I Am the Light of Science and Technology


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Everyone thought that the most powerful scientist they had ever seen was a national treasure-level scientist until they saw Baizhi-

The light of technology, a cosmic scientist.

[Congratulations to the host Bai Zhi for completing the task perfectly and winning the titles of “New King”, “Big Devil”, “Task Killer”, “Nightmare on Earth”, “Super Species” and so on!] After her death, scientific researcher Bai Zhi, in order to explore higher-dimensional technology, bound the most rubbish Wish system from the system world, and traveled through different worlds to fulfill the wish of the original owner.

Three thousand worlds are different.

In each world, she is keen on scientific research.

This is a story of a scientific researcher who concentrates on scientific research, explores high-dimensional science in various worlds, and refuses to admit defeat and fate.

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Quick Transmigration : I Am The Light Of Science And Technology
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5 Reviews sorted by

Maiasia rated it
January 16, 2023
Status: Completed
5 stars for my enjoyment not because this novel was mindblowing. What I liked was the scientific twist to the same old transmigration tropes. MC is op with a high IQ, arrogance, and confidence for days, and I honestly did like some arcs like the NPC one and the bun bun one. I'm not smart enough to know if her science is true but regardless, I took it like water off a duck's back. ML was present in many of the arcs but not quite revelant to MC's life til... more>> the end so this novel did not focus heavily on romance but more the mystery behind the system. Although I found the scientific twist novel, it did get repetitive after a while but it didn't stop me from enjoying the novel. Though not fluffy or sweet, it was nice not having to rage for the MC. <<less
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November 11, 2022
Status: c47
haven't read all of it yet but it's an interesting take with the world hopping premise but also gets pretty monotone after a couple of arcs (so far).


since it tends to be the same type of reaction in the worlds I've read : (MC reveals to be super intelligent and great at technology) ➡️ "woah what I didn't know you could do that!" ➡️ (MC goes on to becoming super rich and successful)

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Flowerytales rated it
October 2, 2022
Status: --
This was a heart wrecking story, MC transmigrated into a girl whose college entrance exam admission hall ticket was burnt, family kicked out of their own house by schemes, parents dead, grandfather ill, alas he also died out of hunger and anger. Finally the girl wasn't spared and thrown off a mountain to her death.

If the author doesn't give a satisfactory ending I will go crazy

From the previous chapters I can see that she is going to be rich and powerful soon but I m waiting for that bastard family... more>> to rot and roll in mud soon... <<less
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thugtomas rated it
October 1, 2022
Status: --
Science, a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. Technology, the collection of techniques and processes used in the production of goods or services or the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation.
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RipeApricot rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: Completed
One of my newest favorite. 5/5

I think i've finish all the good QT and ran out but I'm glad I found this. Great plot, the MC is amazing, I like her and her insane style.

The ML, you can barely feel him but he is there. This is not a romance centered QT. More like MC's growth and trying to escape the system and the "creator". Anyway the extra about the ML is worth reading. I feel sorry for him but happy now since he finally escaped with her.

I svck at... more>> leaving review but I want to express my love for this. I read it on a wattpad account and MTL the remaining chaps.


- RipeApricot <<less
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