I Became The Villain’s Master


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I possessed the body of a desert fox shapeshifter and the youngest daughter of a villainous family.

Although it’s a villainous family, it’s not just a golden spoon but a diamond spoon!

How wonderful it would be if I could live happily, surrounded by my handsome Dad and brothers, being pampered.

However, according to the original story, I’m destined to be annihilated along with my family because I raised a s*ave I received as a gift at age three to become the final villain of the story.

So, I need to change the future, but…

“Why are you doing this to Rory? What did Rory do wrong?”

“Rory? You mean this s*ave?”

Sugar chuckled and shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it.

That look, as if he was looking at a clueless troublemaking youngest sibling, made me feel bad.

“Merchen. Cutie pie. Don’t tell me you’re trying to make that s*ave your friend? s*aves can’t be friends with nobles.”

You clueless brother!

That very s*ave you’re tossing around like a ball is tomorrow’s villain!

How can I change the future and survive like this?

This little villain who only looks at me… Can I raise him to be good…?

#SweetAndSpicy #FamilyRegret #MightJustRunAway

#PoliteMaleLead #PuppyLikeMaleLead #MutualSalvation

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흑막의 아기 주인이 되었다
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UnorthodoxMi rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c2
Story has a nice beginning. ML appears a little naive while FL is stuck in a three year old body but has memories of her other life.
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