Ginban Kaleidoscope


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The story revolves around Tazusa Sakurano, a Japanese Olympic figure skating candidate, and Pete Pumps, a Canadian stunt pilot. During a qualifying round in Montreal, Canada, Tazusa falls in the middle of a Triple Lutz and loses consciousness. At the same time, Pete dies mid-performance when his stunt plane crashes due to mechanical trouble. Unfortunately for Tazusa, Pete ends up involuntarily inhabiting her body for 100 days.

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Kaleidoscope of the Ice Surface
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Date Group Release
01/19/10 Baka-Tsuki v1c2
07/13/09 Baka-Tsuki v1 illustrations
07/08/09 Baka-Tsuki v1c1
07/08/09 Baka-Tsuki v1 prologue
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Cilia rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: --
TWT please just please I wanna read the rest of this novel! I know that this will end with me in tears but the anime had just to end like that I want more! The ending was greatly heartbreaking in the anime but even the manga isn't completely translated! And the novel seems on neverending translation hiatus! That's sad! This is a great story you know I really want to read more of it T-T

and no not cause I want to break my heart but because I really loved the... more>> anime and really wanted more but the only available ending (anime's) left me hanging TAT <<less
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