I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags…


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My memories of my past life returned when I hit my head on a rock. I am Katarina Claes, the eight-year-old daughter of a Duke. While I was struggling with a high fever, it was decided that I would become a prince’s fiancée. I have now realized that this is the world of an otome game I played in my previous life.

I also realized that I had become the villainous noble girl who got in the way of the protagonist and her capture target… if the protagonist got a good ending, I would be exiled from the country with only the clothes on my back, while in the bad ending, I would be killed by the capture target… where’s my good ending!? Do I only get bad endings!?

I want to overcome all the destruction flags somehow and reach old age!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Destruction Flag Otome
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (LN)
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta...
Related Series
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Observation Record of a Self-proclaimed Villainess’ Fiance (7)
An Otome Game’s Burikko Villainess Turned into a Magic Otaku (5)
Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru (3)
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07/25/15 Omega Harem Translations side story 8...
07/25/15 Omega Harem Translations c35
07/19/15 Omega Harem Translations side story 7
07/19/15 Omega Harem Translations c34
07/14/15 Omega Harem Translations c33
07/11/15 Omega Harem Translations c32
07/06/15 Omega Harem Translations side story 6
07/06/15 Omega Harem Translations c31
07/03/15 Omega Harem Translations c30
06/29/15 Omega Harem Translations c29 part1
06/29/15 Omega Harem Translations c29
06/28/15 Omega Harem Translations c28
06/23/15 Omega Harem Translations c27
06/22/15 Omega Harem Translations side story 5
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118 Reviews sorted by

Mavsynchroid rated it
June 8, 2018
Status: v3
Really enjoyable for a slice of life novel. I mean, sometimes you can't help but think the female lead is a little TOO dense, but besides that, it's definitely a fun read. I am, however, really disappointed no one has picked this up. It still has volumes to be translated, right?
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KKristen rated it
October 9, 2016
Status: v3c1 part2
A fun piece of fluff. You can read all of the translated chapters in a single day or so.

Read if you want a fluffy reverse harem, don't read if you want a plot with depth.

The other reviewers have summed up the story pretty well, so I'll just put some additional pointers here:

- The main character is a likable, honest, idiot. She's the definition of "dense." And I don't just mean "absentminded in a lovable way"... she's actually s*upid. She might have ADHD. She will remain this way for... more>> the rest of the series, so don't expect her to smarten up.

- One of the things that I like best about her is, other than her knack for saying the exact thing someone needs to hear at the right time and "saving" them, she doesn't have any normal OP main-character powers. She's not unusually beautiful, magical, smart, strong, etc. She's just a good-hearted, hard-working idiot.

- The pacing of the story is good and easy to read. Don't expect any complicated plots or unexpected twists. It's just a girl going through your typical otome game with a humorous twist.

- The romance never really develops. If you want some sort of payoff (like a kiss or her hooking up with someone), you will be left sadly disappointed.

- The translation quality is good. <<less
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Coatl rated it
August 2, 2016
Status: side story 9
This is the first Otome Game Story Novel I read. And still my favourite. It's really lighthearted and full of misunderstandings (atleast from the female protagonist).

The female lead is the impersonation of being dense. Everything she sees is the bad end. But she doesn't let herself down because of it. No, she just continues being herself without realising that her nature is nearly the complete opposite of the original. Due to that she always misunderstands and doesn't relise how everyone falls in love with her. I think some even turn... more>> into slight Yanderes. <<less
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addictiontofiction rated it
June 20, 2016
Status: Completed
I love the story! I wonder if there will be a sequel or if there are other similar works/works by the same author?

Anyways, such a great read. I definitely would recommend it to new readers :D
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UnknownTakuaN rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c32
Ok honestly, I get why people don't like this manga/LN/anime. Bakarina is such a baka, it's unbelievable. But, that's the point! It's fiction! It's a reverse harem and it'll forever stay like that. I don't know if she'll even start liking anyone. I think her brain capacity isn't capable of holding those type of feelings. But, that harem is the highlight of this story. "As the universe expands, so too does the harem." Beautiful! Masterpiece! This is so lighthearted and for laughs. If you're bored, then just go back and... more>> read it. I really loved this story, it was such a picker-upper for when I was down. Totally recommended.🤭😉😊👌 <<less
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YaoiKitsune829 rated it
April 6, 2020
Status: --
I wanna give it a five star, because I just started reading them, but it seems that it hasn't been updated since 2017, and it's only on volume 4 it looks like? I don't think there's a way to get a physical copy.. I would love if someone picked this up.. I don't own a kindle, so buying the official novel will take some time.. I will do so eventually, but I really wouldn't like the wait..
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Cocalalona rated it
May 10, 2019
Status: --
What can I say more?

It's your classic "otome villainess reincarnation" guidelines. I don't know which novel/manga that started the trend, but this novel surely have the basic plotlines of the tropes.

But wait, this novel isn't just 'basic'. This novel is really funny, (although for me the manga funnier since the expressions was drawned well). The MC is fenomenal and memorable. You can't dislike Bakarina.
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April 8, 2019
Status: --
I really like the MC?? she’s different from other MC. She has a fresh feel to it. Even if the MC a little airhead... If you just want a light, fluffy novel I highly recommend it.
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papapa rated it
February 16, 2019
Status: v4c2 part3
it's okay to be s*upid and dense if you're a grade schooler age (or less) but it's total s*upidITY if you're a 16 yo teenagers. I dont get it. not at all.

... but when she got kidnapped and talk with the kidnapper (sorry, forgot his name) I think she start to develop something; personally I think she will get some maturity if they able to spend more time together (and lets hope she reach into new heights).

it's a fun easy read in the first part but it's a downhill afterwards.

the... more>> graphic design is cute btw. <<less
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chibiheaven rated it
February 5, 2019
Status: v4c2
Like a few reviewers noted, the story had potential that fizzled away amidst non existent character growth and no story progression. It was just incredibly bland with nothing interest to note as the characters all seemlessly blend into one being that is madly in love with the MC.

The MC remains a fool and stays immature despite her mental age.

Would not recommend.
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Kyenlt rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: v3c1
I read a lot of novel which MC was loved by everyone. MC is a kind girl. But the way the author described her wasn't enough for me to understand why all of them loved her.
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April 10, 2018
Status: v4c2 part3
I love this novel so much! I read it just for fun so I don't set my expectations too high. The characters are lovable and pitiful because how dense Bakarina is, but they are all very sweet to her in their own ways.


It seems that she finally becoming aware of her fiance's felings for her and the interaction between them is becoming even sweeter.


Unfortunately the translator has dropped this completely, I just hope this will be picked up again soon.
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: v3c1
Disappointing read, the author sets up so many interesting hooks (magic, swordfights, knighthood, villainous face, politics) but fails to utilize them in any meaningful way and lets them die two chapters down the road... Besides that its your typical lighthearted japanese novel, "lets share it with everyone" style. The cover picture made me hope for so much more.
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duchessofFandom rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: v3c3
Now this is a great read. It was funny, it was light-hearted and it was a freaking cliff-hanger.. Please don't end this novel.. I REALLY want more..

The MC doesn't have a smart brain, despite having been reborn and the fact that she was from the 21st century, she threw all that potential to bring up any useful information or invention to her new life or used her brain to escape potential death, well she tried. Nope, just by her pureness, s*upidity and denseness, she managed to captivate all the capture... more>> targets, and also managed to seduced three ladies into her harem. Resolved her problems just by pure coincidence with only farming as her weapon of choice. But what will captivate you is how everyone is so sappy and so thirsty for love and affection that the first kind words they hear will make them fall head over heels for our very own Bakarina. Also the fact that there is no drama whatsoever, her love interest are okay with being everyone's competition, there is no backstabbing and everyone is just happy for seeing Bakarina happy. <<less
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LeeEzekiel rated it
May 17, 2017
Status: c35
A hilarious and heartwarming story. The MC is the ultimate "lovable idiot", who is perfectly complemented by a diverse, entertaining cast of characters. I ended up finishing the original 35 chapters and side stories in a single sitting. One of my favorite novels, and probably the one I've enjoyed most in its genre.

Slight spoiler regarding the "Destruction flags", and why I really like how this novel handled them:

... more>>

Perhaps what I like most about this story is how oddly realistic it is in the sense of avoiding destruction flags. Bakarina worries so much about her bad end, but she doesn't realize that she has already prevented it within the first few chapters! And when you think about it, doesn't that make sense? Unless the game is actually messing with you, just not acting like a total b*tch would allow any villainess to avoid the destruction ending. This idea is perfectly parodied by this novel.

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Megzie Ssyk
Megzie Ssyk rated it
April 12, 2017
Status: v3c1 part3
It was a really good read. I loved it. Comedy, fluffy, slice of life, shoujo, romance. It has the normal otome game elements, but the story is told in a very interesting, funny and unique way. The best part was that I was actually satisfied with the ending. The ending was believable, funny and just matched with the rest of the story. The characters are funny, lovable and you're always rooting for the heroine. The antics are crazy, weird and funny. Honestly, it is really good, short and light read;... more>> and if you're looking for a quick and easy read, this is what you should go for. <<less
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Shiraori_ rated it
November 5, 2016
Status: c25
I don't really think calling Katarina, the protagonist "dense" really does her justice. She's not necessarily just dense to advances or love, she's actually literally a complete f*cking idiot and it's hilarious. She eats sh*t off the floor all the time, interprets a magic book literally and takes up agriculture, and her response to her brother locking himself into his room was to take an axe to the door and break it down The Shining style, only after which she considers she could have just used a wire to pick... more>> the lock inconspicuously. She climbs trees all the time and constantly spaces out missing important details.

A bit of an unorthodox MC, usually with stuff of this nature, the protagonist is at least averagely intelligent and decent at acting the part of a noble. She constantly gets taught on etiquette yet it's obvious she can't even pretend to be a well-mannered noble for longer than half a minute. Part of me while reading is always thinking that she should have just been a regular commoner in this universe and she'd be so much happier, without being bound by the responsibilities of acting the part of someone she's not. Well, she has a mega-harem of men and women alike, one of which is her reincarnated former best friend that's also a girl, so what else could she ask for? ¯\ (ツ) /¯ <<less
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monaffmona rated it
June 9, 2016
Status: --
Girl wakes up as the 8 year-old villainess of the otome game she's been playing. She knows the possible unfavorable ends for this character, so she plans how she could avoid those bad ends. Haha! This girl is such an adorable clueless idiot it's so funny reading about how she goes about trying to avoid said bad ends, and somehow while doing so she collects her harem (boys and gals) along the way, without meaning to or even realizing it.

It's very very fluffy. Very cute and funny. Very shoujo. If... more>> there's any complaints from me it's that I wish it'd be longer, and that we get more in depth interactions between Katarina and her harem. But all in all, it's a great fluffy otome reverse harem short read. <<less
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November 25, 2020
Status: --
I suppose I won't give this a rating, since there really weren't any tags for me to expect what to jump into, and I'm not really the type for these "dense" MCs.
Edit: (About the tags part, it seems something is wrong with the device I'm on right now so the tags seem to be hidden. I'll keep my review here but I'll have you know that it's incredibly biased because I didn't read the tags before.)

Kinda liked it at first, but after a while it really irked me how incredibly dense she was. You might like those idiot characters, but to me, she's the type of person I hate the most. It's like without her knowing, everyone around her just falls in love with her while she's stuck in her own world gardening. It's a a harem, so I suppose it makes sense for all the boys and girls to buzz around her and fall in love, but while reading it, I didn't feel the type of "Should I ship her with him or her" I usually feel when reading harem-ish novels. I just felt like it was annoying. Even if it was a comedy, I would have liked it to have a plot that was more obvious, and didn't revolve entirely around the MC. It seemed like the MC is the whole reason this universe exists, and without her the other characters wouldn't have a life. Of course, this is my personal taste in novels, and opinions can be subjective, which is why I didn't give this a rating - I had absolutely no idea what I was jumping into, and this novel just happened to be the type of novel I dislike since I couldn't read the tags. Hidden tags are my enemies.
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transboydororo rated it
March 9, 2020
Status: --
"This story is cliched!" "The MC is dim and annoying!" "The story is too predictable!" "Everyone loves the MC for no reason!"

Listen. No one is reading this story to compare it to Ibsen. No one here is writing their thesis on this book. This book is pure popcorn media. It is fun and it is tr*shy garbage. It's the Naruto of light novels. The "Keeping Up With The Kardashians". The "Avengers: Endgame". This isn't a serious piece of media. Sure, it's nice. Sure, people probably like writing about the characters.... more>> Whatever. This book is to be read with a mouthful of popcorn.

Besides that, this novel defines the akuyaku reijou subgenre. It's the most well-known, and it's the first to be getting an animated adaptation (this year!). This book is what lets all your other favorite akuyaku reijou/shoujo mob reincarnation stories succeed. This is the novel that let people see that this subgenre could be profitable.

Is it predictable? Of course it is. Are the characters a bit two-dimensional? Duh. But that's not what this novel is about. This novel is about the laughter. <<less
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