Gu Shan


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A strange disease suddenly appeared in a remote mountain village.

Shangyang Village New Year’s Eve village banquet, the daughter-in-law of the Guo family, Ah Shui, suddenly went crazy and took three lives in a row.

In the same year, many men in the village contracted a strange disease, and their abdomens grew as big as drums, just like women who were pregnant. In recent years, Shangyang Village has been sparsely populated, and there are only a few fertile women. People have rumored that Shangyang Village is now like the country of daughters, and even men can have children.
This legend is getting more and more evil, and now it has turned into a strange story. It is said that at night, a woman with long hair like a waterfall stands at the entrance of Shangyang Village, holding a bowl of water in her hand…..

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June 17, 2024
Status: --
Ok i've read the raws up to finish or maybe not because I wasnt able to find the sequel unfortunately. So I gotta give it a low rating there because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPEN NEXT.

Well anyway here is my review, the story is very easy to read even with mtl. And I find this story to be very unique cuz it's like one of those story about a criminal case and not like a long term one. So I was easily hooked, as I read I find myself... more>> captived by the MC behavior it was so sus. But I was happy the MC is not a damsel in distress but a complete badass and psychopath. Even the execution the MC did made my body shivers, it was so hardcore. Although he sound very maniac, he is very kind to those he cherish.

About the ml, I find him very pitiful but im happy he is very kind and want to help the MC. Then the MC become his light and both of them protect each other, it was a bit tragic and I cried because the ending felt gloomy. But worry not! The author said that both of them is alright and its happy ending in sequel (?)

So finally about the story, I thought it would be some kind of supernatural horror type but I was so wrong. It was actually the human crime type of horror. The author said in the ending that this story was inspired by a case they saw in news about many woman getting kidnapped and sold to rural place to become wife where they cant easily find help. I cried while reading this because the author did a good job telling the pain the females going through.

In the end I was left speechless because I felt that it was not enough because I want to know the aftermath 😭but anyway, its a good story that squished my heart and playing with it till I was left breathless <<less
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