Holographic Lovemaking Software


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Yu Xixi is a small-time erotica writer with a dirty mind but lacking the courage to act on her desires. Despite knowing her own horniness since puberty, she has always been too timid to engage in casual encounters or even successfully sleep with any of her past boyfriends. It’s infuriating that a supposedly seasoned erotica writer like her is still a virg*n.

Determined to change her status, she boldly purchases the hottest holographic gaming capsule on the market and secretly buys…a highly recommended lovemaking software. With this software, she embarks on a shameless adventure, thinking that she can fulfill her desires through virtual encounters with the system’s data. Little did she know that her boss, her new neighbor, and even her favorite radio host, all bear an uncanny resemblance to her three favorite “bed buddies” in the software.

As things progress, they even pin her against the wall and passionately kiss her, causing waves of intense excitement. She starts to question why they can be so wild in the virtual world but struggle to express their desires in reality. It dawns on her that they were never just data…

Yu Xixi: There’s something I’m not sure if I should say, but… mmp 🙂

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Virtual Love Software
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