I Said Make My Abilities Average!


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When Viscount Ascham’s House’s eldest daughter, Adele von Ascham, became 10 years old, she remembered everything with an intense headache.

Her previous self, Kurihara Misato, 18 years old Japanese, lost her life when trying to help a young girl, and then she met God…

A somewhat capable person burdened by the many expectations of the surrounding people, Misato, who couldn’t live as she wanted, pleaded to God.

“In the next life, please make my abilities average!”

Yet, somehow the story is wrong!

The girl with 3 names, being careful to not accidentally become a S-rank hunter, lives normally.

I mean, I’m just an average, common girl. No, seriously.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (LN)
Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi dette Itta yo ne!
Related Series
I Shall Survive Using Potions! (Shared Universe)
Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement (Shared Universe)
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Release Me! I Will Not! (6)
I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? (5)
Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Gaslight Gatekeep Girl Boss
  2. Strong misunderstanding
  3. enjoyed my time
  4. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  5. Light Isekai Reads

Latest Release

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02/23/20 Estelion’s Secret... v5 extra
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02/03/20 Estelion’s Secret... c361
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72 Reviews sorted by

ReadsWebNovels rated it
June 10, 2018
Status: c200
The whole novel feels like filler... In the first 80 chapters, it felt like it might have some long term arc/story, but then it became a series of unrelated arcs in which the MC solves mundane problems with op powers.

The humor comes from the MC using op powers to solve mundane problems, which is funny the first time, but grows stale very quickly.
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cavler rated it
September 4, 2022
Status: c572
Overall I enjoyed this story, it's not great and the plot is often a little predictable but it's entertaining to read.

I also understand the criticism about the wonder three, if I didn't see the anime first I might have been saltier about their character treatment. However this is a typical quirk of this writer.

Sofar this quirck has returned in every work that I've read from this author (80000 coins and potions).

If the writer doesn't like the direction of the story or if the story becomew stagnant, the story will receive... more>> a type of soft reset. Spoilerless example: character does something that is in line with the character, like saving a city. She gets the type of attention she would like to avoid, because it gets in the way of the goal she is trying to achieve. So the character escapes and moves to another town/city (and repeat).

It's a quite obvious quirk, however it fits within this story and becomes less noticeable because of the setting, making the story enjoyable.

Right now the story is entering a new overarcing story arc. I might pick it back up in a few years to see the high jinx the cast is upto <<less
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rcpsycho rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: c463
If you have watched the anime, don't give up on this series!
(For the sake of completion I will note that I have not been able to tolerate watching the first episode of the anime to the end, but the TL;DR is that the novel is just much much better)
The novel actually features a proper exposition with decent character building and a lot more hilarious moments involving the protagonist, who is also just discovering the world step-by-step (as opposed to offhandedly explaining things with hindsight due to an in-medias-res approach). The characters aren't white-knight washed and actually have personalities and much deeper emotional arcs that explore their personalities and courses of action.

As some of the other reviewers have noted, the quality of the translation has room for improvement, but it also has improved a lot since the time that most of those reviews were written (chapters~50-150). Since I've read it for the first time, I've read a lot of other novels, and maybe my standards have dropped a little to consider this acceptable, but I believe that it's more likely that the quality is at a level that doesn't cause too many hiccups while reading anymore.

The only other possible downside that I could see is that not much is actually happening. It has more of a slice-of-life feel than many other fantasy novels and derives its content from the characters and their interaction with each other and the ones they encounter along the way rather than having a standard world-saving journey like most other isekai stories (it's there, but it's more subtle and doesn't have a priority). If you want a vanilla action-filled saving the world kind of deal, this may not be that interesting, but I personally actually like that aspect.

It's one of my favourite stories overall, so if you can tolerate a translation that isn't 100% error free, give it a try.
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Guenques rated it
February 23, 2019
Status: c112
In the beginning it was funny as hell, she is trying to conceal her streng, but later on in the novel it was like any other overpowerful protagonist (without harem), and the problem with that is there is not sense of crisis or self improvement, there is no worries and the phrase when she actually believe that she is average at the start later on is like really?, the story stop the conceal of her abilities/ funny and now is a generic/ boring isekai.

The only plus is that diferent of... more>> other isekai she is not obsessed with rice, food and cooking. <<less
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turk128 rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: c210
A very good slice of life isekai novel that could have been great if not for the translation.

The translation is not terrible but... The combination of the novel having a lot of Japanese cultural references and puns, and the translators clearly not having English as their first language leads to a lot of direct line translations instead of true translation. I still appreciate the hard work the translators are doing since it must be a tough novel to tackle.

Overall, this novel is worth reading if you're into slice of life... more>> and isekai genre. <<less
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Dissimilate rated it
April 10, 2018
Status: c179
I rate this story as a 2, though I am still keeping it on my reading list. Here are my 2 reasons for this low rating:

  1. Translating and editing have spiraled out of control. Please fix this issue.
  2. The author tried, but failed miserably, to merge the MC's memories and personalities. "Adele" is now only memories and "Misato" has completely taken over the body and life of the MC. Even though it's Adele's world so all smells, sounds, sights, tastes, and feelings should keep the Adele personality in charge, apparently that for some reason does not matter. It would be one thing if Misato was 40 or 50 when she died, but she was barely starting on adulthood then was completely gone for 10 years so why is this the personality in charge? It makes no sense.
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enigmator rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: c93
Interesting story. This is kind of an isekai that's presented in a more comedic light, and I appreciate that. Another work that does something similar is Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, which is another (if even more) nice and fluffy series to relax to. That said, there are serious flaws that hold this story back:

    1. It must be said that the translation is bad, like godawful bad. Not only is this MTL, the translator (and maybe the editors too?) doesn't seem to have the English language proficiency to produce easy-to-understand sentences, which is to say the text is a chore to read through. But in the end, a bad translation is better than none (is that really true though??).
    2. The writing of just about any insignificant male character so far comes off as creepy, at best, to downright disgusting. To a lot of them, the initial intent towards our main characters (most of whom happen to be 'cute girls') is to r*pe them, marry them, or else 'protect' them. Really hard to read these parts without rolling my eyes.
Well, excuse me for ranting, but I had to find an avenue to let out my grievances with the story. But seriously, I do want to enjoy the story since I like its distinct approach to the isekai template, so it'd be great if I could do so without having to feel uncomfortable.
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Fanya rated it
July 5, 2017
Status: --
It's about a girl's adventure as she tries not to stand out despite her OP knowledge and skills/talent. The plot/characters are nicely developed, not too boring but certainly not innovative either. The only exasperating thing for me is the MC, who is your typical clueless/airhead. She wants to be average but people find out fast she's not cuz of OP skills she accidentally let out, then she ends up surprised about it. Here's the thing, it's mentioned she loves reading, then how come she never read any books about common... more>> sense things? She aced her magic/theoretical tests and loves reading, but doesn't know the magic she casually used is rare or what type of magic are commonly used.

So if you like fluffy adventure stories, this is a fun light read. If you hate the typical clueless/airheaded MC in fluffy Japanese stories, or OP MC trying to keep low profile, uh, maybe try something else. <<less
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slay_mithos rated it
October 7, 2016
Status: c23
It's definitely nothing more than a comedy light novel (at least to this point), but it's fairly fun to read.

Think about all of those OP transmigration/reincarnation protagonists, and instead of wanting a harem and the best things there, she just wants a normal life. The problem is, having enough power to contend with some of the strongest beings of that world, and not knowing how to restrain herself and look "normal", she overdoes things all the time, while being proud of having hidden her abilities.

There is absolutely nothing serious in... more>> this novel until now, and the whole "plot" seems to be "how long until the whole world thinks of her as a goddess?".

If you are looking for a few chapters of fun, it's more entertaining than your usual happy go lucky OP protagonists, but it's not quite a "misunderstanding" story either. <<less
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WindyWind rated it
September 27, 2016
Status: c20
An enjoyable read.

At first I was reluctant reading this, mainly because of the title. For some reason Japanese novels love to use such titles, which I have come to hate because of many disappointing novels. But this turned out to be nice. Nothing too special, and I can see it becoming more dull in the future, but till now (20ch) it has been a fun read.

Definitely worth checking it out for a change of pace.
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Pikachu123 rated it
March 31, 2022
Status: c471
I read the light novels to and this story is a good isekai journey story with a good amount of action. I really like to re read this story just to see how the journey went and the battles they had to go through. To see how they leveled up through out the journey. Also I can't wait to see how Mile's home country plays a role in this since it looks like it might be bigger than just the wonder trio since the princess sounds like she knows that... more>> they know where Mile is but doesn't want to tell her. <<less
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driedtears rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c324
Overpowered main character with no brain, naive and s*upid.

That's it.

Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's just plain s*upid.

... more>> I am really losing my braincells reading this novel.

I don't know man, at the First few chapters it seems interesting but the translation is kinda off and the main character will make you lose your braincells.

The MC keep saying "i want to be an average girl" but no, just by saying that you'll know it's not going to happen.

Some of you might love this novel and the MC but I Don't.

She's just a op character with dead brain, especially her party members oh god I Don't know anymore.

Just no man...

If you dont like character with sense of justice or something then don't read this.

If you don't like s*upid main character with super power then don't read this.

If you don't like MC with op power but the MC doesn't know how to ficking use it then don't read this.

Don't torture yourself by reading this.

It's annoying and s*upid.

Well if you like it then like it but if you don't then don't that's all. <<less
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Immortal Emperor neo
Immortal Emperor neo rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: --
Personally this one ain't for me, two simple reasons for that

1) they spare enemies they are supposed to kill. Even though people on their side are dying it doesn't matter because the MC is such a happy go lucky person that she won't kill.

2) mc's s*upid companions, they exist for no other reason than to... exist. They serve absolutely no purpose and yet they are still there. I can't stand it when others leech of the MC and then pretend to be strong, like no b*tch.

Overall it's the very generic... more>> "I won't kill the enemies that slaughtered my allies because they are humans" it's this naive and s*upid mindset that I can't stand, I

wanna punch the MC in the f*cking face for having this mindset <<less
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Berethgor rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: c241
I dropped this at the war arc. The whole war was written in such a way that you can tell the author doesnt have the slightest idea how a war with that level of technology would actually go. For example the author claimed that the people in the story dont realise the importance of supply. Did you know that you need to eat if you want to survive? Its such a novel concept that the people in the story apparently didnt know. And the whole no killing people just annoys... more>> me too much at this point because the MC and her party refuse to kill even during a war when a whole bunch of her own people are probably dead. <<less
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Ambyrravyn rated it
February 26, 2020
Status: c122
I like this novel. But then again I like this kind of novel. I am so sick O look he's handsome and his body is so well-built I must be in love with him. I am so sick of boring romance stories. This story doesn't deliver anything else than what the tags say. People should look at a tags and the genre and not expect something that it's not. And I don't see any problem with the translators. For those who want to complain about it then translate it yourself.... more>> It's not easy being a translator you have to know another language,

and then you have to translate it into another language. I'm just happy it's being translated at all. So many get dropped because they get tired of people complaining about their quality. So if you want something that's comedy, fluffy, and not your usual story. Then this story is for you. <<less
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LazyFatCat rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: c192
Hilarious, lighthearted slice of life about a girl who have unparalleled power trying her best to be 'average' despite people around her noticing she is in no way 'average'.

There's no deep plot, even if the author try to make one it falls into a comedy in the end. The story in general have many plotholes, and the writing style itself is quite amateurish for japanese light novel standard, but I still find it enjoyable. Make sure not to overthink the story much though, this novel is supposedly read only for... more>> amusement.

For the translation most people seem to be concerned about, I didn't see the problem with it at all. Sure it's not that good, but it's still understandable. I myself able to understand almost everything so no worries whatsoever. And mind you, it's definitely better than MTL. Don't know why there are ppl comparing this to a mess that is MTL. Even though the translator prob using MTL to translate this, he/she still edits the result so it still readable. Add that to their volunteer work of translating this when no one asked them to, I would still appreciate their work. <<less
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KazukiTM rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c202
Good AVERAGE ISEKAI adventure story

Story is relatively good, average setting and world building, MC is just have bad common sense, sometimes airheaded too...

Enjoyable enough for filling time, just try reading it for your spare time, it's just worth it....
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Ember2528 rated it
May 28, 2018
Status: v1
So far this novel is great. While the dense MC theme normally annoys me hear it is done right and the antics it gets them all in manage to be consistently hilarious. The other characters are also extremely likable and feel real.

I will say though, read the official translation. I tried switching over from that but once I reached Imouto's chapters the quality just became to awful to bear.
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Narutolvr rated it
April 10, 2018
Status: c60
I wasn't reading this expecting anything stellar or award winning yet, even then, I still feel let down with the story. The beginning seemed to be a fairly decent premise- MC's average based on human => for god's average based on all living creatures in a fantasy world and hilarity ensues... is not what happened. After setting up an average to good story in the first 20 chapters or so, the author seems to completely give up on making this story worth reading. Frankly speaking, it's like the author doesn't... more>> know what genre to put this story in. You want to call it action, but the fight scenes are awful. You might consider it somewhat of a comedy but it's actually not very funny. You might want to call it fluff/slice of life but the author injects pointless dramatic scenes and tragic backstories that don't add anything to the plot and make it a chore to read.

I wanted to like the MC because she was initially rational and isn't rash or hotheaded when making decisions. But, rather than thinking through things before making a decision, she can't seem to decided anything at all to the point of being nearly comatose. She claims she wants to be average yet goes around doing OP stuff here and there even when she has options the "average" person she wants to be would take. So, in the end, it's like watching an adult trying to play on a toddler's playground set. And, frankly, none of the side characters introduced past the first academy arc (save that male classmate she teaches) are interesting enough to make me want to read. It's just become a group of four bland girls without any actual goals wandering around not doing anything. And I thought kuma kuma kuma bear was aimless...

One last note, I literally don't see the point of her being with her adventurer group while touting how much she wants to live a "normal" life. She's basically the only fighter power dragging around 3 dead weights while claiming she wants to be carefree and unfettered. It would have been better just letting her struggle learning to be normal alone than with this useless entourage that only serves to show how bad she is at doing what she claims to want to. <<less
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sgrey rated it
October 30, 2017
Status: c130
This novel is quite entertaining and funny. At least at first. One problem with this novel is that the author seem to ran out of jokes and after chapter 70 or so keeps reusing the same jokes over and over again. And the biggest problem is actually with translation. The novel will probably be much more interesting and entertaining if it was not butchered by machine translation. It is really, really awful quality and gets progressively worse. Sometimes they don't seem to even edit it at all and just publish... more>> machine translation directly. Since this novel's focus is on interactions and dialog, you can't really dismiss the translation quality.

Overall I like this novel quite a bit and the "dense protagonist" here is actually fun to read and does not irritate because it is a little girl. Whatever she does, it's not irritating, but actually funny, unlike in some other novels where you might rage quit because of an idiotic MC. I think this is the first novel I came across where I don't think naivety of the MC is a minus to the novel. <<less
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