I Thought My Heart, Which Remained Impervious on the Battlefield, Would Stop When My Fairy-like, Cute Wife Asked for a Divorce. I’ll Grant All Your Wishes, so Please Stay with Me?


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“—Let’s get a divorce.” With just a single line from my wife, my happy world crumbled.

—A monologue of a male lead who was forced to divorce his beloved wife but managed to prevent it in the end. Other related stories:

[My Dear Daughter Claims to be a Villainess. Apparently, She’ll Be Condemned for Putting a Curse on Her Love Rival, but I Have No Intention of Repeating the Same Mistake?] [I’m the Villainess Who Uses My Mother’s Magic to Intrude on the Main Characters’ Love Story, but I’m Not Interested in the Hero Since I Aim to Avoid My Condemnation.]
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Oreno yōsēsugiru ottori tsumakara rien'o motomerare sen'jōdemo tomaranakatta shin'zōga tomarukato omotta soreigaino negainara subete kanaerukara nanio iwaretemo wakaretakuwa nain'daga
Related Series
My Dear Daughter Claims to be a Villainess. Apparently, She’ll Be Condemned for Putting a Curse on Her Love Rival, but I Have No Intention of Repeating the Same Mistake? (Prequel)
I’m the Villainess Who Uses My Mother’s Magic to Intrude on the Main Characters’ Love Story, but I’m Not Interested in the Hero Since I Aim to Avoid My Condemnation (Spin-Off)
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08/30/23 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
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wasthequeen rated it
October 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Thank you for the translator for taking the time to translate this oneshot. It was cute, there was consent, proper foreplay for once , and decent smut. As the translator mentioned "The ML is just a SIMPle man." I am however removing one star because he should allow his wife to wield a sword if she wants to considering this world setting allowing other women to fight. It is from his POV and it was good.
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