I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years!


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Three thousand years ago, Bai Qiuran, who was extremely talented, was accepted as a disciple by the founder of Qingming Sect, and the young Taoist began to cultivate the path of immortality.

Three thousand years later, Bai Qiuran’s master has ascended to the Immortal Realm, his senior brothers failed to pass the Heavenly Tribulation and died, and even the youngest grandson of the sixth generation descendant of his youngest junior sister succeeded in advancing to the Foundation Establishment stage and learned to use the sword to ride the wind.

After three thousand years of hard work, Bai Qiuran finally reached the 66,664th layer of the Qi Refining stage.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lian qi Lianle Sanqiannian
My Three Thousand Years To The Sky (Manhua)
Ta Luyện Khí 3000 Năm
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9 Reviews

Feb 28, 2020
Status: c28
*I read only the manhwa, but I assume the novel has the same plotline.

The story itself is similar to onepunch man, but in xianxia world. The MC is OP in his world. Nevertheless, he is stuck in the mortal world, and it is implied that he is only as strong as lowest level immortal, so it'd be interesting what happen once he gets to immortal world (or if he ever gets there).

Long story short, MC is a 3000 years old guy who stuck at Qi Refining realm. He couldn't get... more>> pass that realm since whenever he breakthrough, he ended up increasing his realm layer (or minor realm) instead of major realm. After 3000 years, it came to the point where he is at Qi Refining 66, 664th stage and is super OP for mortal world.


The MC has an attitude like Saitama in Onepunch man. He doesn't care anything other than breaking through and holding justice (in his own sense). His insecurity is his inability to breakthrough to Foundation Establishment, while all his same generation either died or ascended--- all his direct/indirect disciples already surpass him in term of realms. MC can be super awkward with all the mundane stuff like romance and relationship, although he doesn't possess that airhead trait like Saitama.

On the other hand, Qi Refining has a lifespan of 300, so whenever he is near the end of his lifespan, the ghost world would come to reap his soul. However, MC avoid that by beating up the ghosts and cooking expensive life dan to prolong lifespan. It turns out his strange body allow him to remain young and forever absorb the dan without side effect, so he just couldn't die. Nevertheless, it becomes a subplot as the dan ingredient are hard to find.

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Jul 28, 2020
Status: --
The novel seems quite okay, maybe a 3.4 from what I have read so far. Unfortunately though the translation quality is utter garbage and sometimes reads worse than a unedited machine-translation.
I seriously recommend to not even bother with this novel until someone else translates it from scratch.
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Jan 06, 2021
Status: --
The novel is just repeatedly telling the jokes of having flat chest and being stuck at the low cultivation level. There is no interesting plot or exciting battles, pretty bland. Time wasted for nothing.

I do not understand how some people manage to write long reviews out of the absence of the story itself.

The most annoying thing is that chapters are split into miniscule pieces.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 03, 2020
Status: Completed
Finished raws. I would give this a 3.5

TLDR: ehhh its okay to kill time with, easy binge in a week. If it's behind paywall do not pay... This is not worth you spending money.

Starts out pretty interesting, this novel in all purposes from the start till the end is a comedy novel. At the start the plot was pretty interesting up till the later half of the story somehow that arc was just quite boring. The comedy was not enough to carry that part of the story. I felt that... more>> if the author could have had weaved in a better overarching plot with the comedy this would be solid and yet it fell short. The side stories at the end was kinda meh.

Of course since this is a comedy novel there are quite a lot of plotholes. <<less
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Apr 11, 2020
Status: --
Rare novels which can really make you laugh. At least, I did.

The novel is about an overpowered MC being looked down upon by his enemies but extremely feared by his allies. Ironic but reasonable if you think about it. The novel has extremely good potential and I hope more people can read this wonderful cultivation gem which plays and subverts tropes in cultivation novel.


  • MC is a likable and funny guy. Maybe a bit petty, scratch that, he is really petty but that just adds to his charm.

    MC easily gets pissed off if the foundation establishment or flying is mentioned to him. He takes in a disciple which has the same wood root as him and he experiments with her. He gave her exactly the same cultivation manual that he practiced to see if it was his masters mistake and not his fault that he is still stuck at Qi refining realm. His disciple easily became a foundation establishment much to his dismay. Feeling that his pride as master had been shattered since his disciple has stronger cultivation base, he sulks.

  • Lovable characters. His old disciples which now leads the sect have great and memorable personalities. They are funny and the hidden fighting commonly found in other cultivation novels is none existent. The underworld people also have great personalities.

    MC shoud have died long ago because a qi refinement realm cultivator should only live up to 300 years old. So the moment the reaper comes for him, he fights back. Reaper then proceeds to call reinforcement which gets beaten black and blue. As concession, they offered him to be the head of the underworld, which MC declines as his dream is to ascend and maybe break through foundation establishment.

  • Harem. (Can also be a con but up to you really)
  • Story is funny and the premise is unique.
  • Hidden gem which I hope will no longer be hidden.

  • Most of the time, MC is looked down upon so if you hate that, then it might not be for you. Though do keep in mind the looking down thing is played for laughs since he is at lowest level.
  • Harem. (Up to you really)
  • OP protagonist so problems dont really give you a sense of dread for MC. (Keep in mind that the title itself shouts OP so theres that)
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Apr 22, 2020
Status: v1c1
This is one of those novels that can make you laugh automatically.I digress that I haven't yet read the lightnovel completely as it's in Chinese. However I have read the manhua and so have been following it closely. I have no less expectation for this novel as the manhua itself. Only hope that the translator does his job well enough to go ahead of the manhua fast. So to anyone who's reading this. Check out the novel if you like a kind of slow and steady but comedic novel.
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Oct 23, 2021
Status: c15 part1
Idk if it's good or not. What I can decipher from what the atrocious translation and editing from this group have put out gleams a somewhat fun story. Sadly, I spend more time subconsciously editing a ridiculous sentence that makes f*ck all sense, or changing the words in my head so it flows better than reading the story.

From what I managed to get through before dropping: This seems like it would be a fun time killer and something to turn your brain off every once in a while. As I... more>> said though, what little enjoyment I think I can get from this novel is hampered by bad translations and even worse editing and proofreading. If that ever gets fixed I'll come back here and try reading again. Until then, this ain't worth the headache. <<less
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Jul 13, 2022
Status: c89
Honestly, if you’re looking for something to read and pass time. This is it. The story isn’t anything great but the main focus is on the comedy, if you’re looking for good story with believable characters, this is definitely not your pick. Vice versa, looking for something bc you’re bored, then you should give this a try.

however I rated this a 3* because the translation is god awful, I recommend you to read the manga instead. I think the manga is better because the art can really make scenes better,... more>> characters doing s*upid facial expressions and whatnot and the fact that you can actually make sense of what they’re saying.

3* for the novel

4.5* for the manga. <<less
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Apr 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Normal story without much stress or stuff with a little bit of humour. The romance part is good and the story concluded well.
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