I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl


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What the hell? That menace who bullied me since I was six years old, actually became a pretty girl after three years of living apart? And she even ran to our agreed duel location to confess to me, hoping that I can become her boyfriend?!

This is a plot against me! There’s definitely an enormous conspiracy behind this! I won’t be fooled by you! Even if you tear up and act all pitiful, I will still disregard you and humiliate you, until you’ve have completely paid back all my childhood grievances!

What’cha lookin’at? There are very reasonable grounds for bullying a girl!

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Tôi Sẽ Không Bị Con Gái Bắt Nạt Đâu
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17 Reviews

Oct 11, 2018
Status: c74
This novel might not be some people's cup of tea. Before I start, I want to let everyone know that the first 5 or so chapters can be on the rough side since it's translated by a different person who doesn't speak English as his primary language. Ok back to the review. It's mainly a slice of life novel about a dude who meets his "nemesis" after many years. When they meet again for their "fated" duel, a plot twist ruins all the years of dedication the MC had put... more>> towards defeating "him". The novel mostly focuses on the mc's day to day action towards his enemy and other girls. The novel can sometimes be annoying with its constant fillers but it's still interesting.

On a second note, I find it funny how people complain about nationalism in the first place. You're reading a novel translated from a different country and you expect it to tailor a person from the U.S? This novel was meant for Chinese people. Maybe they don't feel anything wrong with these kind of references to Americans. If you're gonna read a translated novel, you should be ready to expect some things like this and stop fking biching about it all the time. If you want to read a novel tailored towards Americans than read American novels for god damn sakes.

Edit: Guess the one b*tching about racism deleted his comment... you can ignore my earlier comment now lol. <<less
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Jan 06, 2017
Status: c6
Grammar capable of making me cry, but its not a bad story.

MC (male) trained in order to win against a guy who bullied him when they were kids in order to take back the toys the guy stole from the MC. Three years after the last time they met, MC sends the bully a challenge letter, and when they meet up... he finds out ... more>>

bully is a girl who is confused about her gender, and in china the whole gay or trans thing doesn't work, so she wants to date MC. Turns out MC is scared of having a girlfriend, cause family, so he says no. Then she shows up in his classroom and all his classmates think he is a pe*verted gorilla who is bullying her.

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Nov 21, 2018
Status: c1360
[First time writing a review]

At the end of it all, this novel made me laugh quite a bit. There were quite a few times where I'd cried too.

Don't be misled by the "harem" tag. While the novel revolves around misunderstandings, the MC never succumbs to temptations and sticks his faith towards 2 girls. ... more>>

2 girls, his class rep and his childhood friend. He also loves his blonde little sister from a different father, but that was explained to be brotherly love


The genre starts off as a rom-com, extreme bias against America (the author is Chinese), slice-of-life, funny internal monologue, "dream scenarios", gay/les shenanigans and some irritable misunderstandings (like, the MC seriously never tries to explain himself, but that is because he wants to live his life as a "spartan"/"hot-blooded wolf" and doesn't care about the opinion of others).

And then, the antagonists and side-characters begin to form around the MC, and you begin to feel a tempo shift in the story. The antagonist is his mother, and as more darker secrets get revealed, Ye Lin (MC) begins to get caught up in all sorts of trouble. This turn of events even pulled in "super powers", political issues, spies and conspiracies

at some point in time, a "supercomputer" will be introduced and becomes a robot girl in his "harem".


While reading, there may undoubtedly be a few characters that you will despise

the trap brother of the class rep appears in 1/8 of the story

, but it makes the journey towards the ending all the more satisfying and you're left to anticipate what would happen in the next chapter.

Still, I'm rather unsatisfied with the open ending, but it deserves a pretty high score for all the life lessons and realistic motives each character has, and all of the character growth I've seen through 1, 360 chapters.


The open ending involves 8 girls (1 is bis**ual, 1 is a conditioned masochistic nymph, 1 is a blood-related sister, 1 is a yandere step-sister with a gender disorder,... anyway they're all... quirky, and 1 machine-hearted 'girl' (made from a s*x doll)

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Apr 01, 2020
Status: --
Alright I get from op's review that this is Chinese novel and there should be racism and I used to scoff at other people Americans or Japanese who were upset about hoe their country was displayed in every web novel, but in around first 5 chapters in this novel the protagonist says that's china should attack india as they are weak as hell capture and exploit the fertile lands to establish China's improvished areas

Really, that's not the level of my country good your bad but the novels protagonist is saying... more>> that about a county, not a character from that country but the country itself

And that line was not even required in the context of story

Just that Chinese as*hole writer have to defame and badmouth other nations on their novels without any rhyme or reason and now these idiots have even spread a deadly pandemic on the whole world

Story is quite entertaining but, well making a bad character from a country say india or japan and showing a lot of peep from China is tolerant racism when reading but downright saying a certain country or full of monkeys and should be massacred and occupied by the great china lol

And @suzzie extreme racism is here, and I'd unneeded so stop defending and start thinking more rationally <<less
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Sep 22, 2018
Status: c66
It's a pretty slow slice of life, meh comedy. The "tyrant" childhood friend was very tomboyish as a child, due to her mothers' martial arts training. She was worried that the MC wouldn't like her back if she wasn't more feminine and because of that, her personality and attitude changed. It has nothing to do with gender confusion/identity crisis.

The MC is honestly an idiot, in fact, he's almost ret*rded. He also has a trauma due to his mother and childhood. Not very bright + trauma means he overacts... more>> A LOT and in many cases is nothing but an a**hole. But other than those moments, it has its funny moments.

The plot is like the comedy, meh. It's interesting but, that's about it. Baka & Test is by far better in terms of slapstick comedy and plot. So if you liked this one, check that one out. The main differences are that Aki in Baka & Test kind of lets stuff happen to him. In this, the MC does everything he can to ensure nothing bad happens; meaning he goes on the offensive very frequently.

TL;DR: It's a pretty shallow mehkay comedy and romance. Read if you have nothing else going on.

And @Suzzie needs to learn how to chill. For f*ck's sake, there is racism in the novel. Get over yourself. <<less
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Jun 09, 2018
Status: c20
The main character, who is an unreliable narrator, makes everyone fear him because he thinks being a lone wolf delinquent is cool. When cornered to actually do anything, MC is actually a pretty nice guy. The other characters have interesting personalities to match his own quirks. So far, it's been amusing.
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Aug 03, 2018
Status: c44
This is a novel filled to the brim of comedy, misunderstandings, and a lot of references.

People rated the novel lowly because the starting chapters is literally a guy mtling, practising translating or something so it is understandable.

This is a comedy full of misunderstandings so definitely don't read it for the plot. You know this is top quality if the MC looks at disgust as he delivers hentai doujins to a fat middle aged man aspiring to be a great p*rn director wanting to buy used loli panties or a loli... more>> with an Onee (buff homosexual) as a bodyguard.

The review is a bit early in 40 chapters so I will wait and see for now.

Edit ch285: it's still funny but I am slowly losing interest. I'll still keep the 5 stars tho to bump the ratings <<less
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Jun 17, 2020
Status: c10
I've had high hopes before reading this novel, I thought I discovered a gem. However, I was wrong. That childhood friend girl is just a manipulative and annoying b*tch. I seriously dislike this novel. I'm past my school years, but this convulated situation the protagonist is in makes my blood boil and I have the urge to beat that bit*h up (empty talk on my side; I'm just trying to express my emotions). Personally I would ask my parents for solutions and change schools in the worst case. This novel... more>> takes me back to 5-6th class, during which I was bullied in school. And that never happened in another novel with sissy pushover protagonists.

The closest one I can think of is the novel "Beyond?" on Royalroad, here part of my review (only recommended to read for masochists) :

Characters: Here is my problem: The characters and their interactions are nice and funny, except how the characters interact with the MC. He isn't really respected- and one would mean his later achievements command more respect. However I can tolerate it, the fun is more than worth it. However what is too much: The dynamics between the MC and his lover. It starts nice and at the beginning I liked them both really- their loyality and deep love was really nice. As the story progressed my dislike for the FL grows. She started a bit rough, but okay. However as of now-around chapter 90- he is pretty much kept on a short leash, she strangles him, hits him, breaks his bones and more.

Maybe its my problem, but I value gender equality and freedom. I hate violence. In his shoes I would diforce myself, treat her increasingly roughly, because my love would diminish with every unjustified hit (I can understand slapping in some cases) and so would my resistance to hurting her. An option would also be leaving the country. Honestly this kind of novel is supposed to bring joy and happiness. However imagining being in the Mc's shoes just makes me more and more depressed. I will put this novel on my personal hiatus or drop it.


Thank you dear author for writing this novel, my evening and possibly entire week has been ruined. <<less
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Jul 11, 2018
Status: c1
I do not understand how anyone can like the plot of this novel, after all if it was in real life everyone would hate the main girl since she bullynou so much the MC that some things she did made me feel bad, so I do not understand why the MC basically forgives her and starts acting like a tsundere.

If you want to read this novel I recommend doing it only by comedy and not by the plot
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Jul 19, 2020
Status: c110
At first I wanted to write quite a long and detailed review, but because I remembered how annoyed I got by the story I just shorten it.

MC - Personality: Pushover, closet pe*vert. (But a good person?)

Lttle tyrant - imo annoying, continues to abuse the MC mentally instead of physically and is a liar who manipulates people around her. (Her actions and the MCs reactions made me drop the story)

... more>> Class President - easily manipulatable, prejudiced, meddlesome.

Ai Mi - Annoying but understandable personality, likeable.

Author with his lolibait makes me want to gag tho.

Plot - interesting premise, ruined by MCs character and author trying to make ML seem like a good person.

Comedy - only reason I gave it 2 stars. Imo I'd give the comedy a 4, some of the jokes are pure gold.

Forced misunderstandings will annoy the f out of you. <<less
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Blazecrafter D.Kobra
Jan 07, 2020
Status: --
I like the story ok. They are very funny

But god damn, why every CN novel want take over the world.

You said the China were the best but all of them acted like a scum.
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Jan 22, 2020
Status: c254
A slow slice of life comedy with fairly short chapters and constant repetitive jokes (light h*mophobia, constant misunderstandings, nationalism, all the things you would expect in a "comedy" Chinese novel) it isn't particularly funny or interesting but part of me does want to see what happens later in the story.
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Mar 11, 2024
Status: c54
I read a bit because the premise was interesting but it's too annoying. It has good elements but it's taking forever to get there... If there even is a "there"

I keep seeing people saying that this is racist or something and I just don't see it. MC sees a 2m tall homos*xual black man being the body guard of a mixed white-chinese girl and he's like whatever. The main character makes a joke that China should invade India and literally everyone was appalled by him calling him fascist and such... more>> so idk. There's dark humor but the author doesn't seem to have such inclinations.

Aside from that pointless tangent the love interest is a pain in the rear, she's constantly harassing and gaslighting MC who's both dense and a complete pushover a mortal combo, in his inner monologue he sounds like he's wised up to honey traps and seduction but his actions are the complete opposite and he gets bullied by women every other chapter.

If that sounds appealing to you then I should tell you the rest of the humor is actually pretty good although your tolerance has to be above room temperature. But in any case I don't recommend it <<less
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Feb 29, 2024
Status: c105
The novel is not that bad and funny, so why am I rating it so low ?

1- the author is racist, homophobic and ultranationalist (like most other Chinese authors). While that doesn't disturb me as I love dark humor, sometimes it just becomes too much to even be funny.

2-most translations of this novel are barely edited MTL which is oh so painful to read.

3- the only site that I found that had good translations blocked me for unknown reasons (I'm not using any software, not even a vpn or adblocker)... more>>

4- got baited by yandere tag, 104 chapters in and I have yet to see it. <<less
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Aug 31, 2020
Status: c369
The novel is entertaining and as long as you aren't offended by a individual from China being patriotic about his country (or racist depending on how you look at it) then you can enjoy it at least initially, . DON'T expect a gem, I love misunderstandings and the hilarity that can ensue from them but not when they are forced as Himamori said. The first couple times, okay hes young and doesn't understand nuances but when you have so many unpleasant events and you feel that the whole world is... more>> against you because they misunderstood you then maybe you should speak just a little more clearly rather than assuming everyone understood when you said "that thing". It gets old reaaaallly quick and destroys the humor in the story. After that is gone it's just frustrating to read. So far I'm sticking through with it because I am curious how it ends but I will probably drop it soon. <<less
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Apr 20, 2020
Status: c233
All I can say is the tyrant is very cunning and annoying in my opinion if not for the class president and Ai mi I would have drop this very early.
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May 20, 2019
Status: c160
The main character is 14 years old and SEVEN FOOT TALL. Holy crap, did his mother sleep with a giraffe? That aside, the story is a cute and enjoyable slice of life which revolve a lot around misunderstandings
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