Game Maker 1975


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In the bustling year of 2023, Ethan’s life took an unforeseen turn when an unexpected incident catapulted him back to the United States in the 1970s. It was a time when the landscape of game development was still in its infancy, with early pioneers laying the groundwork for the future of the industry. Undeterred, Ethan courageously chose to carve his own legend using games.

Video Games, Arcades, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and fierce business battles.

Associated Names
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Reborn in America, this is my era.
Related Series
Game Market 1983 (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Went back into the 50's-60's-70's-80's-90's

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/03/24 Game Maker c61
03/02/24 Game Maker c60
02/29/24 Game Maker c59
02/29/24 Game Maker c58
02/28/24 Game Maker c57
02/27/24 Game Maker c56
02/26/24 Game Maker c55
02/25/24 Game Maker c54
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02/22/24 Game Maker c52
02/21/24 Game Maker c51
02/19/24 Game Maker c50
02/19/24 Game Maker c49
02/18/24 Game Maker c48
02/17/24 Game Maker c47
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Zeikfried rated it
April 23, 2024
Status: c60
As you might expect, there's not a lot of games in the 1970s, and so the novel is extremely long-winded. If you're more interested in games, then 1983 is more your jam, despite the Korean protagonist being a Gary-Stu and the abridged writing.

This novel has the opposite problem. It goes a more in depth in the technological aspects, legal patents, commercial delivery and business models, profit margins, etc. Here's the thing. I didn't read this story for that. I have a hard time believing grown men would enjoy playing a... more>> beta version of 'Snake.' And for 60 chapters that's the only game that's released. I feel like I'd have a better time watching an actual documentary instead since the fantastical elements of this genre is so muted.

That said, if you're here for just 1970s technology and not games, then you might like this more. <<less
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