entrance just ruined him for me since the baby also had his moments.

The second fight was more interesting but there is a part I just didn't like and honestly felt so unnecessary. The author could have just used ML and it probably wouldn't have affected the story much.


so it turns out our MC is alien royalty and can give birth outside of the whole "hosting an alien parasite baby", I assume it's rare thing to be able to give birth since that's why his uncle was searching for his mom and later on him. The mom abandoned her son (MC) for his safety and was always watching over him secretly. She's the key to rescue him but like I said they could have replaced it with another person from the planet - maybe sent by the mom so she stays offscreen or forced an enemy prisoner to guide them because most of her fight was offscreen or quickly done. ML could have been the one to kill the uncle. They don't even resolve the whole "you abandoned me and I resent you for it" on screen, MC just forgives her then leaves, not more scenes of her. I swear the ML had better conversations with the mom than the MC did.


I was disappointed that for a novel with MPreg the only actual pregnancy wasn't even technically MC & ML's baby, their baby had to be born a different way. I wanted more family fluff but honestly didn't seemed that they liked either of the kids and just wanted each other. <<less
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MoonkeyUwU rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: Completed
4.5 star

i like it, the story we're pretty intresting and fluffy.
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