Feng Mang


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Han Dong works as an extra as well as a fortuneteller who foretells marriage fortunes extremely accurately. One day, he accidentally foretells his own fortune and discovers that he and a Mr. Golden will become “a match predestined by fate”. As a straight man, he doesn’t hesitate to ruin his image in front of Mr. Golden — acting as a fool, a despicable man, making himself as annoying as possible because he is afraid that the other man will take a liking to him.

Did you think that this golden man would fall for him? You’re wrong.

Han Dong tosses from side to side but unexpectedly becomes tempted, he begins to use thousand ways, a hundred plans in order to rescue the situation. As a result of his acting skills before, his foolish image already entered deeply into the man’s heart……

Note: Thousand ways, a hundred plans = by every possible means)

Associated Names
One entry per line
Phong Mang
The Edge
The Talent
Related Series
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Kill the Lights (2)
Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My treasures
  2. Interesting plot
  3. Ongoing Translations Part 4
  4. Reading List 001
  5. Novelas web

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28 Reviews sorted by

earlgreyt rated it
January 31, 2019
Status: Completed
PSA: The finished translation by Joell55 varies from 40-60% accuracy. Sometimes it's better than Google MTL but sometimes it's actually worse. So about half of what you're reading is not what the author wrote or intended.

I am absolutely not here to bash the new translation group or give them trouble. The translator should be appreciated for their efforts to edit the MTL. I just like this novel so much, I really wanted to clarify on the story's behalf since not everyone can read the original.

Novel review (from reading the raws) :

Such a good novel! Really well written and absolutely comedic. I found myself laughing aloud almost every chapter! The MC and ML are both extremely fun and interesting to read. It's a refreshingly different premise where the MC, while being intelligent and skillful, pretends to be an idiot with many bad habits in order to turn off the ML. But then he finds himself regretting it after he falls for the ML... many hilarious dialogue and antics ensue. The side characters are great foils for the MC as well.

I fully appreciate the MC not acting like a wilting flower and also taking his own initiative quite frequently. He definitely frustrates the hell out of the ML which is why this is so entertaining. It's not all comedy however, the MC does have a sensitive and vulnerable side. And it becomes pretty obvious that he cares a lot and is actually very big-hearted inside.

One of the things I really enjoyed was the way the author described the movies and plot.

The horror movie scripts were so good! Super well-written, to the point where I wish they were real movies. The layers reminded me of Inception a bit. All were so good, each consecutively knocked the previous one out of the water, which made the author's ability more impressive. Loved how everything linked together in the end too.


I love this book a lot but there are a couple issues...


We have typical CN treatment of force/r*pe etc. Felt bad for Yu Ming a lot in the beginning.

Next, everyone is gay for Han Dong. It's done for the humor and I didn't mind too much but, some people might not like it.

Also there are literally NO good female characters? The only one who doesn't get killed off/jailed is Han Dong's assistant, who is the constant bu*t of jokes because she is apparently unbearably ugly... yep.

Meanwhile, we have shitty dudes like Cai Peng who ended up well off and even more rich and famous, or Li Shang who despite being 'the Main Villain' got redeemed in the end because he rescued Han Dong. Don't get me wrong, main villain getting redeemed is awesome. It's just miles of difference between that and the novel's treatment of the women.

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Shadaeron rated it
August 25, 2019
Status: c65
The story is quite interesting but the translation just ruins it for me. There are too many confusing parts where you just can't understand what's going on. I'm pretty sure I would like it if it was properly translated, but right now I just can't.
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CRY_ rated it
April 21, 2019
Status: c3
Premise of the novel sounded interesting but the translation was a bit too rough for me to read. I managed to get to CH 3 but by then it was too hard for me to focus on the actual story plot and instead, my focus was more on editing the grammar and sentences in my head.

If you guys don't mind rough translations, you may be able to enjoy this.
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Mayday_07 rated it
December 2, 2017
Status: c37
This novel is hillarious, one of awesome novels by Chai Jidan. Intrigueing plot and easy going dialogues. I don't understand why there's no review about it yet. I am curious and waiting in excitement for every updates. I can't say more, but I recommend it to everyone. It's so much fun reading it. Thanks for the translators for bring this to me *international reader* keep the good work.
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Narutolvr rated it
May 10, 2018
Status: Completed
I don't know why I keep forgetting to rate this novel because it's absolutely fantastic. First off, it's downright hilarious. The MC is a ridiculous person in every sense of the word, and his interactions with the ML (who hates everything the MC stands for but can't help but be attracted to him) will leave you in tears. The plot is also very interesting- at least it's got its own unique flair even when matched against the dozens of other danmei novels/stories of the Actor/CEO combo. The author manages to... more>> craft the story really well; even during the "lulls" where you pretty much know what will happen, you still very much want to read it.

For me, this story is basically divided into 2 major arcs: the 1st goes from chapter 1 until the first big climax that results in

Wang Zhong Ding taking over as CEO rather than director or director rather than CEO (whichever one is higher).

The 2nd arc takes off from there and has a much less dramatic tone than the 1st, and also a bit less comedy. Tbh, they're not really "necessary" as things between the main characters seems to be solidly established by the end of arc 1, but it's still nice to watch the MCs interacting with each other and the other characters. It's sort of like reading 100 extra chapters after the novel ends- far from necessary, but gives you a nice wrap-up so you're not left imagining too much on your own.

Honestly, though, I have to say again that this story is crazy funny. Like laugh out loud funny. Like eye wateringly funny. I read the first 40 chapters during a slow day at work and had to leave my cube to go somewhere I could laugh on more than one occasion. Even when re-reading, I still teared up. It's a really good read, absolutely 5/5. <<less
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binkspinx rated it
June 15, 2019
Status: Completed
Can't really give a final judgement for the actual story because the translation is almost like mtl (still a bit better than mtl tho). I see great potential for the comedic relief but it's usually not laid out well. Fortunately, some parts are simple and easy to understand so the reader can still have a grasp of the story flow but I'm pretty sure a lot was lost in translations. It's a pity. I wish some other translation group release a better version.

Still giving 4 stars for the translator's effort.
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PiCrazy31415 rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: Completed
An addictive story. It might also be because I had to MTL almost 300 chapters, but the MC is absolutely hilarious and ridiculous, which gives a frantically humorous atmosphere to the entire story. Especially after learning about his past, his optimism and cheerfulness is just a gift to us all.

Again, the MC's crazy antics are never-ending, and honestly his fortune-telling and superstition (which I have never believed in) made me start believing a little bit. Of course, there's still some drama involved, especially with his most prominent feature of sleepwalking... more>> and sleeptalking, an OP phenomenon that is explained much later in the story. Despite his outwardly crazy and ridiculous actions, the MC is truly perceptive and sincere at heart, and can sometimes show a really emotional and vulnerable side of himself when he doesn't know of it himself. The MC and ML interactions are adorable, and the romance builds quite slowly but satisfyingly. Especially hilarious was the juxtaposition in the first few chapters of the MC's qualities and the qualities that the ML hates the most. The ML is quite serious, protective, and possessive of the MC, but never to a disturbing extent. The same cannot be said of some of the MC's many other admirers, a couple of whom can get pretty crazy and obsessive about the MC's beautiful looks (lower body cough cough).

The MTL for this story was especially difficult, or rather half of it made perfect sense (for a somewhat veteran MTL reader, by necessity) and half of it made my brain hurt. Sadly the translation is quite slow, so MTL was the only solution for me to finish reading about the adorable couple. Will be checking out other works by this author. Would recommend if you aren't wary of reading the raws! <<less
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puffiness123 rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c54
It's hilarious. At first, I didn't want to read this story since I didn't like the image representing the novel. I'm so glad I tried it. It's so funny. Can't stop laughing.
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May 24, 2018
Status: c1
So hard to read this novel at the polarbear site in mobile TvT..

Takes 10mins or so to load.. sometimes it freezes... I hope theres another place I could read this from. I reallyliked the summary but I couldnt get past chap 1 in the translator's site. It really tests my patience. Thank you polar tho for translating and goodluck on your exams. (Ill try if it works on laptop. XD this novel is a must read!!)
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November 20, 2021
Status: c1
I really wanted to read this as I lovvved advance bravely of the same author. And I have read almost all the other books of her as well. But the translation just put me off. I know the story must be very good, but the translation was not up to standards so I had to give up.


just saw there’s a new translator. Maybe I’ll give them a try and update this later if they are doing a better job.
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infiniteLyRae rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: --
I really like this story. I even finished reading this is MTL, that's how much I enjoyed the story. Is no one picking-up the translation? I would really like to read a properly translated Feng Mang 😭
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sasauchi rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: Completed
I have read this danmei novel in my country's language and I reaaaally recommend this one. It was fun to read and the ending was satisfying enough for me. Please give it a try and don't judge it from the cover. It is really cute.
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Danielle Lockser
Danielle Lockser rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: --
I love the premise, and the characters, I died laughing at Han dong's antics. How I wish it was fully and properly translated. Since it was unfortunately not I had to go through reading the only finished English translated version on Wattpad. It was understandable, you can get the gist at least.. but there were so many grammatical errors, my brain was mushed... I would definitely read it again once a proper translation has been done. Gotta say Leg supremacy is leading in this novel. 😝👯

All of Chai Jidan's... more>> novels are hilarious, and well written, what talent! I love Addicted, Counter Attack and Feng Mang, *chefs kiss* Advance bravely could have been better though. <<less
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BLfanaticc rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: --
♡ ԅ (≖◡≖ԅ)

I found MC and ML adorable when with each other. The comedy was also something I absolutely lived for.
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Adrichill rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: c200
7/10 (I like the characters, all the funny parts, but after 120 chapters, also in my second read, actually I stared to lose interest because nothing could keep me captivate, it was staring to get monotone of ~if I stop reading is alright I didn't lose something important~ kind of feeling, so for that I can't give it a bigger score.)
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IvaAres rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: --
It started off good and all but got boring real soon. I ended up giving up on this novel halfway through...
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jedden12 rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: Completed

Really liked this novel. Loved our MC Han Dong and our lovely ML Mr. Wang, they're great together. I recommend reading this, it's so funny and I love the main couple and they're so cute together. Han Dong is a total nutcase, really loveable.

The novel is great but my only problem with it that it feels like some things are missing. There was too much focus put, by the author, on the love rivals for Wang, I feel like the author could have written more to add to the plot,... more>> for example Han Dong, the MC, never meets the ML's family formally, I feel like that was important.

A great read despite issues with translation, the novel is great. I will really miss the couple and their little son. <<less
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enaillig rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: c303
Title is Misleading. If anyone is curious, Feng Mang is the title of the Movie the MC starred in. Lo and behold, the movie started filming halfway through the story, and the movie was released not on the 300 chapters, but on the Extras! Extras! I've read 300 chapters of "Feng Mang" and the supposed film which is the title and supposedly where the main story revolves, seems not important enough it's not even part of the main chapters but has to be included in the extra? There are people... more>> who doesn't read extra chapters at all. Goodness.

Story was hilarious up to 70+ chapters, the story of Stealing Shadows 1 is hella interesting, but apart from that, EVERYTHING is just REDUNDANT with the slapstick comedy and the consistent LQ of the main couple! (There's no character development to any of the characters at all, including the mains)

do you disagree? Everytime Han Dong and WZD gets into an argument, even if WZD knows it's just a misunderstanding, it always end up with the sleepwalking HD taking the initiative to say sorry to WZD. To be fair, WZD "changed" on the last 10 chapters or so after finding out the truth of HD's past. But that's after 200+ chapters, I supposed not everyone has the same patience!


There's a bunch of side couples I particularly don't care about (they are just annoying asf), and after probably getting tired of the side couples quest, suddenly the author decides to throw in a whole HAREM. New characters—which, again, I don't care about—keeps parachuting on and off. I did not signed up for this!

TBH, I only stuck through the story because I had faith with the author, it's the same author from 'ADDICTED', but apparently the author really has a knack for far-fetched things, the story also doesn't seem as well thought out, seems like they just decided to throw a bunch of things together as times goes by. ADDICTED is a much better read, plot is more concise and consistent, although unrealistic and overdramatic at times, but still more appealing. Overall, it's an average read, not something I'd recommend for a 300 chapters! <<less
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Keikey rated it
February 19, 2022
Status: --
Reading until c57... Hilarious! The MC is a second character from advance bravely. He has no bottom line and don't know who did the sypnosis, but unfortunately it's notacurate. The MC doesn't change himself to become someone with all features hated by ML because he's already the embodiment of the most detestable persona
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curryninja rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: c238
I read the raws: Yes the premise is fun and all. It was funny and weird in the beginning but it's just disappointing after 60% or so. Too many rivals show up and ML is already with the MC. Why is he so overbearing/jealous? MC literally tells him everything in his sleep. The MC has to be the one who begs and take initiative first. The ML doesn't act mature anymore (he never did) and more like a lovesick little child. Jealous 24/7. Seeking for dominance/too controlling and everything has... more>> to go his way. I don't understand. He knows his problem but doesn't communicate. The author seems to hate women or something. They r either villains or ugly/delusional in here. And she would use the same phrase that points out how "manly" the MC is like ??? What's the point? N how MC is so wild and seductive that no women can compare?? Everyone loves the MC yay. Every women hates him every men loves him. I don't like how the ML just jumped onto MC and started their "relationship" he can't even confess. Blah but besides that I do like the MC and the only reason I started this was cuz he's very fun and wild. The plot is ok, the horror dramas in it were good, more of that please. Funny in the beginning mostly when they haven't met/fallen in love. The main villain is the guy who stabbed MC in the back (framing him/instigating pouring dirt on him) even tho MC helped him.. He is a good foil but I just don't understand why he's so extreme.. So unlikeable.. Always doing something behind mc's back. He gonna catch these hands. <<less
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