Hero without Blood or Tear


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When humans are being swept away by demon lords, there is one man who hunted down demon lords to satisfy his greed. He was the invincible hero without blood or tears

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피도 눈물도 없는 용사
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22 Reviews sorted by

Acedia rated it
July 1, 2017
Status: c4
I'm not sure how this got three 1 star reviews, but I can tell you they are wrongfully placed. The translation is completely understandable, which is an automatic 2 stars for me. The premise is interesting, I assumed it would be an MMO rebirth novel where the main character strives to be the number one player by relying on exploits and knowledge of the future. Not that I don't mind that, Emperor of Solo Play was one such novel and it's an enjoyable read.

I was surprised to see the MC... more>> was already the highest ranked player and his goal is to get the good ending of the game. A new mode is available which is basically super hard mode and the MC doesn't jump right in. He spends time researching and gathering knowledge to be totally prepared and when he does jump in things progress pretty fast. I have no problem with the pacing, no one needs 10-20 chapters worth of tutorial when the MC is already a veteran. After the first 2 chapters, I was already sold and can't wait to read more. <<less
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MonkeDanana rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c16
It's a little annoying. The MC is the number 1 "Guardian of Humanity" player who has played the game countless times but acts like a newbie who doesn't know anthing and only read some information from the wiki. Everytime something happens, MC is always surprised because he doesn't know anything. He got nervous when meeting nobles. He got intimidated when talking to a general. In short, MC's personality is a newbie who just read some wiki, contrary to his background as the "best player in the world".

It also didn't help... more>> that the "Guardians" is basically idiots a**holes. When the special event started (the story began), the MC is five months late compared to other players. The reason MC is five months late is because he was searching for a way to win and he found out when he choose the commoner character instead of the usual Guardian character, all the Guardians will appear in the game, as opposed to choosing one Guardian will make other Guardians disappear. But it turns out that the Guardians are all idiot a**holes. So he will not only have to deal with the Demon Lords, he will have to deal with the Guardians s*upidity. So instead of a way to win, MC basically wasted 5 months to play the game in hard mode. <<less
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Wind Jackal
Wind Jackal rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: c18
I had a great time reading this, too bad the chapters have stopped being posted.

This story was based on an interesting idea. You've probably played strategy games where there was campaign mode and where you could select an avatar to use as your character, that's what the MC is used to doing and he is the the best player at this. However, the new 'Hell Mode' gives you a random unimportant character that you use in the same campaigns the MC is used to, so the MC isn't limited and... more>> constricted by the planned campaign like it is usually is, at the cost of not getting the advantages that the 'avatars' usually get. This was a really cool idea to read and you can see how the MC is taking advantage of this and going off-script from what would usually be done. It's been risky and not everything goes exactly as he plans or expects, but it's been great fun to read.

A shame no more chapters have come out. <<less
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BobtheGob rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: v1c19
Will you respect me more if I add a picture? Don't just skip past the reviews, read 'em! Especially the 5 star ones, especially the fun ones with 627 words like this one, fufufuufuf

I just created this account for the sole purpose of writing a quick and short review in hopes of getting more people interested in this novel. This novel is honestly one of the best I've read and I hope you guys give it a try!

There's not much to say about it other than it is frickin' awesome,... more>> it's got the VRMMO genre and it does feel like a game, but not the usual kind of game. It's more like Dark Souls, in the way that it's both singleplayer and incredibly difficult to survive ^^ especially for our main character who starts of from the bottom but using his game knowledge of previous hours spent in the game he quickly assumes the lead role in the story of the world. When reading it often doesn't feel like it's a game because of how realistic it is, the descriptions of the battlefield and such, it feels more like you're reading about a medieval war of some sorts but it's also got plenty of that VRMMO feel that I know I love, and probably many of you as well.

There's already some romance involved, and likely will be more in the future for those of you that are into that.. (I'm guessing most of you are, who doesn't like a little romance here and there..).

As for my favorite part, and the whole reason why I began reading it in the first place, IT'S GOT NECROMANCY ! I'm a huge fan of necromancy in LNs and videogames, as well as the summoning magic found in many VRMMOs and games in real life, and I've been looking for a good LN with necromancy in it for TOO LONG. I read Seuol Station's Necromancer which is a pretty good one, got a lot of that game feel, but it got a little... boring when I tried to reread it after I stopped reading it a while back since there were no more updates...

Then I found this one, which I've scrolled past a few times before, and just thought "waste of time" since it's only got a few chapters and I'm kind of a hardcore binge reader.... but then I read it since I was just that bored! And now I'm writing this sort of weird review in order to get more people interested in it! Because we need more people reading it! Maybe then the translator will start translating again, or maybe he is still translating (he said he wouldn't but then he put out another chapter so maybe he's working on a second one), just with a release frequency of around a month.. who knows, I just hope people will notice, and that he will notice that way more people have begun reading his translation so maybe he'll continue, which is honestly the one thing I want most right now. I want the translations to continue, and that is the main reason why I'm writing this, and believe me, I wouldn't be spending this much time writing a review about a LN if it wasn't one of the best.


ANYWAY! Thing is, the necromancy stuff is just about to begin! It's just about to get EVEN BETTER!

And that's why I really kind of need you guys to just check it out, do yourselves a favor, and me, I mean, it's kind of a favor for me and the other people who really like this novel but it's even more so one to yourself since you'll probably frickin' love it.

Ho-ho, I guess I'm done here...._. Aighty, go away now have a good day ^^ <<less
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Novelupdatesaccount1 rated it
May 22, 2018
Status: c5
Having read 5 chapters of this I've decided to drop it for a few key reasons;

  1. Korean pacing; Like most Korean novels the sense of pacing in this novel sucks. Our MC has just started out as the weakest of the weak and hardly 4 chapters in he's become OP. The entire opening of the novel was spent setting up the fact that he's going to begin the game at a significant disadvantage - and that's just dealt with instantly so the author can start to jerk off about how amazing the MC is.
  2. Plot armor; The author makes a big deal of how intelligent the MC is, how the MC researches things and plans things out carefully - only to have the MC s*upid decisions instantly and survive through sheer luck alone. [ (Spoilers) The MC gets caught by witches due to his own s*upidity -> survives through luck and gets a huge boost through luck. The MC loses a Super Magic Fruit -> random bag he takes from the witches contains Super Duper Magic Fruit. ]
  3. Boring battles; This is an issue I've found many authors, especially Korean VR novel authors, who like to include army scale battles face, but the first small fights / one big battle we see as of chapter 5-6 are all incredibly boring. This point is hard to describe so just take a look at those chapters yourself.
Ultimately the translation quality is good enough that this story gets pulled up to a 2/5, but the story itself is pretty Meh.
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roriconknight rated it
March 19, 2018
Status: c19
It is a virtual reality game, but it became much more..

Hardly I could describe this gem better. This Korean novel offers virtual reality game as if you are sent to different world. It hardly mentions any gamey stats and leveling yourself with grinding or MC's Power. Rather, the MC starts with the weakest existence ever as a side character that slightly better than your usual villager.

The world is set in a renaissance-like era with demons, magic, religious fight, and gunpowders. This time, the world is plunged in chaos as the... more>> Demons and the Humans fighting for supremacy. Both brawls with pike, guns, and cannons. Magic is not sent into out of the window but it seems rather underexplored in a bid to keep its mystical feeling.

You might find this novel is similar to another one, one that inspired by real world conflict. Hero without Blood and Tear is story closer to Thirty Years War of Protestant Reformation while Dungeon Defense is more of Wendish Crusade in High Middle Ages with stronger magic element.

Our main character is born with pretty weak stats, he need to use wits and diplomacy to gain what he wants. He is calculating, quick, and definitely not your indecisive MC. How far he will fight this utterly realistic VRMMO RPG?

Ps. Don't remove that loli tag, i'll defend it to death! Just like how I protect.


Absess Margherita is a loli!

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Cyphre rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: c23
One of the better novels I started reading, back when it was on skythewood, unfortunately Asian Hobbyist seems to have not only done a poor job, but also dropped it with little explanation (or their explanation is lost somewhere on their terrible site).

I really liked the original idea of this story, where the MC willfully enters a sort of speedrun competition of a popular VRMMO title he is already the very best at in the world. Sadly, the author spends little time on introductory backstory or character development at the... more>> start. Presumably to make the game in question that much more mysterious. It is noted early on when he starts that the world feels more real in some way, which leads us to believe he's actually been transported into the world he was originally playing as a game. As with most 'video game' related novels, there is little effort put into establishing the world or mechanics of the game unfortunately, but I hardly fault that in novels/manga/anime these days.

What makes this novel different from other 'Korean OP MC' titles and the reason I enjoyed it is how the main character interacts with the world around him; utilizing existing knowledge, as an expert of this world, to reach the specific goals he is after. Much like someone would do in other RPG titles in their second playthrough. It probably also helps that the first translator of the series did really well at editing. The fantasy elements all seem original and don't feel like they are full of standard tropes either. <<less
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Mr.Skink rated it
February 21, 2021
Status: c35
I really didn't want to rate this novel a 3 but sadly I decided that I have to because of the glaring problems this story has.

For me, the 2 most glaring problems in this novel are pacing, and explanation, these intertwine with each other.

Pacing: This is wayyyy too fast. Now you may be saying 'but novels with fast pacing don't make it worse', your right but for this novel, it's a problem, I'll explain in the next problem.

... more>> Explanation: This is what made me rate this novel a 3.

(FYI down below talks about when the first big battle starts in the novel)

I don't have a problem with goblins wielding muskets (pretty funny though) I have a problem that we were never told that there are guns in this world.

Ok, the above may sound a bit confusing so I'll try to explain what I'm trying to say.

We are never told anything about this world, the country our MC resides in, what specific terms the author uses, and if this world is related to the real world at all.

And worst of all... WHY DO DEMONS NEED TO BE ERADICATED? Maybe eradicated is the wrong word but he said he needs to kill ALL demon kings. What I'm trying to say is that we NEVER get any information about what happened in the past meaning we don't know why demons should die or why the empire and the demons are at each other's throats, they just are.

Conclusion: I rate this bad because the author pushes us super fast into the story with little to no explanation on what, how, and why things are in this VR world that our MC has spent over 100 years in.

We never get an explanation for anything that happens during the novel.

Also, we never get told why MC will do anything to get the good ending.

Me protecting this novel:

I may have said some negative things about the novel, but besides those 2 problems, everything else is amazing. I saw that people comment said that MC is weak just when he faced these nobels and witches and basically a newbie. My counter-argument: MC said it himself at the beginning of the game that this world feels more real to him and not just a game, also he never been in this position before (meaning he always had power since before this he can start off as a guardian) he had no power at all so basically imagine putting a Duke in a position where he's nothing but a commoner against some nobels, he would definitely be surprised since he's never been in that position before, also guess what? MC doesn't have those problems that you mentioned anymore why? Cause he learns and adapts. <<less
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Dg2 rated it
July 19, 2020
Status: c30
Arc one of the story is good. You have the MC struggling to make changes in the world with good intentions. Afterwards it becomes pointless. The MC starts off as a villager and then in arc 2 he is already a master necromancer with the ability to steal SS rank skills and classes from the strongest human heros. Like wtf was the author thinking? What was the point of the whole build up if you just made the MC into a generic Chinese protag? I thought this was a Korean... more>> novel. Instead we got a MC who knows everything, all the ladies love him and he turns into a calculative jerk to all the male characters. Its annoying and we know little about this VR world he is in. Is this game actually reality or not because rn all we have to go off of is that he can't leave this world. Thats it. Nothing else is known of the world and the author makes up the journey as he goes on. Where details are keep being added out of no where to suit the authors sudden inspirations. I expected a rising to the occasion story however, it turned out to be another novel with a generic OP protag getting what ever he wants through plot relevance. Also, the second translation group who picked this novel up made numerous mistakes in grammar and made the MC seem more of a jerk.

I give this 3.8/5 for the first arc only. <<less
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Sami11 rated it
March 18, 2020
Status: c48
This novel is kinda meh.

One thing that bothered me to no end was the endless sucking of the MC's dick. Like seriously, it gets annoying after only a few chapters.

The first few chapters feel weird in that they are too fast paced. One chapter he is but a but a lowly villager, and a chapter later he becomes a strong adventurer. One chapter he is a strong adventurer/mercenary, a chapter later he becomes a full fledged god among men. Wtf? Perhaps it kinda makes sense. I mean he is the... more>> highest ranked player. So maybe he is doing something like a speedrun. But NO. That is not the case. Most of his newly found abilities come from luck or something he didn't even know about.

Also, the novel just had to introduce a lifeless legal loli character. Of course.

The constant power leveling removes any tense atmosphere the novel might have. Plot armor, plot armor galore!

Tldr: Imo, read this novel only if you're bored. <<less
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pyramidhead rated it
September 28, 2018
Status: --
I skipped over this story several times because it didn't look interesting but that was a big mistake. This is even better than emperor of solo play or Seoul station necromancer and one more proof that Korean webnovels are truly the best out there. Interesting game world/mechanics, too cute Fem Lead, and one of few novels with a necromancer protag.
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Felix rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: c18
Its great.

It’s gritty

And its well based in warfare. Sky’s been kind enough to put links for terminology to those who need it.
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airesten rated it
October 24, 2017
Status: c13
Great series, not too serious, pretty talented protagonist that makes for a good story. Similar to how LMS was, but it is more focused on getting the high score in the game. You get a higher score the more accomplishments you have so the story is about the struggles in battle and how he builds up his strength. Sort of. Its good.
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Hibiki rated it
August 9, 2017
Status: c8
What I liked about this novel is that unlike the usual VR MMORPG novels here, the mc's main purpose is not to become rich from playing, or becoming the top of that game and gain fame and other benefits. Mc's main goal is to finish the game and finds out the true ending of it.

And upon learning that he could only finish the game by playing as a regular weak NPC type character on the game, he researched a lot about it and finally decided to drop his Top Tier... more>> original character and play the game on the superhard mode.

What's good about this novel is that you could feel the immersion just from the story background and add the characters too. The original heroes that they could play in the game is also there ad they have their own characters be it bad or good. So we can't really know if the so called "Hero Characters" are a beneficial or demerit on the whole game world

Hope you guys will also like the novel <<less
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scribbledoutname rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c79
I disagree with one of the reviews; I think (minus a section later in the story) the pacing is pretty solid. I really enjoyed this -- at least, what's out so far. It's a shame that it's been a few years and there hasn't been much progress in terms of translated chapters. Ah well.
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kjpo34 rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: c39
This is a really good light novel. I’ve now read about every single Korean shounen light novel being translated and a bunch of JP ones, and this is definitely worth a read. The MC has a great and actual personality - he is tactical, he is kind, but he is also ruthless and calculating to his enemies. The world and other side characters have their own personalities and there are always pleasant and funny surprises.

only complaint is that the current translation group splits the chapters into 2 and is more... more>> mercenary than the previous group QaQ <<less
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Nedrey rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: c57
A seemingly very good story limited by the quality of translation. I was happy to see it was picked up after the steep quality drop from the first translation group, but now I see I'll have to wait again.
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peanutbutter_J rated it
December 31, 2019
Status: c30
It's quite satisfactory to read this as not so many filler or long winded explanations that were thrown for the sake of spiking up the word count. The MC is not that pushover and knows how to take revenge quietly without waiting for too long. Not snobbish but quite two faced if I can say. He plays his role well but one of the biggest let down is the translation itself.

Im aware that im freeloading some free translation but I can't stop myself from being brain-hurted by the translation since... more>> it's so subpar at best the quality is slightly above MTL but not a quality translation.

But I still appreciate the effort and wish this story could be translated properly. <<less
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TurtleOfRainbow rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: c59
I liked the MC for his ability to use the knowledge he has in creative ways to get what he wants. Fast start but understandable. Isnt a sack of luck, but is still lucky. His first fight sums up his major ability to think fast. Liked it because I theorize about the novels I read. Many things are out of place but help develop the plot in cool ways.
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KA2094 rated it
October 4, 2020
Status: c54

5/5 isnt perfect. I dont expect that. It just means its one of the best.

This is a 1 player game - as in it is only the MC and the speed inside to outside is greatly increased and you do not need to log out. In fact the only reason this story is VR and not a second chance novel is that the mc's knowledge wouldn't make sense (knows the history and general conflicts but not specifics. You will probably relise as you read but its better to read this... more>> as fantasy with game elements)

The start isn't the best I will say with the Main Character being No.1 in the game which name I do not remember and it does not matter. They host an event where you play as a commoner instead of a "guardian" which is what you would normally play as, as the game is difficult. The MC essentially goes "I'm not that much of a masochist" and says no but starts researching about it anyway as he is obsessed with getting the good ending.

So far it is fine but then we see that people are making fun of the MC for being a coward? Well this is fine since when the game starts we don't see much of real life at all. However the biggest reason why I think the beginning is a bit sucky is that the MC supposedly "prepares and researches" about how to play. Which turns out to be 'Go to witch' 'Get potion' '???'. This quickly turns out not to be case and everything after seems to be him responding to everything with past knowledge and making plans whilst in the game and not using anything prepared. The fact he uses months to do so just confuses me.

That out of the way the actual story is great. It is weird the setting is Germany. Just Germany. German figures. German places. At one point there is a general who is said to have combated "many demons" but is a general who in real life combated.... protestants? Are demons just protestants? Is that why humans and demons don't really go against each other?

If not obvious the world setting is quite poorly explained other than "There is only one guardian which is what the player picks and you play through their life often guided by their tragedies and stuff (important) and use their unique skills". Which the event changes to "All 5 guardians are present and you play as a commoner called... something Valler". Then again this the bear minimum the novel needed to make sense and probably why it was all that was explain. But this is my opinion and it would of been nice...



As the MC plans he robs his horrible uncle and escapes heading to the forest of the witches. Obviously stuff doesn't go as expected for our currently weak boy and he demonstrates his quick thinking and moves on whilst getting a good class. And becoming... not weak.


I should probably not put titles of the events:



The MC becomes a mercenary who eventually participates in the war on the side of one of the guardians (This is part of the mc's very short prepared plan). He once against displays why he is kinda cool with a bit of bullsh*t luck and is called to meet the "prince" (I believe its more like a judge but with the status of a prince in their area- but they are just called princes... this isnt important.) He makes useful contacts.




The MC tests the guardian relising that he may be incompetent which makes sense as if there were 5 powerhouses in the world there would need to be a check. Would you know it the guardian fails more than expected and uses the first heroine as bait. MC uses cannon and kills a demon and gets loot.

MC wishes to use the first heroine's (Walpurgis) contacts with the church to get op second life item. What you know it the head of the church is under an unknown curse but of course out MC knows what it is.

MC "cures" (takes on) the curse whilst using a combination of the op second life item (rip) and exploiting that a players soul cannot be taken gaining the op necromancer class "without blood and tearS". WAIT NO. "without blood and TEAR". This..... makes me mad.



Honestly nothing that important but making an informational base and making contacts with an intelligence based demon king.

Joking... he kills the incompetent iron prince guardian and finds out that he is still the "player" and so his character has an op skill of "harvesting" (Valler means harvest) the guardians skills. He also keeps the body to use later.

From this we know that the guardians in this event protect a seal. 1/5 gone? Foreshadowing? Quite clever if it is as you can see the conflict brewing.



Dragon and demon king:

MC knows that the dragon is meant to die "of old age" and goes to kill it. Turns out there are still 500 years to go. Which makes the MC relise that it was assassination and makes a deal with the dragon with the aim of making an undead kingdom with the strategically advantageous mountain as a base because the MC has been scamming so far and that wont change.

Turns out the assassination was sooner than thought and demon king is here.... and he scammed him into holding a party for a peace treaty and revealed to his adopted daughter that he killed her father who had an op skill to try and get it for himself. (Although he thinks the MC killed her already).

MC reveals the truth at party, demon mad, demon dies, MC got another op class!

The MC is actually not that strong compared to the strongest and has been deceiving people mostly but even the dragon is scared of his growth so an "OP protagonist tag might be coming.... soon?"


And thats it to chapter 54.... Idk if I will even update this... <<less
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