How to Live as the Daughter of an Evil Dragon


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The most genius wizard in history and the person who killed over tens of thousands of people.

Shurin Strogel, the evil dragon’s only daughter. The day she killed the evil dragon who did not hesitate to ab*se her with her own hands,

She is betrayed by her colleague, whom she thought was her colleague, and she is also killed. She ends up possessing the body of an orphan who has no one to turn to. ‘What’s wrong with my life?’ Shurin has lost her magic and is now being ab*sed by the orphanage director.

At that moment when she was struggling to survive somehow, someone appeared in front of her. “I want to adopt that child.” Duke Alteira Clasta, known as a blood-crazed monster slayer. “What do you think, would you like to be my daughter?” Thus, Shurin became Ariel Clasta, the only daughter of Duke Clasta.

From then on, she lives a different life than before…

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