I Became the Dating Sim Protagonist’s Target !


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「System: Tip. The ‘End Game’ function will be available when the ending is achieved. 」High Schooler Taewon suddenly possesses Jo Hyun-woo, a support character in the BL game 〈 I want to fall asleep in your arms 〉. He decides to help the game’s protagonist Han Woo-joo with his love life and watch the ending in order to go back to his own world.

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미연시 주인공이 나를 공략한다
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fhanaa rated it
July 2, 2024
Status: c6
I am kinda regret reading this early since it got less than 10 chapter 😭 The story got me hooked though. Typical character got transmigrated into a BL game trope. But I like it! Please help to continue translate this! Will wait for more chapters then I will come back here 👍🏼

Err, how to edit the stars rating? This is my first time reviewing here 😭😭
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