Heartthrob Perfume


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Yossi got a magical perfume that could make anyone fall in love with her. She originally just wanted to make her childhood sweetheart regret his mistake, but she didn’t expect it to cause so much trouble! The playboy turned over a new leaf, the national idol fell in love for the first time, the iceberg easily fell …

Yossi was confused in the wind: Who can tell me how to make this group of people go back to normal?!

Prince Bo was not in a good mood recently. After a small employee under him made him fall for her, she actually resigned and disappeared! In fact, she cried and said “I love you” to him that night … After finding Yossi, he found out that she had become the exclusive girlfriend of a popular superstar! The prince was completely furious. Then what was the point of worrying about her all this time?!

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