How a Mythic Paladin Lives as a Villain


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The great paladin. The noble knight. The champion of the goddess. Michael had even defeated the Demon King, but this was not the end, only the beginning.

— “The demon is eternal and immortal, so this is your defeat, knight of illusion.”

For the goddess.

“If I can kill the devil, I’ll become a devil myself.”

He threw himself into the gate of the demon realm.

[You have awakened as a player.]

Then, a voice from the goddess reached Michael.

“Waaah!” (A baby crying!)

Reborn as the youngest son of Korea’s top 10 guild, ‘Holy Light,’ he was given another chance.

“Oh, goddess.” “Maybe… the name ‘John’ was a mistake after all?”

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신화급 성기사가 악당으로 살아가는 법
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New gg_wp rated it
September 22, 2024
Status: --
Michael was the one who stopped the various calamities around the continent, praised as "the great holy knight" by the people. However by the time he managed to stop the final calamity, he saw that nothing he tried to protect was left. In rage he attempt to enter the demon realm while willing to become a "demon" in order to punish the goddess enemies as atonement. As a result he find himself reincarnated in a new world (earth). The first thing he hear is the goddess, or the "system" as... more>> people here call her, making him believe he made the right choice. He resolved himself in order to not make the same mistake again. While many things have changed, 2 things remained the same in both life - "his faith in the "goddess" and his hate for her enemies. A story about an overpowered religious lunatic reincarnating in Korea and trying to adapt to his new life while being influenced by his previous one. <<less
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