In an Otome Game, I Resurrected as a Villain, and My Fiancé Ended Up Being the Boss From My Previous Life!


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Nagase, a young, single office worker, receives an invitation to supper from Chief Shimada, one day after work. Nagase is experiencing unexpected good fortune. Additionally, the section manager informed her that he had something crucial to share with her in the middle of her dinner, which caused her heart to accelerate wildly. Nagase is killed when a truck, which was being driven by it’s intoxicated driver out of control, crashes into the shop. But soon after, Nagase was reborn as Estelle, the antagonist of the otome game “A Rose Blooming in the School.” In addition, it is found that Chief Shimada, who passed away at the same time as Nagase, had also taken the form of Prince Curtis, Estelle’s fiance. Esther’s condemnation outcome will be unavoidable if the situation plays out exactly as it does in the game. Will the two of them be able to alter the game scenario’s ultimate outcome?

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09/15/23 T-Novel Odyssey oneshot
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chande rated it
October 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't want to be too harsh but really, almosy every part of this story was very laughable for me, in a bad way. The plot was actually quite okay even though it's a bit generic but the way the author told the story was so awkward. Well, at least the story was still easy to understand.
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Lynkaster rated it
September 17, 2023
Status: --
short read, nothing much to tell here, half of the plot is in the title. The twist wasn't surprising, and it may be the MTL but it felt weirdly paced and written by a young teen by the end.

3/5 for at least trying to explain the setting entirely, but not recommended, it's 5-10 mins to read but it felt like a waste of time
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Anastrisha rated it
May 2, 2024
Status: Completed
Another villainess story. I understand the need to be fast pace considering it's one shot but I didn't like that we didn't have much transition. You just be surprised from the dialogue that it already progress. I wouldn't recommend this thanks to that.

But it's just one chapter so you might as well try it if you want to.
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