I Got Fired from the Hero Party, So I Went Back to My Hometown, but All the Party Members Followed Me


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“Jin… Your journey ends here.”

So declared his childhood friend and the “Hero”, Reki.

Feeling like he was becoming a burden, Jin decided to accept her advice. He bid farewell to his other companions, the “Saint” Yuuri and the “Sage” Lucika, and returned to his hometown. He had intended to spend a peaceful time there, but…

“Nice to meet you, mother-in-law, father-in-law. I’m Lucika. I’ll be striving for a happy future with your son, so I hope for your continuous support for many years to come.”


However, Lucika’s sudden marriage announcement was just the beginning.

“I’m Yuuri, Jin’s future wife. He made a passionate proposal to me in the past.”

“I have already been chosen to be Jin’s wife since ten years ago… We made a promise.”

For some reason, Yuuri and Reki, who were supposed to be heading to defeat the Demon Lord, appeared at Jin’s house. Thus began the completely unexpected daily life of Jin, along with his three potential brides.

Associated Names
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Yuusha Party wo Kubi ni Natta node Kokyou ni Kaettara, Member Zenin ga Tsuitekita n daga
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Xiaomi94 rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: c5
A bit cliche but so far it doesn't have walls of text with boring info dump and straight to the story. Minimal story obstruction and fun slice of life for male audience. Looking forward for more.
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