Immortal Koi Is Going To Debut


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A talent show that had a bleak future produced an extraordinary idol with incredible popularity. Every post on their Weibo account gets millions of reposts. However, there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Everyone says that Su Jinli made it to stardom by relying on connections.

In reality, they don’t know that all those famous actresses, social elites, investors, and heads of wealthy families were all down on their luck before meeting him.

Su Jinli is a koi fish spirit that brings good luck to people.

His older brother, who’s popular beyond measure, says, “Don’t tire yourself out. You can just ride my popularity and become famous.”

A wealthy family head says, “Don’t become a star. Be my son and all my billions will be yours.”

Su Jinli: “I’d still like to try…”
Alternate Summary:

In the mountains, when Su Jinli was about to go out and gain experience, his grandfather told him solemnly, “You have a pure Yin constitution. You won’t just bring good luck to kind people. You’ll also attract people with heavy yang energy, and the heavier their yang energy, the more they’ll like you.”

Su Jinli confidently replied, “It’s okay, I’m a boy!”

[Not long after, Su Jinli entered the entertainment industry and suddenly became popular.]

Su Jinli, with tears in his eyes, said to his grandfather, “Grandpa, human boys are so scary!”

His grandfather replied deeply, “It’s okay, you can absorb their Yang energy.”

Su Jinli exclaimed, “QAQ!!!!”

Grandpa, I’m a boy!!!
This story is about a handsome and adorable idol who becomes popular and is pursued by a popular actor, a stinky rogue, and a wealthy businessman.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Koi Daisy is About To Debut
Related Series
When a Koi Became Male Cannon Fodder (2)
I Became the Koi Actor After Entering the Book (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Idol Novels
  2. Showbiz/ Entertainment Novels
  3. Short?
  4. Idol/Showbiz
  5. Entertainment Circle

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/29/24 JCG Translations c81
04/21/24 JCG Translations c80
03/26/24 JCG Translations c79
02/18/24 JCG Translations c78
02/17/24 JCG Translations c77
02/11/24 JCG Translations c76
02/10/24 JCG Translations c75
02/05/24 JCG Translations c74
02/03/24 JCG Translations c73
01/28/24 JCG Translations c72
01/27/24 JCG Translations c71
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5 Reviews sorted by

ylial rated it
June 13, 2023
Status: c64
Gist. Su Jinli, a koi, cultivated to became a person, went down to find his brother but got entangled in entertainment industry due series of misunderstandings.

First half of the novel really caught my attention since it was hilarious and the MC's personality is likeable. However, I don't find the succeeding ch's interesting enough. Probably since I ship the MC with his brother than with ML.

Will try continue after I finish the other novels
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Wynnfield rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: c80
A story about a lucky koi fish shining bright in the entertainment industry.

The summary was a little misleading because I thought it would be a love polygon showbiz, but till chapter 81 I still havn't seen the stinky rogue, and the wealthy businessman. (Unless I missed the clues that it's one of the side characters)

The premise was enjoyable and it's more of a feel-good novel. MC came down from the moutains to look for his brother, but ends up encounting a mishap and lost the directions to his brother.... more>> He then gets scouted to become a trainee and participates in a talent show. I'm currently still in the talent show part (chp 81).

I'm assuming the whole novel is just going to be about the talent show, since the whole novel is about him debuting, so I stopped here. Relationship wise


He gets along with everyone due to his innocent nature. He forms close bonds especially with his roomies. His brother is very protective over him and is one of the moutains the ML had to cross which is hilarious.


CP wise


I'm assuming the popular actor would be the ending pair, but it's hard to say since the rest hasn't appeared for me to form a judgement. At first I thought actor ML's younger brother was one of the MLs but I'm guessing not since he's as straight as an arrow.


All in all it's not very dramatic for a entertainment survival talent show novel.

other than when a mini antagonist appeared halfway, but that was resolved within a few chapters too. I have no idea why MC got targeted, but maybe the big antagonist will be introduced later

It felt more of a slow and steady growth for the MC to adapt to human life. <<less
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Testtube10 rated it
November 28, 2023
Status: c36
This is a very typical Chinese BL novel with a cliche love interest. This means the MC is a cute, fluffy, impossible-not-to-love cinnamon roll, and the ML is a somewhat creepy, more successful, older man who doesn't take no for an answer. This results in this power imbalance between the two that's very difficult to ignore. I haven't read the whole novel as of yet, but this novel is making me increasingly uncomfortable the longer it goes on.

I won't give this too bad of a review, since this is often... more>> the norm in BL novels and I've seen novels much, much worse than this, but it still disturbs me. The MC expresses multiple times that he feels uncomfortable and scared around the ML, and even avoids him, yet the ML ignores all this and even peeps on him changing (not on purpose but still, eww), deliberately gets too close for comfort and asks him when he'll stop being scared. Feels like workplace harassment, ngl.

Plus more context on why the relationship is creepy:

The MC doesn't like it. MC even says that the only reason he is acting friendly to the ML is because of the ML's younger brother, who only has a one year age difference with the MC, is also a participant in the same show as the MC, is hilarious, and is basically a much more likable version of the ML.

That was the front half of the story. Later, to give an excuse to force the romance along and ramp up the creepiness, they add in Yin and Yang. The ML has an extreme Yang constitution, and the MC Yin, so to help the ML, they have to have intimate contact. And of course, double cultivation is the best way to solve... the problems... barf. They haven't yet, but there are footnotes from the author saying that they will... in the future. What's worse is that MC mentions he is scared and uncomfortable with this contact. My poor baby T^T

Anyone would be a better love interest. Even the MC's own brother who appears way later in the novel. At least he appears to truly care and appreciate the MC and doesn't act all immature about it. He's also very sweet and protective. Or the other participants in the show, like Zhihan, the brother of the ML, with his attitude and dynamic with the MC. They already have internet ships that make the ML jealous, lol. Even sweet Yura with her good deeds is better in my opinion. Why spoil all the fluff with a forceful love interest? Sigh.


Only recommended if this kind of cliche doesn't bother you and you're okay with it. The MC is very likable and sweet, and I liked the bouncy comedy present. The characters, though they have they flaws, are also well fleshed out and their relationships with each other and friendly banter are fun to watch. If only the relationship was more balanced, if only the ML was more respectful, it would have been much better.

I'll end this with some recommendations with similar premises that executed it less creepily: 'Don't Discriminate Against Species', 'Little Sea Otter Becomes Popular', and 'Jellyfish' (Warning, the last one is in perspective of the seme.) <<less
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User.948761 rated it
March 7, 2024
Status: c71
Premise is a koi fish gained wisdom and transformed into a human. He leaves the safety of his home in the mountains to search for his brother. His journey has mishaps and misunderstandings along the way combine with his naive personality. This results in numerous humorous situations.

The bulk of the story revolves around an entertainment setting idol competition.

MC is super cute and rather funny. You never forget he’s actually a koi fish. He’s a bit OP but I think it blends well with the story. The main side characters are... more>> funny too.

I almost wish there was more of a plot regarding the fantasy elements. We get hints of it (like with the other trainee who was basically a revived ghost) but nothing very important to the plot.

I’m a bit bored of the romance line so I’m pausing here for now. And will come back to it once it’s finished translating I think. The ML just isn’t capturing my attention. The relationship progresses rather logically but I’m not sure why... the chemistry just doesn’t seem to exist. Maybe because it feels so one sided and has been for so long. It almost makes more sense for MC to be paired with his friend or something. It even feels like there’s more chemistry between MC and his brother. I’m just not convinced. <<less
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Gluttony rated it
January 1, 2024
Status: c53
A fun novel to begin but once you've caught up there is very little pushing you to keep up to date.

The ML and romance with the MC is moderately cute but has very little depth or magnetism. I'm simply not convinced. The story is also cute and silly but has too little substance to keep you hooked once you've put it down.

If you're looking for a little brainless healing session this is a good novel to read. If you want to be able to complete it - I'd recommend you... more>> wait till the translation is done so you can hold onto that momentum. <<less
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