I Became Peerless After I Threw My Whole Paycheck at a Real-Life Gacha


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One day, I randomly stumbled upon a gacha! When I tried using it, it turned out that it was an unbelievable gacha that granted special skills!

Following our protagonist, who threw his whole paycheck at it, the world gradually started moving towards an unbelievable direction.

This is a story about a man attaining peerless power and dragging the whole world in the process.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Genjitsu Sekai ni Arawareta Gacha ni Kyuuryou Zenbu Tsugikondara Hiku hodo Musou ni
Related Series
I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN) (2)
Let’s be an Adventurer! ~Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board~ (2)
Using Gacha to Increase My Companions and to Create the Strongest Girls’ Army Corps (1)
Infinite Gacha (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Gates/Dungeons/Monsters/etc on Earth
  3. The cover summoned me
  4. good novels
  5. Recommendation I

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/03/20 iNoveltranslation c23
05/30/20 iNoveltranslation c22
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05/12/20 iNoveltranslation c15
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82 Reviews sorted by

SunderMind rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: c157
This is a good example of the "Don't judge the book by its cover." saying. Initially I found this novel by going to a random novel's page, which just happened to be this one and reading a review which intrigued me. I was bored, and didn't know what to do so I decided to read it. And that was definitely a very good decision. I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it to the others.
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SeventhTale rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c67
If my friend asked me to recommend him something to read, I would never recommend this one. This one is not too horrible, but considering that it's a fast paced and short novel with apocalyptic reverse isekai setting, you could expect that this will be a half-baked novel. That's why if you read this with expectations that it will be like those Korean novels with the same setting, you'll surely be disappointed.

In this story, guns almost don't have effect on the monsters, making the military almost useless. Mithril which appears... more>> can make a weapon that can damage the monsters but is scarce in quantity. Ability users appears but slowly and they're not immediately so strong. But, if the boss monster was defeated, then the monsters count will be greatly reduced. When the MC defeated the boss monsters, he will be able to gain some of their abilities. So, to resolve the apocalyptic situation, our MC needs to defeat the boss monsters on each country. Considering that he can teleport, and actually a kind person, he can do it easily.

Now the setting is sure interesting, but everything is too shallow, like the action of the MC. I quite like the MC though, even if he's naive. I don't hate this novel, but after 67 chapters, I never felt satisfied or have fun in reading this. You could say that I only read this because it's short, there's a lot of translated chapters, and I'm curious on how this will end. There's barely things that I liked on this novel, and I can't even remember what are those. <<less
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December 29, 2020
Status: --
Fun story with an OP main character. There is a comedic undertone, since the salaryman who stumbles upon the cheat does exactly the right thing, in a smart way, but otherwise seems oblivious to the ramifications of his great fortune. Or, possibly, he is simply an incorruptible guy with simple interests (and apparently no libido).

Fun little story. Decent for escapism, not a serious story, at all.
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Isekai lover
Isekai lover rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: c111
Super awesome story with OP MC and also he is totally immortal. He can get stonger by defeating the boss monsters and earn a skill giving candy by doing it.

And he can also change job classes like (hero, demonking,

Great sage, etc) its aowsome!!

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MockybirdTwo rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: c104
The story is entertaining. It feels like a parody and is definitely a light read, so if you enjoy that sorta thing, then this is right up your alley. Dunno for how long the author can keep the story interesting, but for now it still is.
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Lorinop rated it
December 1, 2020
Status: c102
The biggest problem that drops the story to 4 stars or even 3 stars from what I see is the MC personality, which is acceptable but quite unreasonable in my opinion, cause the main thing that is pointed is that there is no character development, there is actually but certainly is little and that the MC is too "perfect citizen", also quite weird, he is a normal citizen even with his powers; is I think one of the things of the novel, basically even if he gains all those amazing... more>> powers his mentality is still of a normal person mostly, after all in the novel hasn't passed even a year since he gets his powers. <<less
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Dayside rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: --
This story has absolutely no substance. MC just gets god level infinitely powerful and tries to save people but then people make magic illegal and he actually agrees. There is no world or character building. It's just bad.
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Aiwhatever rated it
November 5, 2020
Status: v1c25
I edited this because of how bad my spelling was so ill make it much clearer

The MC who the universe opens its gaping as*hole sh*ts out rewards for being a gambling addict wich was intriguing at first but because it shat out the biggest mojon to ever come out the universe decided that the MC should just become god at the end of chapter 15, in conclusion this man has less brain cells than the average roach and the attention span of a fetus, can't comprehend the word... more>> living tool and <spoiler> cant even choose a melee class but insted spammes the same magic skill like its the r1 button on consle, its quite frank how boring the author is considering that even traned solders could act kind to the MC like saying please and thank you as if he's an aristocrat especially when its special forces <spoiler> all in all the MC is just terrable <<less
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November 4, 2020
Status: --
This is simply a power fantasy, there is no actual character development. I love my isekai's and reincarnations so I have seen the tr*shes stuff. Everything is so overused that the only way that a novel can be good is if the character development is amazing... this isnt it...

The MC just suddenly feels like helping people out because it feels good and why not? Hes pretty much omnipotent, and since he got everything in a short period of time he doesn't even know how to use his abilities, just spamming... more>> the same moves over and over.

I mean if you just want it as a quick past time or you just don't want to think this would be good, but don't expect any actual characters <<less
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kingelias rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: c36
Sort of interesting, but the political intrigue is around the level a kid would think of. "He's strong, let's make laws against being strong! The world is being invaded by monsters and he's the only person with the capability to do anything, but surely this won't have any negative effects. He broke the laws but saved the prime minister, so he's alright!"
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LKADity rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: c5
It's kinda funny but tooooo short~

As in chapter 5, nothing big happen yet. Still collecting skill from gacha vending machine.

We still don't know that there is other gacha user out there? Or where this novel will go.

Point plus for the interesting monologue, I won't even continue read this wn if not for that.
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amusedouche rated it
October 9, 2023
Status: c97
It's a very quick read. One could even finish it in a few hours. But maybe because I did that, it got boring fast.

The start is interesting, and it's nice to see the MC get a lot of cool powers, but pretty soon it gets too repetitive. Fight monster A, get power X, repeat.

Then there are things which felt very illogical to me.

... more>>

MC can sneeze and destroy a country, but stays in house arrest because the govt said that. Or how the MC can save a country, heal everyone at a shelter in an instant without anyone knowing, but he volunteers at a clinic and sneakily helps people, to collect info about a monster - from people who are clearly too weak to give any info. Or how in the middle of monster rampage, the strongest guy, the MC, decides to teach some little kids in a school. I just don't get it!


If you do not binge read or like a pure level grind novel, you'll enjoy it. Else, probably not so much! <<less
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01adityajain rated it
May 20, 2023
Status: c130
The novel is seriously good. Slow at first but picks up pace after 15 or so chapters and is very fast paced. But that doesn't mean that the fights are written in a bland manner, they're still exciting.

The MC is op from the beginning but still is not thick headed or dumb, he evolves and sees some character development as well. No racism, no favoring one nation over the other. No harem yet either, neither romance lol. But it has been a great read so far. I have finished around... more>> 130 chapters in just half a day. Close to finishing it. Gg author! 💙 <<less
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ThomschK rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I will keep it short since its an older novel and there are a lot of different oppinions on its quality.

Its been a while since I´ve read but I can agree on a few plotholes (Acquiring methods for the money etc.).
To me it was a very nice read. Good pacing and finished with a clear goal. (Which is the biggest issue within japanese isekai novel universe :D They just cant end their stories) The story reminded me of the ending off past life regressor but thats just personal feeling.

Character development is given but the japanese cliches of MC made it hard to realize it. Heroism and stuff is allways the issue because its simply unrealistic.

Was a good read and I will read it again in a few years.
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Hell_me rated it
August 13, 2022
Status: c54
The concept actually quite good, being tried and tested in bunch of KR novels.

Buuuttt... There are some problems that's commonly permeated the JP novels, namely:

    • Bland MC, so far as I read (chapter 54) MC is pretty much bland, not completely but most of the times.
    • Not much details, most of the time each chapters just like cloud bread, pretty to look at but mostly air.
Weirdly, some side characters got much more personality than the MC. But then again because I'm still chapter 54 side characters that appears

only got short "screentime" so far....

On the translator side... Idk I'm not native speaker so I don't think I have qualifications to judge it, although what I can complain is the text formating, especially on the "Game" element it's a bit uncomfortable on the phone
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gryffinpuff rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: c42
MC became too OP way too quick - he was top tier before calamity, and within few months, escalated to God Tier...

There's no storyline, no tension, no character besides MC, and that MC is so dull with no hopes/dreams/passion/aim/loved ones - an emotionless robot!! It feels like I am reading a diary! Levels and stats make no sense! He somehow increases his healing and swordsmanship stats by spamming fire and lightning spells...

"Dear Diary, today I killed XYZ monster, I leveled up my ABC Skill. Tomorrow, I'll level up PQR skill."

... more>>

Kudos to the translator though!! <<less
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Dzidos1 rated it
August 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Main character is good. Enemy is bad. Every one loves MC.
Thats pretty much sums the whole plot.
Each and every character is one dimensional, plot is boring and cringy at times. But I somehow managed to finish it so 2/5.
The only good thing I can say is that this is short so you can give it a try.
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Kirinori rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: Completed
This is another power fantasy but with some elements of its own, it’s nothing game changing and if you expect something big then this isn’t it. The story is not bad, it’s quite simple and the main character is the most cliche you could expect.

in the end you can probably appreciate it if you like power fantasies. If by chapter 30 you don’t feel it, it’s not for you.
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q00u rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: c157
Overall, it's fine.

It's not great.

The premise is silly, but the writing is (mostly) good at the start. It's largely done in by a lackluster finale with a LOT of filler from the perspectives of other non-MC characters. Very boring and goes on way too long.

... more>> The MC makes a lot of outright s*upid decisions throughout, which is very frustrating, and a lot of the time it turned out to not matter, which is a different kind of frustrating.

The translation is, to be polite, imperfect. Missing words, its/it's and such, similar-but-wrong words, forgetting the negative (which inverts the meaning of the whole passage). It's comprehensible. You can get the gist from context.

The whole this is SHORT though, and does have an ending, which is more than most webnovels.

So overall, fine. <<less
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dwaram31 rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: --
Reading this novel is like eating food that after a few bites you realize it doesn't taste as good as the first bite. The character personality is bland, there's no motivation for the protagonist or long run goal. There's no world building whatsoever. You will realize that after a dozen chapter, in my case I read 30 chapter, you will realize that stopping there won't gave you any regret and will actually become a good decision since you won't waste any of your time. Believe me this novel is not... more>> good, save your time and skip this one. Honestly I pity the translator the most, so if the translator read my review I wish that you will have a better success on better story. <<less
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