Hunter’s Blade


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The Lawman Kingdom was located on the western border of the continent, and it was currently in a precarious situation — it was a time of darkness. Heretics were emerging endlessly, causing strife and chaos, and humans were in great danger. Devils were running rampant across the land.

The so-called devils were creatures that fed on souls, and their hunger was insatiable. Correspondingly, in order to deal with these monsters, the devil hunting profession was formed.

Shire and the other seven hunters gathered together. They were all here to chase after the Blade Devil. He was a cunning high-level devil, a devil god from hell. When he first entered the real world, he was severely weakened, and his power was incomplete. Taking advantage of his momentary weakness, the devil hunters immediately organized a strike force to attack him. He was chased into Twilight Forest by hunters.

However, the devil was able to throw them off its trail, so the hunters had no choice but to expand their search range to prevent it from escaping. In their haste to do so, the devil hunters split them up. Danger is coming…

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