I’m the Villainess Who Uses My Mother’s Magic to Intrude on the Main Characters’ Love Story, but I’m Not Interested in the Hero Since I Aim to Avoid My Condemnation


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It happened when I’d just turned ten. I was bedridden due to the epidemic for a week.
“Dear Mother, it seems that I’m the daughter of a villainess!”

A story about how Lily Lou, the daughter of a villainess who relentlessly avoided the hero in fear of condemnation, and found her own hero…

It can be read as a stand-alone, but it was the story of the daughter from the story [My Dear Daughter Claims to be a Villainess. Apparently, She’ll Be Condemned for Putting a Curse on Her Love Rival, but I Have No Intention of Repeating the Same Mistake?]

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I’m the Villainess Who Uses My Mother’s Magic to Intrude on the Main Characters’ Love Story, but I’m Not Interested in the Hero Since I Aim to Avoid My Condemnation
Watashi wa, okāsama no nōryoku o tsukatte hito no koiji o jama suru akuyaku reijō no yōdesu. Keredomo danzai kaihi o mezasunode, hīrō ni chikadzuku tsumori wa mijin mogozaimasen yo?
Related Series
My Dear Daughter Claims to be a Villainess. Apparently, She’ll Be Condemned for Putting a Curse on Her Love Rival, but I Have No Intention of Repeating the Same Mistake? (Adapted From)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Oneshots
  2. Completos
  3. I've read already
  4. pretty nice read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/04/23 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
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chande rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I came after reading the story from the mother's POV. Unlike the other story, this oneshot was told from the daughter's POV. There's also sm*t in this oneshot although it wasn't particularly that good. But overall, this was still an okay oneshot.
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