Genjitsu de Rabukome Dekinai to Dare ga Kimeta?


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A supreme utopia (romcom) created using data!

“I want to have a romcom-like experience.”

Haven’t all romcom lovers who enjoy light novels thought this before? Being all lovey-dovey with the heroine, and leading a fulfilling high school life with the best of friends. However, there’s no way something that exciting could happen in reality. I have no younger step-sister, no childhood friend, no classmate who’s an idol, no mysterious senpai, and not even a male best friend character. That being the case, what can I do? Obviously, I have to put it together myself! For a romantic comedy, you need both data analysis and constant practice! As well as…

Note: Winner of the 14th Shogakukan Light Novel Award for Excellence.

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Who Decided That I Can’t Do Romantic Comedy in Reality?
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/31/24 Ninja Cross Translation v3 pre-prologue
12/31/24 Ninja Cross Translation v3c???
12/27/24 Ninja Cross Translation v3 illustrations
12/07/24 Story Seedling v2c5 part6
10/06/24 Story Seedling v2c5 part5
06/15/24 Story Seedling v2c5 part4
06/02/24 edref v3
06/01/24 edref v2 continuation
04/20/24 Story Seedling v2c5 part3
01/20/24 Story Seedling v2c5 part1
12/16/23 Story Seedling v2c4 part3
12/02/23 Story Seedling v2c4 part2
10/22/23 Travis Translations v2c3 part6
10/11/23 Travis Translations v2c3 part5
09/17/23 Travis Translations v2c3 part4
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16 Reviews

Feb 07, 2022
Status: v2c2 part1
I don't know, I was hyped but lately I lost interest. At the beginning MC&FMC interactions were funny and well executed, premise was interesting. But lately I think author went the wrong way focusing too much on this whole planing idea instead of on characters and is sooo boring.

Maybe slow update rate is partly to blame, I will check in a year and read second vol at once.
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Aug 06, 2021
Status: v1 backstage 2
Definitely the best LN I've read so far. Both of the MCs are actually likable characters and even the supporting cast is well written. Every time a new chapter releases, I put everything else I'm doing on hold so I can fully enjoy it. And the most important part, the translation, is very well done and the passion the TL team put into it can be sensed. This is the easiest 5 star I have ever given in my life.
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Oct 09, 2020
Status: v1c1
Well I think this one is very good. If you are a romcom lover you Will like this one. I like how the protagonist make reference about another romcom protagonist.
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Jun 14, 2024
Status: v2 backstage 2
I am just now rereading since somebody finally picked this up again that's translations aren't really rough. Seriously, whoever this edref guy/girl is, I will literally donate for you to do the rest of the volumes and maybe even do the rest of v2 over again because the changes in teams resulted in some rough translations for most of the volume.
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Nov 12, 2020
Status: v1c1p4
Arghh! Why isn't a single volume out yet? I get the vibes same as Jaku-Chara and Chitose from this one, so I'm 100% sure that this would be another hit on the RomCom Genre. Just the 4 parts of introduction alone was already quite good, so what else is there to expect of? Seriously, why is the best novels of this genre having a slow overall release?
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Sep 21, 2022
Status: v2 backstage 2
Really love this series so far. You can't go into this series expecting anything realistic or serious but I really enjoy the dynamic between MC and fMC and so far all the scenarios he sets up and executes. Only issue is translation speed. There are 6 volumes and we've been stuck on volume 2 forever.
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Sep 23, 2021
Status: v2 prologue part3
One of the most interesting romance novels that I have ever read. I can't wait to read and see what's about to happen. This is well-written and the translation is pretty good too.
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Jun 13, 2021
Status: v1c4
One of the most refreshing takes on the romcom genre I've seen in a while. The protagonist is resourceful and intellectual, the female lead has more than one character trait, and the rest of the cast have character profiles tinged with mystery. This is setting itself up to be a possible top-tier story. The translations are excellent, not to mention those incredible illustrations, my god.

4 stars because I don't give out fives until a story's potential is realized.
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Sep 19, 2023
Status: volume 2
I find this light novel a refreshing approach from common romcoms, it has a unique proposition with highly likeable characters. Yes, the MC is completely nuts and probably should go to jail but that's what makes the series unique and fun.
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Oct 06, 2021
Status: v2 prologue part4
Novel felt iffy for me at the start from the premise. But it really grabbed my attention later. Don't worry, the protag only mostly internet stalks to get his information. Otherwise, its executed better than other novels that I have read where they had strong premise but no soul behind it. Some confusing parts to read in the tl, but can just read the comments to understand. Hope itcan keep getting translated. :D
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Aug 16, 2021
Status: --
A good romcom with different references. I love the concept here and how the MC executes his plans just for the romcom skits. But sadly the translation is just suddenly gone. The translator deleted his site. I still didn't catched up yet. Just why??
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Jun 25, 2022
Status: v2c2 part4
The time I have spent reading this LN made me draw parallels with another well-known LN; Oregairu. (So if you don't know about Oregairu, this review might come off as gibberish to you.) I came up with this conclusion because of how analytical the MC here is and how he is accompanied by another intelligent person, both drawing similarities to the relation of Hikigaya towards Yukino and vice-versa, adding to that claim would be the MC's banter with Uenohara. But the difference stops there since where the MC here... more>> is analytical, methodical, and always planning, he's downright terrible at discerning one's true motives/emotions (although he is being supplemented by Uenohara.) Whereas Hikigaya is an emotional savant because of course he is, after being subjected to bullying because he misunderstood kindness for affection.

The other thing that I'm hoping for this LN is that the author gives a good justification for the behavior of the gyaru girl. If she were just being confrontational and aggressive for the sake of starting a commotion instead of having a good reason that would make her character a complete waste since she would come off as petty and petulant. Besides given good motives and fleshing out her personality, you can turn a hateable character like that into someone people can actually come to like. (Don't mind this paragraph rant because I actually have a thing for blonde gyarus. Damnit Kitagawa Marin!) <<less
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Jun 06, 2021
Status: v1c3.5
As other reviewers said before, the setting of this story isn't for everyone. However, it is well-executed and clearly is above most JP romcoms. Only problem I have with it is the painfully slow and inconsistent release, but it's a pretty common issue with higher quality novels.
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May 18, 2021
Status: --
Though the setting is not to my taste, this is clearly well written and well translated and is a cut above the average stuff found here at NU.
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Apr 14, 2021
Status: v1c2 part3
I believe this has the potential to be really popular when more is translated. MC frequently makes references to other romcom LNs that are quite funny. Uenohara obviously best girl so far but im excited to find out more about the other characters as more is translated.
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Dec 29, 2021
Status: v1
Alright maybe this my bias butni rly hate this MC already. Hes tryna be funny with his monologues but its jusbso cringey. At least the heroines are realistic and not delusional likenhim. This dude thinks hes so funny tryna break the 4th wall with his monologue. Is all romcom genre like this? I already hate the premise already from the title. With this dude I dont know if charcter development is possible since hes so deluded. He keep referencing other rom novels' protagonist. Stop that you are embarrasing yoursrlf foooock... more>> this dude is insufferable <<less
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